When you become a God, will you use evil the way God does?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
When you become a God, will you use evil the way God does?

Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

I don’t know your view of evil or how you explain it but much of scriptures say that at some future in heaven, we will become as God and to me that would mean that we all inherit a new earth. Anything less would be less than what Satan has been given. Dominion over the earth. God would hardly give man less. I assume here that like humans, God would want his children to reach his level of thought and responsibilities and then some. God would then become God of Gods.

Believers, should have no problem imagining the scenario above and should be able to show why they would allow evil to exist on their own make believe world.

No definitive conclusion has ever been presented and accepted by any majority as to why God created and uses evil. To evolutionary theists, it must exist to further the survival of the fittest and what keeps man evolving. Without it we would face a greater evil. Extinction.

To some theists, it is to test us and weed out the unworthy or less fit. Yet many theists not believe in evolution even as God weeds out the less fit. Causing heavenly evolution, so to speak.

As a Gnostic Christian, I have no problem reconciling evil with reality. To me, within evolution, evil is good. Somewhat the way a God would think. I would not get rid of it as I see it’s ultimate requirement and in that sense, evil is good as it serves the greater good. Evolution. Theistic evolutionists agree.

Free will is not a valid argument if we must do evil to survive. Evolution demands both evil/competition and good/cooperation.

Would you allow evil to exist on your fictitious world, like God or nature does here in our real world?

If yes, why would you keep and use evil?

If no, how would your world work if you did somehow get rid of evil?


When you become a God, will you use evil the way God does?

Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

I don’t know your view of evil or how you explain it but much of scriptures say that at some future in heaven, we will become as God and to me that would mean that we all inherit a new earth. Anything less would be less than what Satan has been given. Dominion over the earth.

Your cited verse does not support your assumption, and Mormonism, which is the only significant sect of Christianity that does, is not representative of the majority of that religion. So now your usual focus on a Christian audience has become even smaller.

Free will is not a valid argument if we must do evil to survive. Evolution demands both evil/competition and good/cooperation.

Would you allow evil to exist on your fictitious world, like God or nature does here in our real world?

You have redefined "evil" to suit your argument. Evolution includes environmental factors that cannot be implied to posses any intent, no matter how ridiculously far you stretch the meaning of "evil". So survival is not necessarily evil.

But yes, evil, as you define it or not, must exist. Evil is relative. This means that removing one thing considered evil would necessitate defining something else as evil (much as you seem to have already done). By comparison, anything less than orgasmic ecstasy would eventually be evil. Hence, all becomes extremely homogeneous, which leads in the direction of nothing but a god, with not other existence possible.
When you become a God, will you use evil the way God does?

Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

I don’t know your view of evil or how you explain it but much of scriptures say that at some future in heaven, we will become as God and to me that would mean that we all inherit a new earth. Anything less would be less than what Satan has been given. Dominion over the earth. God would hardly give man less. I assume here that like humans, God would want his children to reach his level of thought and responsibilities and then some. God would then become God of Gods.

Believers, should have no problem imagining the scenario above and should be able to show why they would allow evil to exist on their own make believe world.

No definitive conclusion has ever been presented and accepted by any majority as to why God created and uses evil. To evolutionary theists, it must exist to further the survival of the fittest and what keeps man evolving. Without it we would face a greater evil. Extinction.

To some theists, it is to test us and weed out the unworthy or less fit. Yet many theists not believe in evolution even as God weeds out the less fit. Causing heavenly evolution, so to speak.

As a Gnostic Christian, I have no problem reconciling evil with reality. To me, within evolution, evil is good. Somewhat the way a God would think. I would not get rid of it as I see it’s ultimate requirement and in that sense, evil is good as it serves the greater good. Evolution. Theistic evolutionists agree.

Free will is not a valid argument if we must do evil to survive. Evolution demands both evil/competition and good/cooperation.

Would you allow evil to exist on your fictitious world, like God or nature does here in our real world?

If yes, why would you keep and use evil?

If no, how would your world work if you did somehow get rid of evil?



Can you describe what is evil ?
Your cited verse does not support your assumption, and Mormonism, which is the only significant sect of Christianity that does, is not representative of the majority of that religion. So now your usual focus on a Christian audience has become even smaller.

You have redefined "evil" to suit your argument. Evolution includes environmental factors that cannot be implied to posses any intent, no matter how ridiculously far you stretch the meaning of "evil". So survival is not necessarily evil.

But yes, evil, as you define it or not, must exist. Evil is relative. This means that removing one thing considered evil would necessitate defining something else as evil (much as you seem to have already done). By comparison, anything less than orgasmic ecstasy would eventually be evil. Hence, all becomes extremely homogeneous, which leads in the direction of nothing but a god, with not other existence possible.

Survival is not evil at all. It has what creates evil to the loser when we compete, but it must be seen as a necessary evil.

We are fairly homogenous but still have a fittest at the top of our demography and the weakest at the bottom who will die out.

Seems we are close to an agreement here. I was not aware that the Mormons had a theology that matched my premise.

For here, what does not promote survival of the individual in the case of evolution.

Other than that, it is too subjective. Think S & M.


"Promote of individual survival ". Have we not evolved ?

If you can not describe the meaning of evil , then your post does not have any meaning
For here, what does not promote survival of the individual in the case of evolution.
Wouldn't survival of the species be more important than survival of the individual? After all, many of the things we consider evil - e.g. murder - promote the survival of the individual over the group.
When you become a God, will you use evil the way God does?

Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

I don’t know your view of evil or how you explain it but much of scriptures say that at some future in heaven, we will become as God and to me that would mean that we all inherit a new earth. Anything less would be less than what Satan has been given. Dominion over the earth. God would hardly give man less. I assume here that like humans, God would want his children to reach his level of thought and responsibilities and then some. God would then become God of Gods.

Believers, should have no problem imagining the scenario above and should be able to show why they would allow evil to exist on their own make believe world.

No definitive conclusion has ever been presented and accepted by any majority as to why God created and uses evil. To evolutionary theists, it must exist to further the survival of the fittest and what keeps man evolving. Without it we would face a greater evil. Extinction.

To some theists, it is to test us and weed out the unworthy or less fit. Yet many theists not believe in evolution even as God weeds out the less fit. Causing heavenly evolution, so to speak.

As a Gnostic Christian, I have no problem reconciling evil with reality. To me, within evolution, evil is good. Somewhat the way a God would think. I would not get rid of it as I see it’s ultimate requirement and in that sense, evil is good as it serves the greater good. Evolution. Theistic evolutionists agree.

Free will is not a valid argument if we must do evil to survive. Evolution demands both evil/competition and good/cooperation.

Would you allow evil to exist on your fictitious world, like God or nature does here in our real world?

If yes, why would you keep and use evil?

If no, how would your world work if you did somehow get rid of evil?



can you describe you we become god?
Party, party, party.

But what will you do with evil?
Or will your kingdom not evolve?


Smart animals can be modest, kind and amusing in mundane circumstances, while working and evolving, dandling babies, greeting their friends, being aware of blue skies and green fields, etc.
Life is neither evil nor complicated. Co-operation can be fostered and competition channeled into non-destructive games. There is no need for religious dogma, for threats of hellfire and demands for self-denial; only common sense and common decency. That's all i demand of my subjects.
"Promote of individual survival ". Have we not evolved ?

If you can not describe the meaning of evil , then your post does not have any meaning

We are evolving as we speak. It is a never ending process.

As to evil, check your dictionary. I will not re-write the English language.

Wouldn't survival of the species be more important than survival of the individual? After all, many of the things we consider evil - e.g. murder - promote the survival of the individual over the group.

Can a species survive if it's members do not?
No it cannot.
It is the individuals then that are the first priority. His next responsibility goes to the group.
A baby must survive and grow before it can help it's species survive.

can you describe you we become god?

I see it as a logical conclusion to what any God would want for his children just as humans want their children to become more than what the parent is.

I could speculate on the training and learning to be wise but I have no particular details for you.

Or do you want less for your children?

Smart animals can be modest, kind and amusing in mundane circumstances, while working and evolving, dandling babies, greeting their friends, being aware of blue skies and green fields, etc.
Life is neither evil nor complicated. Co-operation can be fostered and competition channeled into non-destructive games. There is no need for religious dogma, for threats of hellfire and demands for self-denial; only common sense and common decency. That's all i demand of my subjects.

Humans compete for knowledge. In school, we have competitions, exams, to bring the fittest to the top and the weakest to the bottom.
That could be called a non-destructive game but it still has a loser who, if he continues to lose at competitions, will eventually die. He will see his situation as evil.

How do you get around this?
How can the loser be made to feel like a winner?

If I am going to be completely honest, and considering how I behave while playing the sims or sim city I would have to assume that I have the propensity to make Zeus look like an innocent all benevolent little cherub. Especially considering my current observations and opinions of the value of humanity to the world. I would not be forgiving. I likely would not be loving. But I also would not be wrathful or vengeful. That would require me, as a god, to give a damn whether or not people feared or loved me, and I just wouldn't because I would be god and they would just be equivalent to some ridiculous meaningless doodle drawn during a lapse of boredom. If I didn't like the way things were going, I wouldn't ask the people to change their behavior, I would just remove them from existence and create people who do behave in a way to get the results I wish to see. When i get bored with that particular scenario, I would just wipe the universe clean and start again. And I wouldn't bat an eyelash about it nor feel obligated to give them a chance to get it right. I would not make my presence known to them because they would mean nothing to me and I simply would not care. Much the way we kill nests of insects that annoy us. We don't plea with them not to invade our home or bite our ankles. We do not attempt diplomacy. We just acquire the means to destroy them and proceed with no thought of their rights to exist and no guilt for having wiped out a civilization of creatures just because we didn't like them.

But then I don't believe in the existence of good or evil. Or the absolutes of right and wrong.
Humans compete for knowledge.

No, they do not. They share knowledge and build upon it, generation by generation.

In school, we have competitions, exams, to bring the fittest to the top and the weakest to the bottom.

We do? Why are teachers, then? Some schools and some nations may work that way - but they don't work very well! End up with disparity, enmity, crime and misery. In more evolved communities and their schools, the strong help the weak, so that everyone arrives at the top of hir own potential, each one to contribute the most s/he can to the welfare of the group.

That could be called a non-destructive game but it still has a loser who, if he continues to lose at competitions, will eventually die.

Everyone will eventually die. That's the reason for reproduction. Immortals need no progeny and no evolution.

He will see his situation as evil. How do you get around this?
How can the loser be made to feel like a winner?

I've already told you. If we are modest, kind and amusing, even the weakest among us will have a life free of evil. All winners in my world.
If I am going to be completely honest, and considering how I behave while playing the sims or sim city I would have to assume that I have the propensity to make Zeus look like an innocent all benevolent little cherub. Especially considering my current observations and opinions of the value of humanity to the world. I would not be forgiving. I likely would not be loving. But I also would not be wrathful or vengeful. That would require me, as a god, to give a damn whether or not people feared or loved me, and I just wouldn't because I would be god and they would just be equivalent to some ridiculous meaningless doodle drawn during a lapse of boredom. If I didn't like the way things were going, I wouldn't ask the people to change their behavior, I would just remove them from existence and create people who do behave in a way to get the results I wish to see. When i get bored with that particular scenario, I would just wipe the universe clean and start again. And I wouldn't bat an eyelash about it nor feel obligated to give them a chance to get it right. I would not make my presence known to them because they would mean nothing to me and I simply would not care. Much the way we kill nests of insects that annoy us. We don't plea with them not to invade our home or bite our ankles. We do not attempt diplomacy. We just acquire the means to destroy them and proceed with no thought of their rights to exist and no guilt for having wiped out a civilization of creatures just because we didn't like them.

But then I don't believe in the existence of good or evil. Or the absolutes of right and wrong.

Thanks for this.

"I wouldn't ask the people to change their behavior, I would just remove them from existence and create people who do behave in a way to get the results I wish to see"

Sounds like the God of Noah's day.

I do not believe in an absolute right or wrong either but do believe in the existence of good and evil.

What would you say of your birth? Was it good or evil from your present POV?

No, they do not. They share knowledge and build upon it, generation by generation.

We do? Why are teachers, then? Some schools and some nations may work that way - but they don't work very well! End up with disparity, enmity, crime and misery. In more evolved communities and their schools, the strong help the weak, so that everyone arrives at the top of hir own potential, each one to contribute the most s/he can to the welfare of the group.

Everyone will eventually die. That's the reason for reproduction. Immortals need no progeny and no evolution.

I've already told you. If we are modest, kind and amusing, even the weakest among us will have a life free of evil. All winners in my world.

What are the chances that all of us will ever be modest, kind and amusing?

You will note that most amusing episodes have victims or someone being made fun off.
Amusing is more often than not, a funny form of cruelty.

You say that humans do not compete for knowledge and share it.
Did the U S share it's a bomb making knowledge with the world?
One example of many.


"Why are teachers, then?"

Sorry. I do not know what you are asking here.


"Everyone will eventually die. That's the reason for reproduction."

Yes but if you are not successful at the competition to mate, then you will not reproduce.
