When The Earth Was In The First Heaven

This is an unsupported claim
Please show the "science" behind Paul's words.

All of these are just claims.
Please provide the evidence.

I don't need any.

Wrong on at least two counts:
1) Science doesn't consider Genesis.
2) Genesis has not been shown to be history.

I will start a new post, How To Run Religion Out Of Science
Keep it in this thread.
A) it's pertinent to the topic and
B) we don't want your inane drivel spreading further.
Keep it in this thread.
A) it's pertinent to the topic and
B) we don't want your inane drivel spreading further.

Certainly, the bible shows that God does not like the actions of the human race, but God reconciled himself to his enemies while they are still in hostility, although this statement may appear to be strange and impossible, but it is not. These are important words; God’s reconciliation to the human race took place when the human race was actively his enemy, not after the human race repented.
Certainly, the bible shows that God does not like the actions of the human race, but God reconciled himself to his enemies while they are still in hostility, although this statement may appear to be strange and impossible, but it is not. These are important words; God’s reconciliation to the human race took place when the human race was actively his enemy, not after the human race repented.
Yeah... more unsupported claims.
And more made up crap.
When, specifically, was "the human race was actively his enemy"?
When, specifically, did "the human race repent"?
This is an unsupported claim
Please show the "science" behind Paul's words.

All of these are just claims.
Please provide the evidence.
Please provide evidence for dark matter

I don't need any.
If you don't have to give evidence or explain , Why should I consider your opinion .

Wrong on at least two counts:
1) Science doesn't consider Genesis.
2) Genesis has not been shown to be history.

We all miss the mark, we all come short, some of us may come closer to it than others, but none of us completely and consistently eliminate sin in our lives.
Oh, you managed to quote my post and completely screw it up.
Presumably your reply was meant to be:
If you don't have to give evidence or explain , Why should I consider your opinion .
You've missed the entire point.
The claims come from newnature and you.
Therefore - as I asked - where is your evidence?
I don't need to provide any because my stance is simple: you haven't provided ANY evidence to support the claims made, Therefore why should I lend them credence?
Oh ps: Evidence for dark matter.
Try thinking before you post.
We all miss the mark, we all come short, some of us may come closer to it than others, but none of us completely and consistently eliminate sin in our lives.
So, basically, you can't answer my questions and you don't have any evidence.
But you can spout bullsh*t.
Got it.
newnature, science has nothing to say about God. It is silent on the subject. As it should be.

If there were evidence that could be examined, that would be another matter.
So, basically, you can't answer my questions and you don't have any evidence.
But you can spout bullsh*t.
Got it.
newnature, science has nothing to say about God. It is silent on the subject. As it should be.

If there were evidence that could be examined, that would be another matter.

Science would indeed want to understand the north and what was going on in the north of the north. Science wants to understand the why behind Gen. 1:1 history.
Science would use Paul's writings to prove religion is junk.
No. If science took any interest in Paul at all, it would only be to discover if anything the Bible says about him is true. It would certainly not use Paul's writings to do so.
The north forces science to take a look at this north, because it is part of an structure.

I would add to Dave's remarks that science is concerned with drawing conclusions about nature by means of reproducible observations of nature. "Reproducible" means that different people can make the same observation, thereby confirming that it is objectively factual, and not just something dependent on who is making the observation or how they do it. What is written in the bible does not lend itself to reproducible observation.
This is an unsupported claim
Please show the "science" behind Paul's words.

All of these are just claims.
Please provide the evidence.

I don't need any.

Wrong on at least two counts:
1) Science doesn't consider Genesis.
2) Genesis has not been shown to be history.
This is an unsupported claim
Please show the "science" behind Paul's words.

All of these are just claims.
Please provide the evidence.

I don't need any.

Wrong on at least two counts:
1) Science doesn't consider Genesis.
2) Genesis has not been shown to be history.

No. If science took any interest in Paul at all, it would only be to discover if anything the Bible says about him is true. It would certainly not use Paul's writings to do so.

That real nonsense the evidence is 1900 years ago . We chased for evidence for weapon of mass destruction in Iraq with all sophisticated equipment and CIA intelligence , at the end we were part of killing many people and destroying much of human life . Were at the end left a caos . And your comment of science make so much sense as predicting a tornado 14 days ahead

Paul showed God's reconciliation. Reconciliation simply means a change in status, and it is a major issue recognizing reconciliation. Reconciliation from God’s advantage point is an accomplished fact, and God is reconciled where the totality of the sin debt of all the human race is concerned.
The bible is like a jigsaw puzzle, it can be pieced together.

Genesis 1:1 shouldn’t have happened. The bible assumes that the great usurper exits and never questions that assumption. The earth flooded out proves the great usurper is not an unfounded assumption. The beginning of the universe is in Genesis 1:1. Darkness was upon the earth, it appears the earth is in some kind of black substance. The great usurper and those who helped him out are on the earth, but would they be willing to explore this black substance? This black substance is so dark, the great usurper can’t see his hand in front of his face. Now the earth, the opposite of the created order is ‘nothing,’ (water). But to the ancients, the opposite of the created order was something much worse than ‘nothing’ (chaos). 

God just sat for awhile looking at this new black substance structure from his throne room, letting the great usurper sweet it out. As the great usurper sat in this black substance board out of his mind, all of a sudden a wind (invisible force) from God swept over the water. Now God is a spirit being, meaning his body is composed of a substance called spirit. God also has a unique kind of life within that body composed of that substance called spirit, but the life God has within himself produces some kind of light (His glory). It was this glory that used to be the light to the earth, but God couldn’t control it, his glory just shines. As God sat in his throne room, out of nowhere he said, “Let there be light.” 

Now, somehow from God’s throne room he was able to focus his glory into a beam and bounced that beam of glory off of a prism of some kind. The glory beam from the other side of that prism went into that black substance structure, yet that black substance structure contained that glory. So as the great usurper and follow usurpers sat on the earth, as the earth turned, they spend time in that glory and then spend time in that black substance. Time, this is something else unique about this black substance structure, an hour is an hour, something the usurper's never experienced.