When porn pop up's can land you in jail...

Clicking on the X often won't work because the mass of popups slows the computer response so that it can't clear windows as fast as they open new windows, and this inevitably freezes the computer. The user has to pull the plug, at least by disconnecting the Internet.
Clicking on the X often won't work because the mass of popups slows the computer response so that it can't clear windows as fast as they open new windows, and this inevitably freezes the computer. The user has to pull the plug, at least by disconnecting the Internet.

Never had a problem with that myself, and believe me I've had a lot of popups, exactly how old are the computers you're using??:p
Also if it slows it usually fails to display the web page, so there wouldn't be any images.
There is none! I think this entire issue is a hoax perpetrated by Bells. Or else she's so stupid that she can't see a hoax for what it is.

Baron Max

Yes moron.

I have perpetrated a hoax and forced the media into complying.:rolleyes:
Clicking on the X often won't work because the mass of popups slows the computer response so that it can't clear windows as fast as they open new windows, and this inevitably freezes the computer. The user has to pull the plug, at least by disconnecting the Internet.

This is correct, it has happened to me several times when I used a PC with poor security protection.
Some pop-ups are more benign than others. However, I have had a very nasty experience with extremely viscious malware which imbedded itself in my computer. I received a stream of pop-ups and site re-directions which I had no control over. Even worse, the malware hogged my mem, meaning that my computer ran at snail's pace.

It was hell to remove. Norton Antivirus couldn't remove it, so I had to do it manually via the Registry. In fact, I remember posting my dilemma here on sciforums.
Yes moron. I have perpetrated a hoax and forced the media into complying.

Well, Bells, I haven't seen anything that's even reliable about this case other than the original post. I haven't found anything about this case other than that "discussion forum" where the guy typed it all up as if it was a news article.

Can you give me a link, a reliable link, proving that this is actually a real court case?

Baron Max
Even if I didn't know, it still wouldn't make American system suck any less.
And yes, continental European system is better, if purely for the fact that there is no jury, and any court decision is made only be legal professionals.
Well, Bells, I haven't seen anything that's even reliable about this case other than the original post. I haven't found anything about this case other than that "discussion forum" where the guy typed it all up as if it was a news article.

Can you give me a link, a reliable link, proving that this is actually a real court case?

Baron Max
You're kidding me right?

So all the news articles linked so far are not enough? You actually think this case is a hoax?

Here is a link to the Norwich Bulletin (the local paper where this case occured) and it has all the trial transcripts linked as well. You can read the whole trial if you so wish by clicking on each part of the trial... Norwich Bulletin

Although the Norwich Bulletin was criticised by internet security experts in how it reported on the trial, it has published the trial transcripts for those who wish to read it because this case has generated so much interest.
purely for the fact that there is no jury, and any court decision is made only be legal professionals.

But that would only be going backwards.:) Given the choice most would opt for the jury.

So it looks like U.S system would in fact be the better system/
You're kidding me right?

No, I'm not kidding ....but you took it the wrong way. I meant that no one, no court, no prosecutor, no jury, no judge, ....no nothin', would give the woman 40 years in jail for what she did. The media just hyped that up to make it into something sensational.

The obvious (I think?) reason for the "alleged" 40 year sentence is because of the number of kids ...if it was 2 years per offense, and there were 20 kids, then by some fictional-bullshit-idiotic-stupid reasoning, she could get 40 years in prison ......which is so far-fetched that only Bells could or would believe it. Thus Bells posted it here so that she could watch everyone go ape-shit and she could enjoy her little court! See? Sensationalist Bells at work.

Baron Max
No, I'm not kidding ....but you took it the wrong way. I meant that no one, no court, no prosecutor, no jury, no judge, ....no nothin', would give the woman 40 years in jail for what she did. The media just hyped that up to make it into something sensational.

The obvious (I think?) reason for the "alleged" 40 year sentence is because of the number of kids ...if it was 2 years per offense, and there were 20 kids, then by some fictional-bullshit-idiotic-stupid reasoning, she could get 40 years in prison ......which is so far-fetched that only Bells could or would believe it. Thus Bells posted it here so that she could watch everyone go ape-shit and she could enjoy her little court! See? Sensationalist Bells at work.

Baron Max
She's up for sentencing Baron and the maximum she could get is 40 years according to the law of her State. Why do you think there is such an uproar about this Baron? It is because she actually could get 40 years jail. She was found guilty.

I wish it were sensationalism because then it would mean this poor woman would not have to be going through this hell. Read through the links I have given you, even the one guy who headed the computer crime department for the DoJ in the US sees the inherent dangers of this trial and the fact she was found guilty and could get 40 years. He was very critical of her as an individual, but he recognises the law and the trial itself was a complete joke.

As ridiculous as it sounds, she has been found guilty and now faces a possible 40 years in jail. She should not have been found guilty at all, but she was and sadly could end up in jail. Why do you think security experts are literally flying out of Silicone Valley and elsewhere in the IT industry to help her? Professors from across Conneticut are also begging that the evidence be reviewed by an independed expert.

HARTFORD, Conn. --Nearly 30 Connecticut computer science professors have signed a letter urging an independent investigation in the case of a Norwich substitute teacher convicted of exposing her students to pornography on a classroom computer.

The professors, from eight Connecticut colleges and universities, took out an ad in Tuesday's Hartford Courant on behalf of Julie Amero, a 40-year-old Windham resident with no prior criminal record.

Amero was convicted in January of four counts of risk of injury to a minor and faces up to 40 years in prison when she is sentenced March 29.
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The obvious (I think?) reason for the "alleged" 40 year sentence is because of the number of kids ...if it was 2 years per offense, and there were 20 kids, then by some fictional-bullshit-idiotic-stupid reasoning, she could get 40 years in prison ......which is so far-fetched that only Bells could or would believe it.

I can definitely see something like that happen.
I had a virus or some trojan hop onboard while visiting a site once that didn't seem like where you would expect to get something like that from. I think sometimes sites can be hijacked by programs (viruses?) that will upload BS onto unsuspecting computers. Any computer geniuses know anything about that?

She SHOULD have at least shut the monitor off. No matter, I doubt she was purposely looking at any pornographic material. The fact that it's very easy for stuff like that to happen, and the apparent negligence of the school in keeping internet security up to date, I think other people should be blamed, if anyone should at all.

I think that laws regarding sex and children tend to get blown out of proportion, and such things could possibly result in a 40 year sentence for exposing minors to pornography. How many of those kids were mortally traumatized, as opposed to those who were probably elated? Only in the paranoid eyes of conservative Christians could such an offense be so grave. It seems in this country, some people have strange priorities.

I think popups, especially pornographic, should be severely regulated by law, if not eliminated. No one needs them. Except people who make money everytime they pop up.
As ridiculous as it sounds, she has been found guilty and now faces a possible 40 years in jail.

Mass murderers often face several death penalties for their actions. How many of those do you think they get?? ...LOL!

She should not have been found guilty at all, ...

That's for the jury to say, Bells, not you or me.

I hope she does get 40 years in prison .....then maybe we can have a review of the justice system and work out some of the idiocy that often occurs.

Baron Max