When Parents Call God Instead of the Doctor

the Neumanns lost a daughter,
I know
Lets beat the hell out of them and throw them in prison, that'll learn them to shun not being mainstream

f-ck compassion, let's punish them
pity we can't just tie 'em to a stake, and have a good old fashioned burning
This society punishes parents who kill their children from neglect. Sincerity in their belief is not an excuse.
There was once a plague that killed half of the European continent and without doctors there would be no vaccines that saved many people afterwards when they finally found a way to prevent this from happening. God did not invent the vaccine and if there were no doctors we might not be here today. Doctors are a very necessary profession to have here with us and should be thanked for their tiresome endeavors to pursue ways in helping everyone. Many more would die without doctors so I'm thankful they are here to aid us keeping well.

There's always going to be bad doctors just as there are bad police, bankers and other professions but for the most part there are more good ones than bad ones.
A society with no rules? Sure but not exactly practical at this time, is it?

Not "no rules" just less punishment. It is abhorrent to me that the USA has such a high percentage of our population in jail/prison( 90%(+ or -) of whom never had a trial). And, the tight-assed leap to punishment seems detrimental to a cohesive society.

Who gains by heaping tragedy on tragedy?
God won't help when you ask to be revived, or forgiven. He's perfect, find a way or drown with the obsolete. :p
In my humble(?) opinion:
The Neumanns are mentally ill.
There is indeed a psychosomatic component to many illnesses, and, for that component, prayer is a powerful tool.
However, using prayer to the exclusion of seeking a medical opinion, bespeaks of mental illness.

Prison is invariably a poor choice in treating the mentally ill.
By one count, 73% of females and 55% of males in state prisons are mentally ill. It is even higher in local jails with 75% of females and 63% of males classified as mentally ill.

Who is served by incarcerating the mentally ill?
Is it society that benefits from this barbaric practice, or is it just the prison and affiliated industries?
Prayer does work in a way, if you believe it does, because your mind has powerful influence over the body. You can, quite literally, will yourself sick; much the same, you can will yourself to heal... but you must believe it 110% with absolute conviction.


This is NOT a substitute for modern medicine. The body is an INCREDIBLE machine capable of repairing ENORMOUS amounts of damage and overcoming TREMENDOUS attack by foreign invasion... but it has its limits. Why one would ignore conventional medicine in favor of a prayer only approach when conventional medicine has a near hundred percent recovery rate on the disease in question just staggers me... these people were incomprehensibly stupid!
Prayer does work in a way, if you believe it does, because your mind has powerful influence over the body. You can, quite literally, will yourself sick; much the same, you can will yourself to heal... but you must believe it 110% with absolute conviction.


This is NOT a substitute for modern medicine. The body is an INCREDIBLE machine capable of repairing ENORMOUS amounts of damage and overcoming TREMENDOUS attack by foreign invasion... but it has its limits. Why one would ignore conventional medicine in favor of a prayer only approach when conventional medicine has a near hundred percent recovery rate on the disease in question just staggers me... these people were incomprehensibly stupid!
Yes, a positive outlook can go a long way, but people who know they are being prayed for tend to be more pessimistic, because it implies that they are in a worse condition than they may be.
f-ck compassion, let's punish them
There are times when compassion has to take second place. If people are stupid enough to watch their children die, punishment may not do any good but society needs to be shown how stupid they are.
... .. these people were incomprehensibly stupid!

If the stupidity seems incomprehensible, maybe it ain't just stupidity?

So, is it best to incarcerate the abominably stupid?
("Little tommy got an 'F', lets just jail him now and save the hassle down the line"?)

If you really think that doing more harm to these people serves any positive purpose, lets do it out in the open, and tie 'em to a stake and have a public burning.
If the stupidity seems incomprehensible, maybe it ain't just stupidity?

So, is it best to incarcerate the abominably stupid?
("Little tommy got an 'F', lets just jail him now and save the hassle down the line"?)

If you really think that doing more harm to these people serves any positive purpose, lets do it out in the open, and tie 'em to a stake and have a public burning.

I don't think doing them additional harm serves the "public interest"... however, I would not be opposed to chemical castration of these kinds of fools to ensure they don't procreate and put further children thru that kind of suffering.
I don't think doing them additional harm serves the "public interest"... however, I would not be opposed to chemical castration of these kinds of fools to ensure they don't procreate and put further children thru that kind of suffering.

Would you recreate the travesty of the eugenics laws?
Does not their letting their child die seem to have had the same effect as stopping them from procreating?

If you didn't want their offspring in our society, then why begrudge them for doing what you wanted done anyway?
Does not their letting their child die seem to have had the same effect as stopping them from procreating?

If you didn't want their offspring in our society, then why begrudge them for doing what you wanted done anyway?

I'm more concerned about them bring more kids into the world just to treat them as badly as the ones that were left to suffer and die of easily treatable diseases. I will not hold the sins of the father against the child, but I would prefer they NOT bring another child into the world just to kill it because they are inept as parents.
If the stupidity seems incomprehensible, maybe it ain't just stupidity?

So, is it best to incarcerate the abominably stupid?
("Little tommy got an 'F', lets just jail him now and save the hassle down the line"?)

If you really think that doing more harm to these people serves any positive purpose, lets do it out in the open, and tie 'em to a stake and have a public burning.

Punishment only for the sake of punishment does not accomplish anything constructive & humans are much too focused on vengeance. But we need to do something. Do we just tell them not to do it again?
Which god??? Forgiven for what??? And how is that related to this thread???

I would't pull the pin on that grenade SIASL, or at least not engage in the resulting explosions. kx000 has a habit of doing this in threads pertaining to god, the Judeo-Christian variant i believe is the deity kx000 is referring to. kx000 likes defending god with vague and disingenuous posts, that is the observed modus operandi of this particular poster. It's just not worth the time to delve into what makes kx000 tick or what his/her motives are. Although if i were to be speculating in what he/she trying to say, it could be akin to this, as translated from the post in question, to something more comprehensible. " God is exempt from blame due to it's infallible nature and perfection. It will not answer prayers for self-fulfillment, even in dire situations like asking to be cured of a potential lethal disease or saving loved ones from untimely or unfair deaths. It's followers must overcome their own hardships or die". At least that's what i could translate from the the context of bullshit.:shrug:
... Do we just tell them not to do it again?

Not a bad idea.

On October 6, 2009, both parents were sentenced to 10 years of probation, with 6 months jail time to be served over a six-year period.

Does the sentence seem odd to you too?
One month a year?

as re my earlier--eugenics laws--, mentally ill and retarded in prisons
Locking them up during much of their breeding lives may be having a similar effect as forced sterilization?