When Jesus was missing, where did he go?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: We know the bible says that the last we hear of Jesus was when he was 12 and his parents found him at the temple. Then he disappears for some 18 years.

Where did he go?

What did he do?

Why were these 18 years suppressed from the NT?

Why didn't Paul write anything about Jesus' lost years?

Could it be that Paul knew Jesus was married and had children with the Magdalene?

equally intreguing is that Chrsitians, who worship the ground Jesus walks on have made no reasonable attempt to assertain that information. It might suggest that they did at one time and like you suggested, found something they didn't want to include in the scriptures.
Geneology and a person's lineage were extremely important to Jews of that time, which is why you will find so many geneologies in Jewish Scriptures. As it is, the early Christians, being generally Jewish, were also interested in Geneology, which is one reason that Jesus' birth had focus in the NT. Another reason that aspects of Christ's early life was recorded is that the early Christians wanted to show that Christ fulfilled prophecies contained in the Jewish scriptures pertaining to the Messiah. This is also the reason that much of what is written about Christ's ministries were recorded. The rest of what is written about Christ's ministries were written for exactly that reason, they concerned His teachings. The reason nothing more was included (that is, not more of His life), is because, for the early Christians, such wasn't important, and therefore not recorded. Since it was not recorded, there is no point of reference to which modern day Christians (and even Christians of the Middle Ages) to which we might look to find out about those missing 18 years. While it is unfortunate, it is simply fact. All the more unfortunate is that it causes speculation, particularly of conspiracy.
Beyondtime, normally I would say your statement could be strong but we are not talking about a normal man. We are talking about a fella that Christanity rests it's entire salvation on. Somehow it just doesn't add-up that so much of this partiucular man's life is missing.

MW i am still looking but found some interesting links contending the same thing:




Why would "God" be married to a "woman" and have "children"? The only children of God are those who obey his words.

Gospel of the Holy Twelve - Lection VI

13. AND in the eighteenth year of his age, Jesus was espoused unto Miriam, a virgin of the tribe of Judah with whom he lived seven years, and she died, for God took her, that he might go on to the higher things which he had to do, and to suffer for the sons and daughters of men.

14. And Jesus, after that he had finished his study of the law, went down again into Egypt that he might learn of the wisdom of the Egyptians, even as Moses did. And going into the desert, he meditated and fasted and prayed, and obtained the power of the Holy Name, by which he wrought many miracles.

15. And for seven years he conversed with God face to face, and he learned the language of birds and of beasts, and the healing powers of trees, and of herbs, and of flowers, and the hidden secrets of precious stones, and he learned the motions of the Sun and the Moon and the stars, and the powers of the letters, and mysteries of the Square and the Circle and the Transmutation of things, and of forms, and of numbers, and of signs. From thence he returned to Nazareth to visit his parents, and he taught there and in Jerusalem as an accepted Rabbi, even in the temple, none hindering him.

16. AND after a time he went into Assyria and India and into Persia and into the land of the Chaldeans. And he visited their temples and conversed with their priests, and their wise men for many years, doing many wonderful works, healing the sick as he passed through their countries.

what768: Why would "God" be married to a "woman" and have "children"? The only children of God are those who obey his words.

Gospel of the Holy Twelve - Lection VI

13. AND in the eighteenth year of his age, Jesus was espoused unto Miriam, a virgin of the tribe of Judah with whom he lived seven years, and she died, for God took her, that he might go on to the higher things which he had to do, and to suffer for the sons and daughters of men.

14. And Jesus, after that he had finished his study of the law, went down again into Egypt that he might learn of the wisdom of the Egyptians, even as Moses did. And going into the desert, he meditated and fasted and prayed, and obtained the power of the Holy Name, by which he wrought many miracles.

15. And for seven years he conversed with God face to face, and he learned the language of birds and of beasts, and the healing powers of trees, and of herbs, and of flowers, and the hidden secrets of precious stones, and he learned the motions of the Sun and the Moon and the stars, and the powers of the letters, and mysteries of the Square and the Circle and the Transmutation of things, and of forms, and of numbers, and of signs. From thence he returned to Nazareth to visit his parents, and he taught there and in Jerusalem as an accepted Rabbi, even in the temple, none hindering him.

16. AND after a time he went into Assyria and India and into Persia and into the land of the Chaldeans. And he visited their temples and conversed with their priests, and their wise men for many years, doing many wonderful works, healing the sick as he passed through their countries.

M*W: What is your point, again?
Hey Medicine Woman, How have you been? I have been out of touch for a very long time. Good to see that you are still here :) .....I hope catch you llater. I will try to come more often, just to enjoy your posts.

skywalker: Hey Medicine Woman, How have you been? I have been out of touch for a very long time. Good to see that you are still here :) .....I hope catch you llater. I will try to come more often, just to enjoy your posts.

M*W: Hey, skywalker! I wondered what happened to you! I really appreciate your sincere compliment. Hope to see you soon!


qoute from link,

"Disclaimer: The information contained within is a combination of fact and fiction. However, since names have been changed and details have been altered to maintain the privacy of certain individuals, the entire work is presented as fiction. Additional story elements have been added to help improve its overall flow and entertainment value. The Truths (if any) that you find within "The Reluctant Messenger" are your responsibility and yours alone."

The above qoute says that your link was a book of fiction to make the story smoother .....kinda a Christian tradion actually........

I want to point out a discripency in the made up story that you will see a lot though. Under the thing you titled 15 it says that "And for seven years he conversed with God face to face" and than you and other Christians say he is God. How do you talk to yourself face to face and more importantly why, if Jesus was devine (thus all knowing) would he need to ask God about the world?

the webite lists its stories, including the one you posted as fictional. It is not a researched page but a completly hypothical with, if you will notice on that page, no historical records to support their claim. They just made it up
Eeek. Somebody hasn't seen 'The Life of Brian'.

I suggest you check out the Dead Sea Scrolls.
robtex said:
The above qoute says that your link was a book of fiction to make the story smoother .....kinda a Christian tradion actually........

Atheists say that the Bible is "fiction". But what does it matter if it is fiction? Fiction can be true also, right?

How do you talk to yourself face to face and more importantly why, if Jesus was devine (thus all knowing) would he need to ask God about the world?

Maybe it's just a saying. We're all God when we know ourselves, because God is 'within'.
786 Can you elaborate on "fiction can be true". I think I know what you are saying but I am not sure and want to be sure before I reply.

On the second thing you qouted me on ...it is fiction so it would be pointless to debate it based on anything but fiction. But I find your reply to it interesting because that is a very pantheistic thing to think. ....when you said, "we're all God when he know ourselves because God is within."
Sorry I keep calling you 786..i mean to type 768.....(birth month and year?) ......hand eye coordination problem..sorry
Movies are fiction but people debate them. They don't try to convince they're "real", historically or something, but they discuss the "truth" in them. We agree with many of the things that Jesus said. However, not even Absolute "Truth" matters much if it does not agree with our own thinking and reasoning.

About what768, there's no meaning in it, but this way at least I won't defile anyone elses "name" with the things I say.
Well, the gospels that accounted for this missing time have been left out.

Ever heard of the infancy gospel of thomas?

Apparently, Jesus was a normal young boy only he had miraculous powers. Therefore, he killed several people. Including, drying a boy up like a raisin for messing with some water.

Gee I wonder why they conveniantly left that stuff out.
fadingCaptain: Well, the gospels that accounted for this missing time have been left out.

Ever heard of the infancy gospel of thomas?

Apparently, Jesus was a normal young boy only he had miraculous powers. Therefore, he killed several people. Including, drying a boy up like a raisin for messing with some water.

Gee I wonder why they conveniantly left that stuff out.
M*W: Yes, isn't it convenient that those missing years were left out of the NT. I've heard of the infancy gospel of Thomas, and I shall read it. Are you of the belief that Thomas was Jesus' twin?
768 Christanity, as I see it, is built on the dogma of the Bible. I have yet to meet a Christian that says that it is a book or morals but that stuff about Jesus, the arc, and exodus didn't really happen. If it were proven that Jesus was a man instead of a god would you still be a Christian or would you be a gnostic of a different persuasion?


I have the infancy Gospel of Thomas in a book called, "The lost books of the Bible" , published by randomhousebooks. (www.randomhouse.com) . I couldn't find what you said online but in my book I a passage where it says Jesus killed a boy in Infancy 1 chapter 19 versus 20-24.

In chapter 20 versus 15 he is grounded for killing kids.

on the net I found


"II. 1 On a certain day when there had fallen a shower of rain he went forth of the house where his mother was and played upon the ground where the waters were running: and he made pools, and the waters flowed down, and the pools were filled with water. Then saith he: I will that ye become clean and wholesome waters. And straightway they did so. 2 But a certain son of Annas the scribe passed by bearing a branch of willow, and he overthrew the pools with the branch, and the waters were poured out. And Jesus turned about and said unto him: O ungodly and disobedient one, what hurt have the pools done thee that thou hast emptied them? Thou shalt not finish thy course, and thou shalt be withered up even as the branch which thou hast in hand. 3 And he went on, and after a little he fell and gave up the ghost. And when the young children that played with him saw it, they marvelled and departed and told the father of him that was dead. And he ran and found the child dead, and went and accused Joseph."

aqoute from chp 5


"And a few days after, as Jesus was walking through the town with Joseph, one of the children ran up and struck Jesus on the arm. And Jesus said to him: So shalt thou not finish thy journey. And immediately he fell to the ground, and died. And those who saw these wonderful things cried out, saying: Whence is that boy? And they said to Joseph: It is not right for such a boy to be among us. And Joseph went and brought Him. And they said to him: Go away from this place; but if thou must live with us, teach him to; pray, and not to blaspheme: hut our children have been killed. Joseph called Jesus, and reproved Him, saying: Why dost thou blaspheme? For these people who live here hate us And Jesus said: I know that these words are not mine, but thine; but I will hold my tongue for thy sake: and let them see to it in their wisdom. And immediately those who were speaking against Jesus became blind. And they walked up and down, and said: All the words which proceed from his mouth are accomplished. And Joseph seeing what Jesus bad done, in a fury seized Him by the ear; and Jesus said to Joseph in anger: It is enough for thee to see me, not to touch me. For thou knowest not who I am; but if thou didst know, thou wouldst not make me angry. And although just now I am with thee, I was made before thee."

the author is unkown...i found some faq's here


I would have to say that after reading it I can see how it was excluded....there is so little info on the net about it.....did you find anything?

could take a while to go through all this..most the links on Google don't have its scriptures on them....
"Are you of the belief that Thomas was Jesus' twin? "
I really haven't studied it enough to give a good answer. Was Thomas an actual twin brother of Jesus? Its possible I guess. I think more probable answers are that he was a very good friend or something. But like I said....you may know more than I.

I found this link:

I admit there isn't a whole lot of good info out there on the ol' net. I'm sure there are alot of books and research written on this though.

Here is an exerpt that pertains to what I mentioned:
III. 1 But the son of Annas the scribe was standing there with Joseph; and he took a branch of a willow and dispersed the waters which Jesus had gathered together. 2 And when Jesus saw what was done, he was wroth and said unto him: O evil, ungodly, and foolish one, what hurt did the pools and the waters do thee? behold, now also thou shalt be withered like a tree, and shalt not bear leaves, neither root, nor fruit. 3 And straightway that lad withered up wholly, but Jesus departed and went unto Joseph's house. But the parents of him that was withered took him up, bewailing his youth, and brought him to Joseph, and accused him 'for that thou hast such a child which doeth such deeds.'
Fading I saw that link but found when I looked in the book that I mentioned that the book of infancy has 22 chapters while that link only goes to 19...and has abbreviated passages....

That was so resouceful of you to find that book for this thead.....