When does life begin?


The question of OP -When does life begin?- is not a biological one, but rather linguistic, political, cultural, philosophical, ethical, namely an "arbitrary" approach. It requires some agreement on what we understand from "Life" in the first place.

Certainly it can be handled biologically - there's no reason at all to muddy the waters and perspective by dragging in politics, etc. It's a simple, direct question that can be treated scientifically without all the distortions, preconceptions, agendas, bias, etc. that you are suggesting here.
Certainly it can be handled biologically - there's no reason at all to muddy the waters and perspective by dragging in politics, etc. It's a simple, direct question that can be treated scientifically without all the distortions, preconceptions, agendas, bias, etc. that you are suggesting here.

Tell us "scientifically" at what point life begins then... OP asks this: When, at which moment?
I was just replying to another post..calm down and read my other posts.

I'm perfectly calm, thanks. :) Always, in fact. ;)

And the topic you replied to was completely off-topic also. I just chose to answer yours because it was the latter part of the two-post sequence that went astray.
No, A tumor is called malignant for a reason. It is what happens when life goes drastically wrong. Normal cells are programmed to last a certain time and then die..this is healthy normal living. A tumor doesn't die, it is effectively immortal so long as the host lives. It is a toxic parasite. If it could, it wouldn't be crying, it would be giving you the middle finger.

I didn't really get the "No"-part, can you explain it further? Is it no a tumour can't cry, or no a tumour is not alive, or just no, for no apparent reason?
Tumours seem to be quite cheerful lifeforms with many expressions.
Certainly it can be handled biologically - there's no reason at all to muddy the waters and perspective by dragging in politics, etc. It's a simple, direct question that can be treated scientifically without all the distortions, preconceptions, agendas, bias, etc. that you are suggesting here.

I agree with this statement. Why make it un-necessicerily complicated?
I'm going for 14 weeks because the heart is formed and beating and the brain is essentially functioning on some level. Everything physical that makes an individual is basically intact now. Arms and legs are forming at this stage and although it is practically indistuinguishable from a chicken feotus, it is nonetheless, human.
I've already answered that - more than once, in fact. Just read my previous posts.

No you didn't. You expressed your personal opinion or understanding without substantiating what you understand from "beginning". You didn't support your idea with any sort of "scientific" methodology or evidence on the issue of "beginning" -whatever meaning you are giving to this "event (?)"-.
I didn't really get the "No"-part, can you explain it further? Is it no a tumour can't cry, or no a tumour is not alive, or just no, for no apparent reason?
Tumours seem to be quite cheerful lifeforms with many expressions.

Sorry, but my mum, my aunt and my grandad all died of cancer. I would not be comfortable persuing this. Perhaps you would like to create a new thread?
I've also had people close to me dying from cancer, my grandad and ex-boyfriend, so you could say it's a killer, the tumor. Sure, we can create a new thread:
The life of a tumour, all aspects included.
No you didn't. You expressed your personal opinion or understanding without substantiating what you understand from "beginning". You didn't support your idea with any sort of "scientific" methodology or evidence on the issue of "beginning" -whatever meaning you are giving to this "event (?)"-.

Crap. read my posts.
Actually Baftan, I'm the only one who has given any scientific methodology so if you really can't read I suggest you bugger off, or provide some of your own.
Crap. read my posts.

I am immune to any religious mumbo-jumbo, especially if it starts with a word like "truly". Using biological jargon will not necessarily make your personal "comments" more scientific.
How petty. I can argue my case, can you?

This topic is submitted under the sub-forum "Ethics, Morality, & Justice" (not Biology!) for a good reason. Try to understand why...

Secondly, if someone starts an argument with a "bugger off" type of presentation, I suspect from the intentions behind the case.
Anyway, aside from all that stupidness, There is a case to say that when the gametes fuse, life begins. But what good is a few cells that can't evidently support themselves, have no semblance of conciousness, and are a very long way from viable? At least at 14 weeks they are beginning to take the shape of what they will one-day be (even if they do have a tail!) They are alive, and are beginning to differentiate themselves into a human being.
This topic is submitted under the sub-forum "Ethics, Morality, & Justice" (not Biology!) for a good reason. Try to understand why...

Secondly, if someone starts an argument with a "bugger off" type of presentation, I suspect from the intentions behind the case.

Ok , number one thread you accused me of religeous mumbo-jumbo. If you can't provide it I expect an apology.
Ok , number one thread you accused me of religeous mumbo-jumbo. If you can't provide it I expect an apology.

That's what I call "selective reading".

You replied my specific answer to someone else (Read-0nly) with a "crap". Somehow, you must have managed to sense an attack to your ideas, I don't know, it's your problem. Moreover, you asked me to read your post which starts with this sentence:

Life truly begins when a feotus becomes viable.

I find the tone and the word selection of your introductory sentence religious. Yet again, I didn't -personally- accuse you "of religious mumbo-jumbo". I simply targeted what was written. Taking this as a personal judgement about you is also your problem.

I repeat, you have no argument behind your "beginning" story. Judging from your numeric examples, your understanding of "life" is restricted to the scope of human biological progress. OP openly try to limit the life with a "beginning" as well as an "end". And you are merely fuelling this search without questioning the idea of "bordering" life.

This entire project is fully open to personal interpretation; for instance:

what the question is all about - trying to work out when life technically starts.

What kind of measurement is being used in this "technical" activation point?