When does a subject qualify as science?

The reason for starting the project (Blue Book) is irrelevant

Certainly the context of the beginning of Blue book is relevant, Q. The fact that you would deny this shows one of two things; either an astonishing lack of knowledge of how the government and the military perceived the UFO problem at the time,


you deny it because it is inconvenient to your argument. It is not up to anyone here to give you a history lesson, Q. At least read up on the history of Blue Book so you can keep up with the conversations in an informed way.
Posted by Persol:
OCome now. I was polite to MacM on EVERY topic until he just completely refused to listen and started to distort what scientists have actually said. After a couple months of the same weak arguments I just gave up on him. That is also a case where I have done alot more reading/research about it then he has, and he doesn't really know enough to even attempt to shoot down the theory. I posted a string somewhere listing about 35 different things he was wrong about in the course of our 'discussions', none of which he addressed.

ANS: Let me just respond by suggesting anyone that believes this self congratulatory post actually go read his fabricated list and note just how little actually stuck to the wall.

If you believe Persol you might as well say you believe in alien abduction.

Knowing to believe only half of
what you hear is a sign of
intelligence. Knowing which
half to believe will make you a


Is there a particular aspect of the available evidence that convinces you on abduction? I must tell you I've given that topic every reasonable chance. I've read some of Hopkin's work, the book on the MIT Conference, and Mack's work. Something doesn't sit right, and I believe it is the lack of credible corroboration. Abduction for me is like buying someone else's religion, based on their personal, subjective experience. I also worry about the ethics of some of the therapists involved in this, particularly when it comes to leading children to believe they have been abducted.

I don't doubt that something happened to many of these folks, because I do agree with Mack that much of what they exhibit as "symptoms" is consistent with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. But to make the leap that what they are experiencing actually is abduction by aliens - - I do not see any empirical process that would remotely justify that conclusion, even as an inference.

UFOs actually present data that can be examined, photographs, multiple witness accounts, radar corroboration. UFOs can also be studied in the historical context of how our national security apparatus has responded to them. That context makes it possible to make some reasonable inferences about UFOs. Inferences based on data that is examined in conformity with at least some Epistemological standards makes progress in a rational conversation possible.

But I don't see how it is possible to justify an inference based on someone's purely subjective experience. Because of these problems, my personal choice has been to seperate the subjects completely.

I'm open to debate on this. If there is data of which I'm unaware, steer me in that direction. For now, I would have to conclude that the abduction phenomena should be classified as an unexplained aspect of human experience - and leave it at that.

just trolling, my dear man. i just wanted to say i believe persol

speculation on crop circles/cattle mutilations/abductions/etc seem a bit pointless unless some positive conclusions are reached with regards to ufo. these all appear to be secondary characteristics, the primary ones being the aliens and their modes of transportation. lets verify their existence first, then question their activities! until such a time, lets merely collect the data and store until relevance become obvious.

your third para is excellent

*anybody that dare say they "believe" better back it up in the very next sentence!
Last edited:

i just wanted to say i believe persol.

*anybody that dare say they "believe" better back it up in the very next sentence!


Knowing to believe only half of
what you hear is a sign of
intelligence. Knowing which
half to believe will make you a

i never did actually say it

ANS: Fair enough - dolt:D

Knowing to believe only half of
what you hear is a sign of
intelligence. Knowing which
half to believe will make you a

i'll put off savaging your half witted sig for another time

ANS:That is funny. My sig annoys you. :p

Think I'll change to this one.

Did you know:
A Black Berry is
Red when
it is Green.
the contradictions make it thought provoking

*i dare not question for fear of looking stupid

STA:Relativity sucks! Screw the P&M forum! Bunch of loser retards. We shall see who has the last laugh.

Did you know: A Black Berry is Red when it is Green.


my previous post was a spoof on macm

Memory like an elephant eh? :D

Knowing to believe only half of
what you hear is a sign of
intelligence. Knowing which
half to believe will make you a