When do we say "enough"

In a way installing surveillance cameras are just a confession: Dear public, we always used to keep an eye on you and in the old days we would let teachers roam the school grounds to keep an eye out, but you know just as well as we that we can be arsed anymore. We rather sit somewere and hope that the day will pass soon enough so we can leave this stinking place.

But we don't want to let you assume that we don't care about you anymore. We installed cameras so we (well, actually some guy behind a wall of monitors) can examine closely your hideous acts, or spend most of his time sleeping if he isnt under surveillance himself. We didn't tell him of course. We just hinted he might be under surveillance. Keeps him on his toes and his hands out of his pants.

So don't eat your snot in public. We might be watching you.
One of my friends never fails show his middle finger whenever he sees a surveillance camera anywhere.
Interesting ....no one has given any good reasons for eliminating the security cameras OTHER than that they just don't like 'em. Is that it? ...just don't like 'em, so we should get rid of 'em? If so, what else don't y'all like?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Interesting ....no one has given any good reasons for eliminating the security cameras OTHER than that they just don't like 'em. Is that it? ...just don't like 'em, so we should get rid of 'em? If so, what else don't y'all like?

Baron Max

Jesus man….

There are plenty of reasons listed, all which apparently went over your head, though.

There are dangers of implementing false authorities into the populous for one. Plus these machinations result in the society absorbing spineless codes of conduct.

I tried to substantiate the claims I made that false premises in insurance alter our behaviour… Did you? I mean, you just.. like them?

PS. Don’t say "y’all", it makes you sound stupid.
Perkele said:
Jesus man….There are plenty of reasons listed, all which apparently went over your head, though.

Well, not over my head, but just that none of them are what I consider "reasons" ...more like prejudices and paranoia.

>"There are dangers of implementing false authorities into the populous for one. Plus these machinations result in the society absorbing spineless codes of conduct."<

Do you have any evidence or supporting documentation to substantiate those claims? If so, what are they? I mean, you've made accusations of "possible danger", but that's all ...just accusations seemingly without any evidence or substantiation.

Perkele said:
PS. Don’t say "y’all", it makes you sound stupid.

Yeah, I agree ...people who can't talk or rite too pretty good a English should all be considered stupid.

Baron Max
Perkele said:
Security cameras cause cancer, ....

Ahh, now we're getting somewhere! Now I'm against all those damned cameras, too!

Thanks for the info. Y'all have a great evening, hear?

Baron Max
I think the idea of constant surveillance appeals, at least in some part, to our fear that in our society we are already being constantly judged by rules which are out of our own hands, and toward which we might actually feel as though we don't really have any reasonable intention of following in the first place. These sorts of attitudes work due in large part to the fact that you know someone isn't watching all the time (even when cameras are installed there isn't someone watching all the time, most record on tape, and are only viewed if there is reasonable belief that it might have caught some crime), however when we have the feeling of a constant cold impersonal and even inhuman eye monitoring us at all times it reminds us greatly of our relative helplessness against the whims of authority, and the very real change of reprisal due to it.

This is not to say that most people have a criminal mind, certainly not, just that most people are aware on some level that, though their behavior may seem rather benign to themselves, they live in a world where authoritative bodies can essentially make them a criminal. Back in the 60s it could be as drinking from the wrong water fountain, or sitting in the wrong seat to be guilty of a criminal offence, and though mostly less overt and strict, there still remain certain laws, or at least the fear of laws of which we may not be completely aware which would criminals otherwise innocuous behavior.

I’ll admit that this little hypothesis is based mostly upon my own fears of such things, after all it was only as late as 2003 that one could be bought up on charges of homosexuality here in the United States, and either fined or jailed, or both for the offence. For that reason I generally tend to look over my shoulder in a compulsive manner before giving any sort of public display of affection to another man in public. The actual likelihood of reprisal is rather slim (not counting reaction of other casual observers with no official authoritative status), but that’s not entirely important. So long as the fear of possible disciplinary action is there, my behavior is altered.

This is generally what I believe creates the biggest sense of unease in most people while they are consciously being monitored by some authoritative body. Even if they know they’re not very likely to be doing anything wrong anyhow, and nothing they do on the camera would be particularly worth watching if you’re someone in law-enforcement (or any sort of enforcement business) there is still that itchy feeling in your mind to watch your step, as such their behavior in a monitored area, will invariably differ from how they would behave in a non-monitored area, even if they are both public places.
Baron Max said:
Interesting ....no one has given any good reasons for eliminating the security cameras OTHER than that they just don't like 'em. Is that it? ...just don't like 'em, so we should get rid of 'em? If so, what else don't y'all like?

Baron Max

Firstly, I hate you Baron Max. Go away.

Second, it is an invasion of privacy, pure and simple. Maybe you don't value freedom, or actually enjoy some watered down version of it, but there is no need for there to be cameras in every building. If there are certain chemicals that need to protected, or biological equipment or whatever, that's fine. Put cameras, hidden or obvious, up where they need to be. But I don't need a camera watching me walking into the humanities building. What is most alarming, is this being done in the name of homeland security. While I'm sure the terrorist population in Reno, NV is significant, I'm sure they won't be stealing essay's on 19th century philosophy out of the Philosophy department.
Sometimes when I notice the cameras, I whip out my penis and start masturbating.
I once came all over a camera lens that was 8 feet above me in the corner of the sex shop I frequent.
The boss must have freaked out when he saw a white glob streaming towards him and then smothering his screen.

I had a good laugh over that.

Next time I went back he recognized me and made me pay by sodomizing me in his back room storage space.
I went back for over a month afterwards.


I say keep the cameras.
top mosker said:
Firstly, I hate you Baron Max. Go away.

Yes, sir! Right away, sir!

top mosker said:
Second, it is an invasion of privacy, pure and simple.

So ...you're in a PUBLIC place, with lots of other people around, yet you think a lousy security camera is ......INVASION OF PRIVACY??? What fuckin' privacy? ...LOL!!

Hey, you might hate me, but I think you're pretty funny! :)

Baron Max
I think that we should all be able to pick our noses without people seeing.

I mean hell, when I have a nasty goober in there, I'd like to be able to extract it and replant it on a public table without anyone looking.




I like you Baron.

You can stay, its ok with me.
I like you Baron.

You can stay, its ok with me.
I think so too.
You two are so alike it’s uncanny.
I don’t understand this opposition to cameras.
If the war against terrorism requires some cameras to be placed within every home, then it’s a small price to pay.

Are we so ashamed of our naked bodies or our sexual performances or our eating habits or our toilet …practices?
A camera in every house and a lens in every bathroom, I say.
I hate government intervention in private life, just like the next red blooded American, but if the government needs to implant a few cameras here and there or even in private property, then it should.
A microphone or two wouldn’t hurt either.

How else will we root out those damn commies and terrorists?

I also think that it’s every real Americans duty to inform his government when he becomes aware of suspicious activities.
If a child hears his father making a derogatory remark against the president of the US of fuckin’ A, then he should speak to a police officer about it.
Some vigilance is essential during times of war.

Perhaps – and this is only a thought – some symbols of American purity should be used.
Uniforms or badges, of some sort, that will distinguish the true, strong and free from the rabble.

The only people concerned about cameras are faggots, people that have something to hide, people that are ashamed of something and liberals.

A real free American isn’t afraid of a few cameras in his living room or in the street. A real Democratic free-thinker doesn’t feel uncomfortable with a lens pointed up his rectum when he’s defecating.

I think this camera thing can be a solution to pedophilia, homosexuality and all kinds of other illegal activities, as well.
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Dr Lou Natic
What about negroism?
Here, here!

But in this case no cameras are necessary by day and by night special infrared ones might be more appropriate.

But I think Baron Max and Bob are onto something here.

I guess we can all agree that the government should be limited and made smaller.
Every citizen should save his own social security, pave his own road, operate on himself, police his own neighbourhood, so those damned taxes can be kept as low as possible and the money can be spent on what matters, like:
Playstation Games, DVDs, Hot Dogs, Gucci underwear and so on.

Where government should be given free reign is in population control.
Why shouldn’t cameras be installed in homes?
Are we hiding something?
But I think Baron Max and Bob are onto something here.

I think you've misread my posts. I don't think that I've made any particular pronouncements about my own feelings about it all. In fact, as I recall, my very first post explained my feelings a little bit ....I'm a bit uneasy about it, but I still don't know why and I still don't know what's wrong with cameras.

I'm just waiting for someone to give me a few good, sensible reason why security cameras in public places are causing so much concern and "horror". It's a public place, for god's sake. No one has given any sensible reasons ...well, other than good ol' fashioned paranoia.

Baron Max
Baron Max
I think you've misread my posts. I don't think that I've made any particular pronouncements about my own feelings about it all. In fact, as I recall, my very first post explained my feelings a little bit ....I'm a bit uneasy about it, but I still don't know why and I still don't know what's wrong with cameras.
I'm just waiting for someone to give me a few good, sensible reason why security cameras in public places are causing so much concern and "horror". It's a public place, for god's sake. No one has given any sensible reasons ...well, other than good ol' fashioned paranoia.
Well here’s a good old fashioned argument for cameras.

We both got morals and standards - right?
We should have the right to monitor what our neighbour is doing in his bedroom.
A lot of gay stuff is going on there.

How else can we be sure that we send good American boys with morals to kill them Iraqi’s over in Africa?
We don’t want the situation to arise where a sergeant is shooting pathetic, poverty stricken infidels one moment and then shooting off a load in some private’s mouth the next.

Can we trust the judgment or the trigger-finger of a faggot?
What if he kills too many of them and too few come asking permission to live in the USA where they can be exploited and used by real American men?

I would say that an added measure that should included in the ‘Patriot Act’ is that once a citizen is screened and his loyalties are verified, some badge or armband, or uniform should be used so that we know he’s a real American and not a faggot, commie, terrorist.
Think about it.

Then employers can give jobs to men and women that stand for tolerance and democracy and human rights.
Can we trust the judgment or the trigger-finger of a faggot?
What if he kills too many of them and too few come asking permission to live in the USA where they can be exploited and used by real American men?
A far greater concern, IMO, is that he doesn't kill enough arabs and instead buys them flowers and gives them makeovers.
Possibly making them over to such an extent they pass as civilised human beings and thus get into the united states without interrogation.
Without the pungent stench it's very hard for customs to determine exactly who is an arab and who is a tanned jew.
A gay soldier's also likely to gossip with the enemy and tell all of america's secrets.
And we can expect him to finger the butts of straight soldiers while they're sleeping, which will make them distracted by the urge to crap the next day during battle.
Dr Lou Natic
A far greater concern, IMO, is that he doesn't kill enough arabs and instead buys them flowers and gives them makeovers.
Possibly making them over to such an extent they pass as civilised human beings and thus get into the united states without interrogation.
Without the pungent stench it's very hard for customs to determine exactly who is an arab and who is a tanned jew.
A gay soldier's also likely to gossip with the enemy and tell all of america's secrets.
And we can expect him to finger the butts of straight soldiers while they're sleeping, which will make them distracted by the urge to crap the next day during battle.
All good points.
I didn’t think of that.
See, most people don’t think deeply enough like you, me, Baron Max and Bob. They think things are simple and superficial.

There are consequences to our beliefs and our actions.

When I send my neighbours kid to kill form me, using my own hard earned money, which I would rather spend here than some socialist health care idea, I want to be sure that he’s not going to squander it on hot-pants, condoms and butt-plugs.

I want my neighbour’s moral boy to sleep soundly before he goes off to mutilate and destroy Muslim mud huts and not to be concerned about the guy in the next bunk and that sausage shaped missile pressing against the blankets.
I want the people that kill for me to be good, moral Christian boys.

Socialism, and its faggot ways, is un-American.
Shotguns, beer, burgers and fries, Britney Spears and Green Day,, country music and a good ho-down….That’s America.

And if a few well placed cameras facilitates the search for real Americans I am all for it.

What do you think about my uniform idea?
I’m thinking tan with a red stripe on the arm.
when you think what some people do to get on TV you'd think they'd WANt cameras in their bedrooms
i have seen people lick old men's armpits, snog old women with no teeth, be buried alive and have live rats crawling all over them, and thats just for starters

so what they moanin at some camera watchin em shit on the toilet....dont make sense to me...no sir