When a Medical “Cure” Makes Things Much, Much Worse

Thanks for the good wishes Birch, but I think that sort of thing is a product of the psyche of those left behind - and those (e.g. you!) disposed to comfort them. I was brought up Christian and I continue to regard the traditions and teaching with respect and affection, but my view now of Cartesian dualism - and hence of the soul and the afterlife - is that these are not real. Before we married, my wife raised this topic and said she thought that after you die "it's just worms", to which, with some relief, I agreed. But I gave her a proper requiem mass, just as we had had a proper nuptial mass 15 years earlier. With the same singers and some of the same music, in fact, as a way of completing the circle.

But we digress from the thread topic.....[/QUOTE]

Psyche left behind ?

Requiem for what ?
one is a possibility of souls/consciousness that doesn't die after the physical death but just moves on/transitions and even a better silver lining, perhaps you can see them again in the afterlife (the existence beyond this one) when you pass.
Not even 1 in Infinity
