What's Your Religion?

what's your religion?

  • Islam

    Votes: 6 17.6%
  • Christianity

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Baha'i

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atheism

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • Deism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sikhism

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters

Ja'far at-Tahir

Grand Ayatollah of SciForums
Registered Senior Member
While, I am sure, the overwhelming answer (atleast, I assume, given the threads in this section) would be 'Atheist'. I am curious to see the religious make up of the forum or the lack thereof. Starting off, I am Muslim, what are you?

Also, no arguments or debates, please.
Why do you want to know the religion of members? Is it an important consideration for you prior to initiating any discussions?

PS I notice your [ENC]snotwuh[/ENC] says "Israel is a myth". You should know that anti-Zionist opinions are not received open mindedly here and can be a bias against you in the forums

אתה מתבייש להיות יהודי

I don't have an arabic dictionary, your translator messes up on the tenses.

נומ - אבער מוסלימס דארפן גוט מענטשן ...איר זענט ומפרוכפּערדיק פאל
Use all the translators you want, you'll never get that one.
I said Hamd'lillah.

Its Yiddish, isn't it?

Translation: No. - but Muslims need good people ... you *******
The purpose of language is communication. Even when resurrecting a dead one. Whats the point in defeating your own purpose?

Revised Translation:No. - but Muslims need good people ... you are barren Pal

You seem to be singularly obsessed with my state of [in]fertility. Aren't you a little young to be so fixated on reproduction?

And no I am not a Pal[estinian]

PS I am going to stop here, since this is going off topic and getting ridiculously personal.
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Pal is a bad translation for "folk". and barren was a bad translation of "devoid of". Actually, the translation was good - your translator sucks.
While, I am sure, the overwhelming answer (atleast, I assume, given the threads in this section) would be 'Atheist'. I am curious to see the religious make up of the forum or the lack thereof. Starting off, I am Muslim, what are you?

Also, no arguments or debates, please.

I am looking for.

I can not deny any presumption that: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Baha'i, Buddhism, Darwinism, Deism, Hinduism, Sikhism.
I disagree with the arguments which you bring to sustain the presumption.

I am looking for.

I can not deny any presumption that: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Baha'i, Buddhism, Darwinism, Deism, Hinduism, Sikhism.
I disagree with the arguments which you bring to sustain the presumption.

What on Earth are you talking about?
No one knows.

And atheism, strictly speaking, is the lack of religion, not a religion. But it is a religious orientation.
What on Earth are you talking about?

I do not have enough data that I could draw a conclusion.
Also, do not consider myself that smart, so I can guess an answer to the question Does God exist? And if God exists, what religion Is he?
But nor evolutionary theory does not convinced me.Your logic and arguments failed to convince me.

Asserting a negation can only meet one way.By reduction to absurdity, which is not the case here.So I can not say "no God."

You now have a clearer picture on my religious orientation?
Your ... arguments failed to convince me.

That's not surprsing considering I haven't given any arguments.

You now have a clearer picture on my religious orientation?

Not really, I think saying "I'm Agnostic," would have been easier. Was all that meaningless pontificating necessary? I mean, this is a pretty straight forward thread. Answer the poll and post your vote, plain and simple. There is no need for all this mental masturbatory crap.
While, I am sure, the overwhelming answer (atleast, I assume, given the threads in this section) would be 'Atheist'. I am curious to see the religious make up of the forum or the lack thereof. Starting off, I am Muslim, what are you?
Also, no arguments or debates, please.

I am looking for.

What on Earth are you talking about?

You now have a clearer picture on my religious orientation?

There is no need for all this mental masturbatory crap.

Intellectual digress.Is a more correct term, right?