what's your opinion on this?

I don't know if the sources are cited, but if they are, it looks interesting. Not necessarily proof of ET's (could be time travelers;)).
very interesting

I watched the video and the UFO looked to me like a part of whatever it was that was breaking up, the regular pulsating seemed to be in sync with the shaking of the camera, but even if that is the case that still leaves quite a few unanswered questions about it
Several years ago, I was in touch with a respected doctor in Utah who presented a case where - we are being watched by watchers at this state of our evolution. It is perhaps like several movies under this theme by StarTrek. (I posted about the doctor here at the forum couple years ago)

So, if that is the case...it is no surprise that certain action was taken which is beyond our control....

Very interesting indeed...
While it is an impressive sight, there is nothing mysterious about it. NASA spokeperson James Oberg said it was a Soviet Booster Rocket re-entering. I have just looked at my videos showing meteors entering the atmosphere and the same "UFO"-type phenomenom is seen. As objects such as a meteor or booster break up, you can alwasy pick out smaller fragments which resemble strobing "UFOs." Their small size, being left behind by the bigger fragments, and their on-off burning up give the appearance of blinking or strobing. But, as far as I can tell, they are not UFOs. IF said "UFO" did something extraordinary such as moving in different directions or making angled turns, then we'd have something to discuss. But this last event is not worthy of such.
How many TV documentaries, UFO and otherwise, since the early 1980s would you like me to quote where Oberg appears as a NASA spokeperson including the recent news where NASA asked him to write a book about the Moon Hoax?
I don't know this guy Oberg, but if he's a spokesperson for NASA, it doesn't surprise me a bit that he comes up with a 'reasonable' explanation :D

I'm not saying it's ET but it certainly is something hard to identify. And don't discard the eye witness reports. These are reports from people who spend a whole lot more time in the air than you and I do.....
What a sight! But what exactly makes you think UFO or any such thing is involved? All the video seems to show is some large object breaking up on entering the atmosphere. One of the bits is evidently rotating, thus the blinking.

If some craft was following the object, in order to destroy it and watch the effects of that action, the blinking object in the video is in a very poor position more or less in the middle of a large cloud of debris. Even if they, because of some shielding technology, didnt have to worry about collisions with bits and pieces, from that point they would have a very poor vision of the foremost parts of the shattered object.

It would make much more sense to fly beside the front part of the debris field.


Edited to add: Why do I always get suspicious at doctored pictures? On that webside is a nice photo on an airliner cockpit, but the view out of the windows is edited to show something that looks like night sky. For drama effect, I suppose, hehehe.
Originally posted by nyceddie
How many TV documentaries, UFO and otherwise, since the early 1980s would you like me to quote where Oberg appears as a NASA spokeperson including the recent news where NASA asked him to write a book about the Moon Hoax?

I know who James Oberg is. But I just think calling him a "NASA Spokesperson" dilutes his status somewhat in these matters. In my opinion "spokesperson" refers to some kind of PR type. Not a former NASA engineer, as Oberg is.
I'm going to have to side with the skeptics on this one. The lack of erratic maneuvering is too big an issue for me to call it as a bizzar object.
That looks like piece of broken material riding in the slipstream of the
original object. Oberg says it's a Russian booster re-entering, and given that he is a World authority on the Russian Space program, I believe him...
One of the eye witnesses (a pilot) reports (bold emphasis added by me):

We kept watching it while it flew at higher and stationary altitude from right to left. We then realized that it was not a conventional aircraft but certainly a UFO. As a matter of fact, I saw 10 or 15 constant lights flying very close to each other, and there was a blinking bright white light underneath. These white lights were leaving yellowish trails behind them. Then they started to move away from each other. We observed them for about 40 seconds until they disappeared, so I concluded that they flew faster than the speed of light.
So much for "expert witnesses":rolleyes:

Hmm, so this pilot is talking about the object INCREASING in altitude, and maneuvering? That's a differnt take on it...
Initially, a huge meteor enters into the atmosphere down to the 45.000 feet and then a UFO with flashing lights getting it under control using some kind of high-frequency energy field and flying it a while horizontally, splitting it into two pieces first and smashing it in final stage, making it completely ineffective before hitting earth.

i'm really sorry, but that conclusion i quoted above just cracks me up.. i'd be really happy to believe that ufos are there to "help" the human race and to prevent it from destroying itself, but i think i'll go for the rocket shrapnel explanation.. it sounds a bit more plausible to me!
Especially interesting is this about the high-frequency field. Now the interesting thing about this case is that we all have the evidence. So obviously the HF field is pure speculation, yet they present it as fact.

The cold facts, as documented by the ground video, the witness reports, and by the cockpit reconstruction (I found the button, heheh) are:

A large glowing object passes through the upper atmosphere from west to east. Soon after appearing, it breaks up into smaller parts that spread out in a fan-shaped pattern. Some parts travel faster and straighter than others, but all roughly follow the original direction and velocity. One part is changing intensity in a regular fashion. No impacts are recorded on the surface following the phenomenon.

We have a declaration from NASA that the phenomenon is consistent with the re-entry of a Russian rocket stage.

Thats the facts.

Now for evaluation:

Features interpreted as UFO evidence:

1: The "strobing" object.

2: The trajectory; the object enters the atmosphere, then flies level or even rises, then falls.

"Strobing" first. The object is not strobing, as this denotes short, sharp flashes with pauses significantly longer than the flash. The object is changing luminance in a roughly sinusodial fashion, quite consistent with how an irregular, rotating object would appear.

Trajectory. This is a normal trajectory for an object entering the atmosphere at a sharp angle, especially a slow object with low density. This object was slow compared to most meteorites, since it was visible for more than half a minute, and the fact that it disintegrated totally and no large pieces impacted indicates rather low density. Such objects can "skip" the upper atmosphere, effectively regaining altitude, then as they loose speed, they fall back.

All the objective evidence is fully consistent with a large artifact like a rocket stage entering the atmosphere, disintegrating, and burning up. Even the west to east movement fits, as most (if not all) space devices move in this direction to use the rotation speed of Earth as an added thrust during launch (it is no coincidence that the best launching sites are near the Equator, where the surface peed is highest).

So the mundane interpretation fits all observed facts.

Just forget and F**k everything...

tell me where the hell is Fedrich Valentich who dissappeared while on a plane(Sasna(i dont think the spelling is correct) i think)
while he reported a UFO and said it was not a conventional plane.I have heard the tapes millions of times.It is the best ever evidence recorded.Fedrich dissapeared after his sightingof a ufo while going on a trip to buy Cray fish from the King Island.

The guy never came back.SAR(search and rescue) operation begun immedietly,and estimately the all directions were searched with the fuel that craft was carrying,nothing ever turned up.Nothing.
The plane had Floatation tanks so something must have shown up,but nothing ever did...

and after so many years,this sighting remains a mystery even to this day...
