Whats your emotional IQ?

Hey, I scored 121! And my greatest emotional strength is empathy too! :D

One thought though:

I could have sworn this man was feeling constipation, I mean, look at his face! lol :D
I only got 119 :(

I am a very confrontational person in real life. I think this test shows it.


People like me are destined to fail I guess.

"Your test results show that your strongest suit is perception — your ability to pick up on what others are feeling.

Because of this, you are unusually good at reading people's verbal and non-verbal cues. You're especially aware of the subtleties of people's actions, and can feel out the vibe of a situation better than many. That gives you and edge many wish they had. People with high perception skills like yours, however, tend to rely on them to the exclusion of others. As a result, they sometimes have underdeveloped abilities in other realms of critical emotional intelligence like managing emotions, empathy, and being expressive. "

Avatar, your Emotional IQ is 121.

This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Emode's Emotional IQ test. But your Emotional IQ score is much more than just a number: it's an indicator of success.

Research has shown that people with high emotional intelligence scores — not necessarily those with the highest IQ scores — tend to be the most valued and productive employees and have the longest and happiest romantic relationships.

So, where are you most emotionally smart? Your test results show that your strongest suit is perception — your ability to pick up on what others are feeling.

Because of this, you are unusually good at reading people's verbal and non-verbal cues. You're especially aware of the subtleties of people's actions, and can feel out the vibe of a situation better than many. That gives you and edge many wish they had. People with high perception skills like yours, however, tend to rely on them to the exclusion of others. As a result, they sometimes have underdeveloped abilities in other realms of critical emotional intelligence like managing emotions, empathy, and being expressive.

To truly excel in life and know how to relate to different people, you need to balance out the different kinds of emotional intelligence.

Research indicates that if people who are strong in perception can work to increase their overall emotional IQ score, they can prepare themselves to handle any interpersonal exchange with amazing skill — especially by learning to be empathetic and by being able to express what it is they are feeling or trying to say.

And the good news is that people who try to improve their emotional IQ have far greater success than people who try to improve their IQ.
The only thing that tripped me up are those questions that make you sound really mean if you don't pick the Sunday school answer. I admit I get really pissed off if people get credit for my ideas, and I don't give homeless people money. I make mindless jokes, and I only feel guilty afterwards. Hey, I thought my EQ would be even lower!
exactly the same as you BlueSoul :)

my sister last year got 70! on this test lol

124 right now:)
improved lol
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lol! 70? Yikes! Are you sure you're related? :D

Yeah, I see your point Brolly, but the thing is, I don't exactly carry food with me everywhere :)
well it happens to me one

I was having a Mcdonald and i got to rush to the bus station to go home so i took a shortcut. As i got to the shortcut there a homeless guy who is begging then he appoach to me and ask me if hi have spare change and i repiled "no" and i began to walk away. but then i realied that he has nothing i gave him the whole big mac to him and he was pretty happy that some people care about the homeless people
That's so nice of you, Brolly! :)

Im starting to see a patterm amongst all the females taking this test :)
Yep, tests show that women are more adept at reading facial expressions then men. :D
So I'm guessing when that guy at the supermarket started to scream obscenities and thrash about wildly, he was "angry".....very interesting...
Originally posted by Brolly
well it happens to me one

I was having a Mcdonald and i got to rush to the bus station to go home so i took a shortcut. As i got to the shortcut there a homeless guy who is begging then he appoach to me and ask me if hi have spare change and i repiled "no" and i began to walk away. but then i realied that he has nothing i gave him the whole big mac to him and he was pretty happy that some people care about the homeless people

BASTARD- you know how unhealthy McDonald is?!!:D
what i was rushing

what do you think i was giving him a Can of tomato soup