What's wrong with stereotypes?


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Nothing as long as they are true.... Now there is a controversy about Penn State sorority girls dressing up as Mexicans. So let's see the issue, and start with the definition:

"The term stereotype derives from the Greek words στερεός (stereos), "firm, solid" and τύπος (typos), "impression," hence "solid impression".

So literally, it means solid impression. Thus if a group of people behave in a similar way for extended period of time, that might leave you with a solid impression of them. OH, but that can lead to prejudice! Well, let's investigate further, using Wiki:

"Stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination are understood as related but different concepts.....Although related, the three concepts can exist independently of each other."

And that is the important distinction!!! As long as you are stereotyping a group, but you don't have prejudice or don't discriminate them, stereotype happily away!!! Oh yes, and make sure that the stereotype actually fits....
All stereotypes turn out to be true. This is a horrifying thing about life. All those things you fought against as a youth: you begin to realize they're stereotypes because they're true.
David Cronenberg

Ethnic stereotypes are boring and stressful and sometimes criminal. It's just not a good way to think. It's non-thinking. It's stupid and destructive.
Tommy Lee Jones
Why TLJ's opinion is more valuable than yours or mine? Is he a philosopher or an ethicist? Specially when he is not factually correct.
Stereotypes can cause pain and suffering. Racism is stereotyping based on ethnic background and skin colour. If you are a child put into a classroom where everyone else is from a different ethnic background and skin colour you might get teased, or excluded from activities.

This can also be carried over to racial profiling by police. A rich black man driving a Mercedes might seem odd to an officer that uses racial profiling whether they are aware of it or not, and if they constantly pull the car over it is unfair to the driver.

Stereotyping can exist in any groups. Gays, militaries, nerds, Jocks, etc., but to judge anybody based on their "stereotyped group" would be unfair.

One can see how it is easily unfair and in many cases illegal.


The FBI uses profilers who specialize in stereotyping people who commit certain types of crimes, so it does have its uses in targetting criminals despite the publics objections. Is it fair to focus on certain types of people to find a serial killer and yet not a car thief? That is the dilemna.

Answer in a nutshell:
Stereotyping can deal with statistics and probabilities and that is its strength. It can never be 100% accurate and that is its weakness.
Stereotypes can cause pain and suffering.

No it can't. Racism and prejudice can, but as I already mentioned it they are similar, but not the same.

Racism is stereotyping

Not necessary. A white KKK redneck will hate a rich black lawyer, but when you think about black stereotypes, you usually don't think of well educated wealthy lawyers....

Also several groups are proud of their stereotypes, and encourage it, like Irish people about their drinking...
But it is his own opinion.

So he should be happy because with his Harward education he was able to come up with an invalid or irrelevant reasoning?

Anyhow, I am quoting someone from another similar thread:

There's absolutely NOTHING wrong about stereotypes per se. For Pete's sake, people - what the heck do you think demographics are anyway?????

It's only when they're used in a derogatory fashion that it becomes a problem. But that extends to EVERY form of language and expression as well. :shrug:

So he should be happy because with his Harward education he was able to come up with an invalid or irrelevant reasoning?

Anyhow, I am quoting someone from another similar thread:


Stereotypes themselves aren't good or bad; however, it's not good if a person behaves destructively based on stereotypes. Consider the difference between:

* Jane: What do you tell a black Jew? Get to the back of the oven! (<--- Using stereotypes as humor).
* Joe: I shot the black kid in the raiders jacket walking down the street, because obviously he was going to rob someone in our upper-crust neighborhood. (<--- Using sterotypes to justify destructive action... -this scenario recently happened in florida-).

Like anything such as alchohol, religion, sports, ... etc. you have to practice moderation. That includes how you utilize sterotypes.
So he should be happy because with his Harward education he was able to come up with an invalid or irrelevant reasoning?


I don't know what his reasoning is as to why he made that comment but only that it is what he said. Right or wrong he made his bed and must now sleep in it. Just because someone is highly educated doesn't mean they can't become ignorant as to what they say or do all the time. Many famous people put their foot in their mouths every once in awhile just as many "ordinary" people do in real life .
Count the stereotypes in here.

Perhaps not a good example for you lot, because you have no idea who Gurrumul is, but anyway.

Funny bit?
Reader comments.

Also, from the article:
“I’d like to sit down with the taxi driver and talk about why he was thinking that way and tell him that his behaviour is unacceptable.
I’d also want to tell him this is a real human being you’re dealing with not some problem or issue and you’ve left someone standing in middle of a road in Melbourne,” Grose said."

Because, you know, that little discussion is going to carry so much weight with the taxi drivers who actually make a living from being paid for their services.
And who have, in the process, worked out who is more likely to not be overly concerned with what a taxi driver might think about not being paid for that service.

*edit - Most Taxi drivers, in Darwin at least, are, uh.... middle eastern in appearance.
And they are the worst drivers on the road up here. I mean, seriously, the worst.
Stereotypes are never more than partial truths about categories or groups (and often, as in the case of the lazy Mexican, not even that).

Partial truths of groups acted upon by the powerful as if they were whole truths of individuals are dangerous to those individuals, and destructive to any society in which those individuals have significant roles.

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into real trouble; it's what you know for sure that ain't so. "
There's nothing wrong with dressing up in Mexican sombreros and ponchos - as a matter of fact, they're littered all over tourist areas of Mexico. Add in some margaritas and tacos and it'd be a fun night. I wouldn't even cal that stereotyping, more like Mexican culture.

As for the douche signs, poor taste, but not news worthy.
Basically, in case no one noticed, the point is that some negative stereotypes are actually well-deserved.

While attention is focused upon those who subscribe to them, the emphasis on what might have caused those stereotypes to exist to begin with is largely ignored.
The article I linked was about an Australian Aboriginal entertainer who was left behind by a taxi driver, presumably because he was an aboriginal.

The Taxi drivers know that there is one group in particular who are less likely to pay their fares than anyone else. This is their livelihood, and not a very lucrative one; any skipped fare is less income again.
So they react accordingly.

And what happens? Accusations of racism, taxi drivers lambasted, ugly issues raised. Another stereotype is born.. the Australian racist. Well, in this case, the immigrant middle eastern Australian taxi dr... oh, never mind.

Only the reader comments actually address the other side of the issue; which is that perhaps some attention should be directed toward why such a stereotype has arisen to begin with.
To whit: Perhaps the aboriginals themselves should start paying their fares more often. Then they wouldn't be stereotyped as a group likely not to.

Only no one appears to have the intestinal fortitude to actually point out that the taxi driver, in this case, was more than likely merely acting on experience.
Stereotyping is limiting and in a lot of cases self forefilling which is its problem. For instance stereotyping all people who come from x area as dumb if allowed in goverment may lead to the conclusion that what's the point of putting the funding into that area so you get a self forefilling prophecy. Same is true of gender stereotypes and all the rest.
Basically, in case no one noticed, the point is that some negative stereotypes are actually well-deserved.
By whom?

If you are assigned to a disparaged group by somebody, do you deserve the negative stereotypes they regard as "true" about the group?

The Taxi drivers know that there is one group in particular who are less likely to pay their fares than anyone else
They invented that group. It dos not exist outside their own categorization.

And what happens? Accusations of racism, taxi drivers lambasted, ugly issues raised. Another stereotype is born.. the Australian racist.
At least it only includes people who actually deserve to be included.

Side point here: instead of stereotypes being true, maybe it isn't a stereotype if it's accurately rather than merely often true of the individuals labeled?
To whit: Perhaps the aboriginals themselves should start paying their fares more often. Then they wouldn't be stereotyped as a group likely not to.
Why are they a "group"?

Maybe taxi drivers should learn to better identify the types of people who stiff them for fares, rather than labeling by "race". Some types of aborigines stiff cabbies, others don't. We all want to be lazy and take shortcuts, but this racist crap does too much harm.
The problem with stereotypes

The functional problem with stereotypes is when they become defining.

One might fulfill a stereotype, and that is their own problem. One might assign a stereotype, and that is other people's problem.
Tiassa, you must be getting old. I don't think I ever read such a short post from you and specially using only 1 letter type.

Congratulations!!! Now was that really that hard? :)