Whats wrong with non-existance after death?

The point of life is to spread your genetic material before you die to contribute to the human gene pool. You're just another cell in a big organism.
Originally posted by (Q)

Maybe the fantacy is the reality.

Let's agree to define what is reality and what is fantasy. Reality is the state of the world as it really is rather than as you might want it to be. Fantasy is imagination unrestricted by reality.


Get ready buddy, I'll give you logical 100% proof that you are so so wrong.

- This life to dead people does not exist or is a fantacy...agree?
- Death to living people is an absolute non negotiable reality...noone can excape death....agree?
- Then life must be a fantacy......No other choice buddy.

Did I meet your sorry Atheitic standard in proofing my point.

But what's the point in covering your posts in weird formatting? Is it your sorry theistic standards, buddy?
Originally posted by Zero
But what's the point in covering your posts in weird formatting? Is it your sorry theistic standards, buddy?

I'll accept your no answer that I'm right. Thank you very much for sayiing in your own words that I'm right....buddy.
I never said that. Thanks for displaying the theistic way of jumping to conclusions without any evidence, buddy. And also thanks for providing a classic example of why theists suck, buddai.
Originally posted by Zero
I never said that. Thanks for displaying the theistic way of jumping to conclusions without any evidence, buddy. And also thanks for providing a classic example of why theists suck, buddai.

You defined reality as this world and I gave you perfect logic that you're wrong. Let me repeat my logic.

- To a dead person, this life is a non existance or fantacy.
- To a living person, death is an absolute reality that noone can escape.
- Then this life is a fantacy.

Come on now, show your atheistic muscles.
Originally posted by heflores
You defined reality as this world and I gave you perfect logic that you're wrong. Let me repeat my logic.

- To a dead person, this life is a non existance or fantacy.
- To a living person, death is an absolute reality that noone can escape.
- Then this life is a fantacy.

Come on now, show your atheistic muscles.
I knew you didn't pass your logic class. Why didn't you finish your last sentence? The last one should read "Then this life is a fantacy[ to a dead person]." Now that's complete. ;)
Originally posted by daktaklakpak
I knew you didn't pass your logic class. Why didn't you finish your last sentence? The last one should read "Then this life is a fantacy[ to a dead person]." Now that's complete. ;)

Wrong again.....Good decoy though...top marks for that. If I ever need a decoy man on my team, you're it man.

You forgot an important part in my logic.
Death is an absolute reality to the living
So if you say life is also a reality, that makes the afterlife also a reality. Thanks for making the Theistic view for me.

Anyways, where's zero, I worry about him, he went Ermmmm????? somewhere.......hehehheh
Originally posted by daktaklakpak
I knew you didn't pass your logic class. Why didn't you finish your last sentence? The last one should read "Then this life is a fantacy[ to a dead person]." Now that's complete. ;)

By the way, I went University of Illinois Urbana Champaign for bachelor, Master's from Stanford.
Community College for the Atheists did you attend??.

Don't forget to address my perfect logic, and thanks for giving me ideas to improve on the logic.....

- Life is non existance or fantacy for the dead people.
- Death is a reality for living people, all theists and athesists will die.
- Then life is a (fantacy/reality) for the living
- Death is a reality for the living and the dead.

I agree, it doesn't sound just right yet. fantacy/reality. how can we define this state better. Where we are not really alive and we are not really dead. Ooooooh.....maybe we're in a temporary phase just like the bible, Torah, Quran tells us.
Ok, I improved the logic a bit, here's the last version.

- Life is a non existance or fantacy to the dead people.
- Life is a reality to the living, Death is also a reality for the living.
- Life is then a (quasi reality) to the living.
- Death is also a (quasi reality) for the dead and the living.
- Judgement must be a phasiatic stage to transform a person from quasi reality to absolute reality.

Please send me suggestions or flaws so I may refine the logic.
Originally posted by heflores
- Life is non existance or fantacy for the dead people.
- Death is a reality for living people, all theists and athesists will die.
- Then life is a (fantacy/reality) for the living
- Death is a reality for the living and the dead.
Here is an example to show how smart your logic is:
A (Life), B (Death), C (Dead people), D (Living people)

- A is not real to C.
- B is real to D.
- Then A is not real to D???
- And B is real for C and D???
Originally posted by heflores
You defined reality as this world and I gave you perfect logic that you're wrong. Let me repeat my logic.

- To a dead person, this life is a non existance or fantacy.
- To a living person, death is an absolute reality that noone can escape.
- Then this life is a fantacy.

Come on now, show your atheistic muscles.

First two are absolutely unfounded and flawed. Atheistic muscles? Are muscles the only way to get on top of the food chain? Is that your theistic standard of thinking, buddai? Are you a football player, buddai?
Originally posted by Zero
First two are absolutely unfounded and flawed. Atheistic muscles? Are muscles the only way to get on top of the food chain? Is that your theistic standard of thinking, buddai? Are you a football player, buddai?

If you insist on asking, :) what sport did I play??. Gymnastic my dear. I was on the national girl's gymnastic team, but that was more than 12 years ago, thanks for stirring back nice but somewhat painfull memories.

Anyways, I improved the logic. Here it is now, I need comments on it of course, REAL COMMENTS...so I may improve.

- Life is a non existance or fantacy to the dead people.
- Life is a reality to the living, Death is also a reality for the living.
- Life is then a (quasi reality) to the living.
- Death is also a (quasi reality) for the dead and the living.
- Judgement must be a phasiatic stage to transform a person from quasi reality to absolute reality.

;) :)
Originally posted by heflores
If you insist on asking, :) what sport did I play??. Gymnastic my dear. I was on the national girl's gymnastic team, but that was more than 12 years ago, thanks for stirring back nice but somewhat painfull memories.

Anyways, I improved the logic. Here it is now, I need comments on it of course, REAL COMMENTS...so I may improve.

- Life is a non existance or fantacy to the dead people.
- Life is a reality to the living, Death is also a reality for the living.
- Life is then a (quasi reality) to the living.
- Death is also a (quasi reality) for the dead and the living.
- Judgement must be a phasiatic stage to transform a person from quasi reality to absolute reality.

;) :)

Gymnasts are good, they're pretty graceful. Nice sport to be in. Painful? Why?

Replies to your arguments, in order. 1 corresponds to your first '- blah blah blah' line, etc.

1. Is there any evidence that dead people feel anything??
2. Yes...life and death are reality...good
3. How is life a quasi reality? I see no connection between 2 and 3.
4. Same here, same comment as 3. and how the fuck do dead people think of reality? They're dead! Their neurons don't work any more! Otherwise they're not dead. Come off :m:
5. Why 'must' judgement be a phasiatic stage to change person from quasi reality to reality? WTF is 'quasi reality' or 'absolute reality'?? Define your terms!!
10 hours practice, a merciless russian coach, starvation, hands and skin splitting and scratching from rubbing againest the bar, ect...But the good outweights the bad.

My first point was life is non existance or fantacy for the dead, you responded,
1. Is there any evidence that dead people feel anything??
So we are on agreement, since I didn't state that dead people necessarily exist, so I don't need to justify existance.

2. Yes...life and death are reality...good (We are on agreement on number 2...good)

You said:
3. How is life a quasi reality? I see no connection between 2 and
My answer is since life and death are viewed as opposites, so they can't be the same, and both are realities, then they may not be absoolute realities, because there is only one answer to absolute reality. I called this quasi reality.

You said:
4. Same here, same comment as 3. and how the fuck do dead people think of reality? They're dead! Their neurons don't work any more! Otherwise they're not dead. Come off
My explanation to this is, death does not exist to the living, then it may not be an absolute reality. life does not exist to the death, so likewise it may not be absolute reality. Death must be a quasi reality.

You said:
5. Why 'must' judgement be a phasiatic stage to change person from quasi reality to reality? WTF is 'quasi reality' or 'absolute reality'?? Define your terms!!
My answer is:
You may call it anthing else, if the name judgement annoys you, called it transition. Since absolute reality is real, and we have proofed that life is not an absolute reality, neither is death, then a connection must be made to the absolute reality through a phase, call it anything you want....
Originally posted by heflores
I'm working on improving the logic for proofing the theistic view.\
Here's my latest version of the logic.

- Life is a non existance or fantacy to the dead people.

Dead people don't have opinions.

- Life is a reality to the living, Death is also a reality for the living.

This is a first, I actually agree with you.

- Life is then a (quasi reality) to the living.
- Death is also a (quasi reality) for the dead and the living.

Oh dear, you've gone into a trance again.

- Judgement must be a phasiatic stage to transform a person from quasi reality to absolute reality.

What judgement?? whose judgement?? Don't give me any more god crap again.

By the way, I went University of Illinois

I remember seeing you there, you were one of the cleaners.

BTW Watch your spelling. Spelling is often used as a slide rule to measure intelligence, and on the old spellometer you rate zero.

Get ready buddy, I'll give you logical 100% proof that you are so so wrong.

That would make you the first person in history to provide 100% proof of anything. Let's see how close you are:

- This life to dead people does not exist or is a fantacy...agree?

First answer and you're already wrong - so much for the 100% proof. Dead people are dead, they cannot have fantasies. They're dead. Are you sure you know what it means to be dead ?

- Death to living people is an absolute non negotiable reality...noone can excape death....agree?

Agreed. However, many theists believe there is a life after death. Silly theists.

- Then life must be a fantacy......No other choice buddy.

Uh... I'm not sure how you arrived at that conclusion. Nothing of what you've stated would make me think that life is a fantasy.

Did I meet your sorry Atheitic standard in proofing my point.

Of course not - circular reasoning does not an argument make. The only thing you've "proved" is your lack of reasoning.

So if you say life is also a reality, that makes the afterlife also a reality.

The afterlife is neither a reality nor a fantasy to the dead - remember, the dead are dead. The afterlife is another fantasy to the living.

Please send me suggestions or flaws so I may refine the logic

You have enough flaws to choke a horse - no need to send you more.

Anyways, I improved the logic.

Your logic couldn't pull a rotten tooth out of a dead horses head. Your so-called logic has already been defined - it is called circular reasoning.

I agree with Vienna - I saw you cleaning too. ;)
to lighten the mood a bit...
If you think we simply do not exist after death, then i say to you get an afterlife:p