Whats wrong with non-existance after death?


Registered Senior Member
What is so bad about not existing after death,
before you were born you did not exist,why shouldnt it not be the same after you die.

Before birth=no body/brain
after death=no fuctioning body/brain

I wasnt concerned before my birth,for i had no existance,feelings etc etc,so why cant it be the same after death.

Id actually say that existing for infinity is rather a nausiating prospect,
imagine existing for billions of years with still infinity to go!!!
would you not get bored?
what would you spend your time doing?
why would you need it forever?

why not have all that to begin with,why go through 0-100+ years of existance then end up with infinity.

Truth is that you do exist for infinity,in the form of mass/energy
its a scientific fact that mass and energy are interchangable and that all the mass/energy in the universe including yourself is indestructable,and now its being suggested that even when this universe dies that a new one is created out of the same mass/energy,so if you look at it that way you do exist forever,
however your memorys,thoughts etc basically your conciousness
does not,for it is just a mechanical construct of the mass that binds it,
a cat thinks,a dog thinks,pigs think etc
but they dont think forever,and if they dont,nor do we,and as i say,why should you,why need to?

Im quiet pleased just with the concept that my body does not go to waste when im dead and is used(the mass) to recreate a new universe one day,im quiet happy with that thought(all the universe recycled into a new one),
and i dont wanna go on thinking,feeling forever.

So why does anyone wanna exist for infinity?,id like to know,and why do they think they need to exist forever and what do they think exists afterwards?.
if there was no existance before human creating and there will be no existance after our living right now so whats the aim of being a live .
why u have been created?
the answer is simple,
god created all of us and according to each one work ,he will award
so who believed in him and all of his messengers and did good will enter his paradise and who didnt believe in him will enter hell forever
I think to put someone in hell forever is too harsh. I believe God would punish us according to the wrongs we have done in our lifes because he is a fair God. (If anyone wants proof my reply is I have no proof and it is not in any religions books and it is an assumption I make that I would like to share and I do not wish to make an ass out of anyone.)

the answer is simple

Your answer is far from simple, it actually adds complexity to the views perceived from a non-supernatural position.

so who believed in him and all of his messengers and did good

So if I did good all my life but did not believe in Him, does that mean I'll still go to hell ? In fact, what if the good I did was overwhelmingly more good then someone who did believe in Him ?

whats the aim of being a live

That's the kicker - there does not need to be an 'aim' for living, other than what you make of it.
god created all of us and according to each one work ,he will award
so who believed in him and all of his messengers and did good will enter his paradise and who didnt believe in him will enter hell forever

I'm getting pretty weary of such uttereings as these...:eek:
Originally posted by moonman
I'm getting pretty weary of such uttereings as these...:eek:

:) yes all of what they believe is not logical,
its far more logical that there is no reason for existing.

Think of it this way,ill give an example of a hand grenade:

a hand grenade exists forever in the form of energy/mass,BUT
it will not exist forever as a hand grenade,its mechanical function
will cease as soon as age gets the better of it or the pin is pulled,
we i believe are the same,your mass exists forever is some form,but the mechanical properties that make you think,give you conciousness etc will no longer exist over the passage of time or if you are killed(which will always be the end result eventually).

Its a simple concept to grasp,or so one would have thought.

A computer has a mechanical function that is not visible to the eye,but i do not believe it continues its function's in silicon heaven
after ive bashed it to pieces with a mallet.

Would you suppose all things with function go somewhere after death of that physical funtion in mass,including computers and hand grenades,along with everything else?

One day we may be able to make a computer think like a human,in which case it has a conciousness,would it go to heaven?

no cos its just a function,that ceases upon death/age/destruction of the system that causes the function.
Originally posted by mohamed
if there was no existance before human creating and there will be no existance after our living right now so whats the aim of being a live .
why u have been created?
the answer is simple,
god created all of us and according to each one work ,he will award
so who believed in him and all of his messengers and did good will enter his paradise and who didnt believe in him will enter hell forever

I just think it's funny. It betrays your god's painful lack of mercy, compassion, and understanding, and how he is prejudiced against people because of their beliefs. Damn good god you got there. Have fun.
And doom, I'll prove your argument dumb in a second. Give me a rifle, let me point it at your forehead and you'll see the reason for that human impulse of self preservation or the impulse to believe in an afterlife.
What is so bad about not existing after death,
before you were born you did not exist,why shouldnt it not be the same after you die.

I wasnt concerned before my birth,for i had no existance,feelings etc etc,so why cant it be the same after death.

But how do we know we didn't exist before? We just may not have any awareness of it.

Id actually say that existing for infinity is rather a nausiating prospect,
imagine existing for billions of years with still infinity to go!!!
would you not get bored?
what would you spend your time doing?
why would you need it forever?

I wouldn't mind spending eternity in a perpetual state of dreaming. But that's just because I have some great ones. But that's just me.:)
I just think it's funny. It betrays your god's painful lack of mercy

this is justice,
god created us to be believe in him . this is the purpose
so if we dont believe in him then we ddeserve his punishement
Amen Mohammed.

When I hear a believer in god and the hereafter speak, I become speechless, "What should I say? What can be said to contradict the existance of the all mighty creator and the hereafter? Who can speak against the sun at midday? I say only: Praise be to God. A hundred thousand thanks that I have been saved from the dominance of fancy and vain imagination, and delivered from an eternal dungeon and prison. I have come to believe that there must be an abode of felicity in the proximity of the monarch, separate from this confused and impermanent hospice."
Originally posted by Zero
I just think it's funny. It betrays your god's painful lack of mercy, compassion, and understanding, and how he is prejudiced against people because of their beliefs. Damn good god you got there. Have fun.

The impulse of preservation and fear goes against our very nature, since our bodies were created to perish. It's unwise of a human being to place faith in materials while we know full well that all materials have life spans and will eventually perish. The whole point of living is to overcome those negative impluses to show one's superiority and worth. If you select to let fear of the gun shot be your decision maker, then all power to you. Others may choose a different path.

My favorite Philosopher Socrates says:

"Fear is indeed the pretence of wisdom, and not real wisdom"

"I will never fear or avoid a possible good rather than a certain evil."

"I tell you that virtue is not given by money, but that from virtue comes money and every other good of human, public as well as private."

"He who will fight for the right, if he would live even for a brief space, must have a private station and not a public one."

"The difficulty my friends, is not to avoid death, but to avoid unrighteousness; for that runs faster than death."

What great words to go by. By the way, Socrates believed in the one god in an age people were persecuted for such thoughts.


I have come to believe that there must be an abode of felicity in the proximity of the monarch, separate from this confused and impermanent hospice."

In other words, you are looking for an escape from reality to a fantasy.
I believe in God but I do not believe we are created for the purpose of believing in God. Imagine we are able to build a robot. We will build it for a purpose. What is the purpose of building a robot who's function is just to believe you built it?
Originally posted by Pammy
I believe in God but I do not believe we are created for the purpose of believing in God. Imagine we are able to build a robot. We will build it for a purpose. What is the purpose of building a robot who's function is just to believe you built it?

Agree, I don't believe we're created for a serving or believing purpose either. The creator has other robotic creations like moons, stars, suns, ect. that believe in him without a question and will not skip a beat revolving around their orbits unless god dictates it to them.

I wish I had the words, but if I would dare speculate on our purpose, I would say, "We're created to be the mirror in which the creator may reflect through."

Just a speculation, I'd be interested to know what you feel the purpose of life is.
Originally posted by (Q)

I have come to believe that there must be an abode of felicity in the proximity of the monarch, separate from this confused and impermanent hospice."

In other words, you are looking for an escape from reality to a fantasy.

And what's wrong with that may I ask??. Maybe the fantacy is the reality. Do you have proof that your reality is not a fantacy???
Originally posted by heflores
Agree, I don't believe we're created for a serving or believing purpose either. The creator has other robotic creations like moons, stars, suns, ect. that believe in him without a question and will not skip a beat revolving around their orbits unless god dictates it to them.

I wish I had the words, but if I would dare speculate on our purpose, I would say, "We're created to be the mirror in which the creator may reflect through."

Just a speculation, I'd be interested to know what you feel the purpose of life is.

We could be a model to see how we interact and how we function, for a greater design, to be fine tuned. We could be the 2nd model, dinosaurs being the first. They were all wiped out suddenly because God saw that that "eat one another" model will not work. Much like a programmer making a script and then close the file and start from scratch. This is probably why the world is not perfect. This is why many people say if God exist, why are there so many sufferings in the world? I think the world will evolve into a better place one way or another in future.

Those as just some thoughts and I am not standing firm on them. Just that I couldn't think of a good purpose.

(I am not christian/muslim/buddist nor any religion. The only reason I am not atheist is because I know God exists. I rather I don't, so I can do whatever I want.)
Originally posted by Pammy

(I am not christian/muslim/buddist nor any religion. The only reason I am not atheist is because I know God exists. I rather I don't, so I can do whatever I want.) [/B]

Funny, I feel sometimes like you, that I have to label and justify myself to the world. You are Pammy before you're anything, and you believe in god and that's all that matters.

I gotta run, because I opened a bunch of other subjects that are quite lengthy
Re: Re: Whats wrong with non-existance after death?

Originally posted by Coldrake
But how do we know we didn't exist before? We just may not have any awareness of it.

Oh great lot of point in that,
im gonna remember that for an excuse for not coming in to work one day,im gonna say: "oh sorry,no i definatly was here at work,its just that no one was aware i was here,not even me,it just looks like i wasnt here at all but thats cos all the evidence has deleted itself"

Maybe the fantacy is the reality.

Let's agree to define what is reality and what is fantasy. Reality is the state of the world as it really is rather than as you might want it to be. Fantasy is imagination unrestricted by reality.

If you really think reality is indeed a fantasy, then why don't you simply change the present reality to suite your purposes. Why the need to invent another reality ?

And what's wrong with that may I ask??

Plenty. If we could not all agree on one reality, how would it be possible for anyone to agree on anything. Sure, we could use a theistic approach to an 'extended reality,' but we would still be forced in one way or another to deal with our present reality. All it does is add more complexity to our already complex lives.

It's clear to me from reading the many different views of theism presented on this forum that few here agree with each others prescribed realities. Whereas on the other hand, most non-theistic views of reality are quite similar in many ways.