Whats wrong with creationism.

Do u accept evolution?

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@Rob --

Well the fact that we're interacting on some level means that we are relevant in some way to each other.
@Rob --

Well the fact that we're interacting on some level means that we are relevant in some way to each other.
Do you find me annoying? I have told you what I am trying to achieve, but I don't want you just to rubbish me, so that is why I hold back from telling you too much.
It would be like me saying "you never had any NDEs". Some personal experiences are hard to explain and we don't like others just disgarding them.:)
@Rob --

I'm not rubbishing you, I was being serious. We find relevance where things interact with us, hence why a god who just wound up the universe, as Kwhilborn suggested, would be irrelevant to us. We wouldn't interact at all.
What if he created all the known elements and just blasted them into space and waited.

We know he didnt do that - stellar nucleosynthesis did.

- For god to exist then there must be something invisible to us that connects everything. True?.

Yes, but it need not be mystical, it would be a force field like gravity if it exists at all.

@ Cosmictraveller,
What if he created all the known elements and just blasted them into space and waited.

What if the universe became conscious, and it just sat there century after century if indeed there was time? What if matter was simply the result of boredom.

If God existed. - What if Consciousness in physics was more according to Wolf views, and it really does take an observer to cause wave collapse.

We know what causes the collapse, its an interaction, any interaction will do. No consciousness needed.

I think there is something invisible to us that permeates the universe that is conscious. I also think mankind has mental powers that can influence our reality using this "substance". If a prayer saves a life, could that be considered god influencing evolution, especially if that person goes onward to have children.

Prayer overwhelmingly doesnt have any effect beyound by placebo and behavorial changes. So, it would be the person, rather than god influencing evolution. And many more lives are not saved by prayer than are saved. So it will get removed from the gene pool even if it was real.
What was before the big bang? Please don't say nothing. How could there be nothing?

Please don't say something. How could there be something?

Since time itself begins in the Big Bang, it is problematic to ask what came before.

In the beginning there was no beginning because there was no time. There was no space. There was singularity. It is timeless, meaning eternal. It is virtual, meaning it lies unreachable beyond the event horizon.

What was before the big bang? How did it start?

There is no "how" in the singularity. And there is no "before" or "start" because it is eternal.

What was before the big bang?

There is no "before" in the singularity because it is eternal.

What if nothingness became self aware and created everything to experience, and we are all just split personalities. What if there is a space particle unknown to us that can contain thoughts.

What if there is a timeless spaceless singularity which is virtual and eternal and time is the illusion of sentience.

What was in space before the big bang? Or before your answer?

There is no space in the singularity. There is no "before" either, since the singularity is eternal.
The arguments still don't seem to gel with me. There was No space or time prior to the Big Bang. But they say the Big Bang is possible because from time to time virtual particles eventuate in space, but there was no space! and there was no time. So what comes first space or time or the virtual particle singularity?
if th big bang is the beginning of the universe then space would come into existence only after after its birth. there was nothing b4 as our universe didnt exist. the universe had to start in 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 dimensions. if string theory is correct and there are more dimensions hidden from us then its likely the 4 dimensions we see will only gives use a limited amount of information, so until we find the other dimensions we cannot get the whole picture. the problem is these dimensions seem to be smaller than the smallest of particles and may in fact be the reason matter exists in the 4 we know.

personally i like the elegance of the membrane theory.
2 membranes exist out side of our universe. ripples in these membranes caused the 2 to nearly touch or actually touch and at which point there was an arc of energy between the two creating our universe in the process. the beauty of this theory is that universes get created over and over. it also helps explain gravity and why it seem's to be influencing matter towards a specific area at the edge of space, a point where gravity seems stronger. this point in space may well be the closest point to the membrane so gravity is marginally higher. when i say pulled towards i mean have a tendency to move towards. like if you take a pool table and lift 1 corner by putting a bar mat under it. that corner represents a point in space where there is less gravity. now you make your break and because the table is ever so slightly uneven more of the balls will gather at the farthest point away from the corner that was lifted. its this unevenness of the universe that seems to show matter is moving like the balls to the point of greatest gravity. but this point seems to be outside of out universe. there does seem to be proof of this with the latest scans of the cosmic background radiation left over by the big bang. where 1 area of the image seems to be much denser with matter than it should be.
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