what's with this...

You know when you've had nothing to eat for several hours, then you eat something then crash? (I mean crash as in lose your energy, not hit something.) What's the biology behind that? Why would you get it *after* you eat something?
You can chew alot, and make sure that the food is hot. This will help the digestion so that it doesn't take as much energy from you.

About the chewing: The best possible is to chew until the food tastes like sugar. I don't do that though, I like al dente and are prepared to suffer tiredness to achieve it :)
I don't believe that. Ice cream is harder to digest than a steak because of temp? That makes no sense at all.
Do you have any proof or it is simply something someone told you?
thats crap, it takes more ENERGY for the body to digest because it needs to be heated to 37.1 but this doesnt mean it is harder to digest
yeah, but I wanted him to explain. Its probably an old wives tale be believed without ever questioning.
I don't believe that. Ice cream is harder to digest than a steak because of temp? That makes no sense at all.
Do you have any proof or it is simply something someone told you?
Rather hot ice cream is easier to digest than cold ice cream, and a hot steak is easier to digest than a cold one.
I don't think a hot steak is easier to digest than a cold one.
I think a cooked steak is easier than an uncooked steak though.