what's with this...


Monkey see, monkey denigrate
Valued Senior Member
You know when you've had nothing to eat for several hours, then you eat something then crash? (I mean crash as in lose your energy, not hit something.) What's the biology behind that? Why would you get it *after* you eat something?
Cause a lot of your bodies energy then switches gears to digest the food you ate. You will find that you et a better lift from it if you allow your body to rest for a half hour or so after you eat. You also wont get it so bad if you est something light. Like a chicken salad with a bread stick, and a piece of fruit. That will bog you down much less than a burger or steak.
Cause a lot of your bodies energy then switches gears to digest the food you ate. You will find that you et a better lift from it if you allow your body to rest for a half hour or so after you eat. You also wont get it so bad if you est something light. Like a chicken salad with a bread stick, and a piece of fruit. That will bog you down much less than a burger or steak.

Yep.. right on the money.
It's also why old geezers take a nap after dinner lol ;)
parasympathetic nervous system triggered by gastric and intestinal hormones. diverts blood to you viceral organs and away from other areas such as muscles.
parasympathetic nervous system triggered by gastric and intestinal hormones. diverts blood to you viceral organs and away from other areas such as muscles.

Nice but the girl has a handle of Visceral Instinct. You owe it to her and yourself to spell it right.
It's also why old geezers take a nap after dinner.
I'm one of those geezers, except it only happens to me after lunch. And I've been this way for fifty years. I always had trouble staying awake in my 1:00 high school class. People ask me, "Hey Fraggle, you were a science major in high school when Sputnik was launched. What was that like?" I tell them it must have happened around 1:00 because I don't even remember it. (Other than that it was wonderful. Suddenly science majors could get dates, the jocks started treating us with respect, and the pachucos protected us instead of beating us up.)

What I eat specifically has a bearing on it. I'm much more likely to get drowsy if I eat a lot of sugar, or even a lot of starch, than if it's the same calories in meat or another source of protein and fat. It has something to do with insulin production, but that doesn't explain why it's just a daytime thing with me. I can make it happen at night, but it takes a whole pound of candy. Which I'm quite capable of eating.
I'm one of those geezers, except it only happens to me after lunch. And I've been this way for fifty years. I always had trouble staying awake in my 1:00 high school class. People ask me, "Hey Fraggle, you were a science major in high school when Sputnik was launched. What was that like?" I tell them it must have happened around 1:00 because I don't even remember it. (Other than that it was wonderful. Suddenly science majors could get dates, the jocks started treating us with respect, and the pachucos protected us instead of beating us up.)

What I eat specifically has a bearing on it. I'm much more likely to get drowsy if I eat a lot of sugar, or even a lot of starch, than if it's the same calories in meat or another source of protein and fat. It has something to do with insulin production, but that doesn't explain why it's just a daytime thing with me.
To be honest I feel it too, but only after dinner and when I have done some pretty exhausting physical work.

I can make it happen at night, but it takes a whole pound of candy. Which I'm quite capable of eating.
Just make sure you brush your teeth ;)
I had half a bucket of candyfloss yesterday while at the cinema watching the X-files movie.

I was wondering why I was so hyperactive, then my friend pointed out that the stuff was 98% sugar.
For some reason, every time I drink a coke, I crash. It doesn't matter how I am before, I just crash maybe ten or twenty minutes afterwards.
have you ever been checked for diabities?
it sounds like a spike in your insulin levels WAY above what the responce should be
have you ever been checked for diabities?
it sounds like a spike in your insulin levels WAY above what the responce should be

No, I haven't, although some of my family have it.

What do you mean on the second part?
i mean the fact that you crash that shortly after symple sugar could mean 2 things
1) your alergic to caffine or someother substance in the coke but im sure if the same thing happened with coffee you would have mentioned it
2)the insulin being releaced by your body to compensate for the increase in glucose is WAY out of proportion to the glucose increase. I belive (though i havent studied it) that this is one of the early signs of type 2 diabities
i mean the fact that you crash that shortly after symple sugar could mean 2 things
1) your alergic to caffine or someother substance in the coke but im sure if the same thing happened with coffee you would have mentioned it
2)the insulin being releaced by your body to compensate for the increase in glucose is WAY out of proportion to the glucose increase. I belive (though i havent studied it) that this is one of the early signs of type 2 diabities

I'm not allergic to caffeine since I've been drinking it since all I can remember

I don't know, but I'm simply saying I crash after drinking soda or energy drink.

now, the strange thing is, I never experience a boost of energy. I just crash usually WHILE drinking the drink , I get very sleepy.
does the same thing happen if you eat choclate or any other straight sugar? (say a spoonfull of sugar straight out of the jar). i was going to say a honey sandwige but in that case you have complex carbs in the mix which could complicate the result
does the same thing happen if you eat choclate or any other straight sugar? (say a spoonfull of sugar straight out of the jar). i was going to say a honey sandwige but in that case you have complex carbs in the mix which could complicate the result

I don't quite remember. Next time I eat chocolate, which is likely to be very soon, I'll get back to you on that:)
i did just think of one other thing it could be, over stimulation of the parasypathetic nevious system. This is the one which controls digestion and all the other non arousal funtions of the body (thats not INTIRLY acurate but its close enough for this discussion). If this diverts to much blood away from your brain it could cause the symptoms your discribing as well