Whats up with Chemtrails?


Registered Senior Member
What are Chemtrails?

Is there any "secret" thing going on with they?

Has anyone seen the large amounts of Chemtrails in some areas?

Also what effect do they have on the weather?
Do you mean Contrails?
Like the ones off of jet aircraft?

If so I will explain them in great detail... If not... what the hell are Chemtrails?
Comtrails are from regular jet planes. Basically regular exaust.

Chemtrails are the trails that stay in the air longer and take along time to go away. Also they are supposedly caused for some reason and are thought to maybe have some type chemicals in them.

See Chemical+Comtrails=Chemtrails.:)

At least thats what they are starting to be called its kind of a new term.
*cough* *cough*
This is long so bare with me

1. Contrails are not exhaust
Contrails are condensed water and ice particles created by the low-pressure spots in formed along wing tips and high pressure engines wash. This low-pressure region combined with the jet's presence allows evaporated water to form into larger droplets (clouds) at a higher rate of speed. Thus it is just the accelerated formation of clouds. (disturbance = cloud formation).
Also Contrails are more likely to be formed during altitude changes, turns or acceleration (the vortices change speed and pressure)

2. Jet exhaust is known as 'the brown smudge'
When you go up in the air near an airport there is almost a layer of exhaust known as 'the brown smudge'. you do not usually see exhaust from the ground but it is very bad for the ozone and the environment.

3. Contrails may effect the environment
It is believed that the mass number of Contrails being created and 'maintained' (commercial routs) act almost like an extra layer of temp regulation (much like normal clouds). This is because they are just thin man made clouds.

4. Some people think strange things about normal phenomenon
Contrails last all about the same time (given the same conditions ex windy at altitude=short , calm=longer, just like cloud formations). Commercial and privet planes all can create this phenomenon. BUT some think that governments or aliens are spraying us with mind control agents or sedatives (to prevent revolts and to obey their will) or toxins to lessen the population.

In short contrails are nothing to fear… unless commercial aircraft wing tanks are being modified to not only hold fuel but to spray us all and turn us into vegetables :bugeye:
Thanks for the info!:)

The only thing I'm not sure about is question #1.

I think your talking about vapor trails if its frozen ice particals.

Not exactaly sure on that one.:D
Noun: Contrails

An artificial cloud created by an aircraft; caused either by condensation due to the reduction in air pressure above the wing surface or by water vapor in the engine exhaust.

*Contrails are vapour trails :D
*Chemtrails are the idea that these vapour trails have some evil chem in them :rolleyes:
Thanks for explaning what comtrails are. But I'm not sure every trail from a plane is a regular comtrail. Some could also be chemtrails. Also in some areas at some times theres an abnormal abundance of these trails.

I heard one theory that chemtrails are like the strands of spider silk that let spiders fly/float if they want to.

Supposedly this lets them stay in the atmosphere longer to do something. Like reflect solar heat or something like that.

Comtrails are vapor and not at all like spider silk.

Has anyone seen strange Chem and or Com trails in the sky?:bugeye:
contrails, note the N instead of M. Not comtrails, contrails.

The reason you might notice more contrails in some places at some times should be assumed to be because the government/aliens/evil spirits are trying to spray more Genericly Evil Chemical(TM) on you, and not because some places get more air traffic, and sometimes high altitude conditions are calmer so the trails last longer.

Im not sure about this but at the altitude that contrails appear would it not be impossible for us to predictd where any chemical in a contrail would eventualy land? Its definately not going to fall strait down on the people below the trail, if they wanted to target it like that why not use crop dusters or contaminate the water treatment plants? Is it possible to predict where such high atmosphere winds will take some chemical and eventualy deposit it? I imagine It ends up spread over a very large area once it does make it back to the ground, if it does at all. these evil chems must be very potent.
The entire "chemtrail" phenomenon is complete gargbage. There are no chemtrails, only contrails. "Chemtrails" only have pseudoscience and handwaving in support of them. They are an imagined phenomenon.

Genericly Evil Chemical(TM)

Not genericly, generically.
I'm thinking of chemtrails as more of something to control the climate then as actual bad chemicals.

Even though I imagine that if anthing other than water vapor was used it would impact the environment.

Anyway has anyone hear about the experiments done on Hurricanes?

Some experimental substance that can hold 1000 times its weight in water was tested on a hurricane.

But it supposedly increased the power of the hurricane while only reducing the water it produced by a small amount.

These hurricane tests are real things that have been done.

Whats everyones thoughts on these?:)
Originally posted by dinokg
I'm thinking of chemtrails as more of something to control the climate then as actual bad chemicals.

Despite popular crackpot theories, neither the government nor the commercial airlines control the weather. Also adding a few wispy clouds into the sky isn't going to do anything to change the climate.
I heard that even regular contrails can increase or decrease the temperature beneath them by about 5 degrees.

Even though its only as long as the trail is stable it still shows theres at least a mild effect in relation the contrails.

Although this is only a side effect with regular contrails it shows that there could be some way to influence the climate even with something as common place as contrails.:)
Originally posted by dinokg
it shows that there could be some way to influence the climate even with something as common place as contrails.:)

No, it really doesn't. Head over to the earthscience board and ask them a bit about climate change and all that.
Sept. 11 2001 gave a unique opportunity to test for the speculated effect of contrails on climate. In the days following the attack, the air over the United States was practically devoid of aircraft, and hence of contrails. An examination of temperature statistics seems to indicate that the overall temperature is not changed, but difference between night and day temperature is decreaded. This is consistent with the effect of a light cloud layer.

Persistent contrails come from the water vapour in the exhaust of fuel-burning engines. It requres certain atmospheric conditions to form and the time the contrail persists can vary from les than a minute to all day, even to growing into a band of clouds.

The conditions for contrails usually exist in altitudes above 10,000ft, but can vary greatly, both with altitude and weather conditions. So you will be able to watch one plane make a contrail that dissapears even as the plane crosses the sky, and another, apparantly in the same altitude, makes one that lasts for hours. Only a few thousand feet of altitude difference can make it.

All traces you see in the air can be explained by the contrail phenomenon. There is no reason to invent chemtrails.

Cemtrails.... Yes.

I just needed to update this. The Science Channel did a part on how the government can change the weather, through what I think was changing the ionosphere. And that during Vietnam they seeded clouds to make it rain... a lot. So there probably are chemtrails, and they probably are changing our weather as well as a hundred more things I think you could do if you were to drop gases on people from planes. And I dont think anyone on this thread did any critical thinking on this matter.
I just needed to update this. The Science Channel did a part on how the government can change the weather, through what I think was changing the ionosphere. And that during Vietnam they seeded clouds to make it rain... a lot. So there probably are chemtrails, and they probably are changing our weather as well as a hundred more things I think you could do if you were to drop gases on people from planes. And I dont think anyone on this thread did any critical thinking on this matter.

That was on the 'Science' channel? Sheesh. Cloud seeding is only weather manipulation, not weather control. There have to be clouds to unduce to make rain, we cannot make clouds.

Ionospheric heating is possible using large radars, but that does not 'control' the weather.

The Science channel may be guilty of a pseudoscientific travesty here.

I really do not remember saying control at all. I said change wich is basicly manipulation or really to manipulate something.

But if you were in a car and you drove some where you would be in control of the car.

Likewise if you can make something do something you do control that aspect of that thing.

Google defines
Control - power to direct or determine.
Direct - command with authority; "He directed the children to do their homework".

With cloud seeding you have the power to direct the clouds to rain.
With cloud seeding you have the power to control the clouds to rain.

Im sorry I have to go into work right now so ill post my point later.
Cloud Seeding really only works if the cloud was going to produce rain soon. It does not create rain out of a clear sky.

Forcing already rail filled clouds to rain is not weather/climate control.
If you can change the weather as to make it rain harder you can say, also, you are controlling that aspect of weather.

Because the word control means "power to direct or determine" you can say "The government has the power to direct or determine that it rains harder." or "The government is directing the weather to rain harder." therefor exerting control over a certain aspect of the weather.

This is very off topic, so thank you.

We are, of course, not talking about cloud seeding, but are considering whether or not contrails are condensation from jet exhaust, or are Chemicals or Cemtrials.

Now would it be reasonable for me to think the contrails are really cloud seeding?
Of course not. I see them when it is not cloudy at all, and since my area is undergoing a drought I would then not come to the conclusion that they are cloud seeding.

So, the point of even mentioning cloud seeding is because it is a way that the government can change the weather to carry out some desire.

So, maybe contrails are Chemtrails.

It would be ignorant to believe that if you know about cloud seeding it must be the only weather manipulation available. I'm sure there are hundreds of things hidden from us about weather manipulation.