What's the point of this forum?

Originally posted by Grey Seal
The only obvious point of this forum is for religious zealots, teenage depressed wannabe atheists, 40 year old wannabe enlightened/knowledgable nobodies, and confused degenerates to kill time and feel important (which column do i fall under? I'm killing time, but it's dying far too slow). Other forums are fresh, interesting, new. This is an argument between schoolchildren about who is the best wrestler and why; arguing wholeheartedly about a "professional sport" that is and always has been scripted, fabricated.

Thank you for a refreshing laugh...if nothing else that post really brightened up my day;)

To each his own my man...to each his own. I use to come to this forum often but i seriously cut back because of the pig-headed views of the regulars here. I only come back because Posters such as CRIS and RAITHERE..gives me hope that this forum has't completely been dipped in monotony and somewhat idiocy.

If you don't like this place don't come..simple as that;)
Re: Experience

Originally posted by Raithere
Jade Squirrel: Thank you too, yours is a voice that I have quickly come to respect.
Thank you, Raithere. I appreciate that coming from you. :)