Whats the most crazy lucid dream you have ever had?

Nah, I never had a lucid dream until a started 'practicing'. One of the main things you can do is look at your watch twice ever 15 minutes. Actually think about what it says, and think if it is real. It sorta gets you in the habit of questioning reality... and this carries over into your dreams.

Does that still make it lucid?

Nope that was not a lucid dream. You have to realize that
you are dreaming for the dream to be considered lucid. Persol
actually recommended a great technique (check your watch
multiple times if you think you are dreaming). It's cool. One
second it says 9:17 and another it says 'Space Invaders'. Of
course I've come to the realization (after thousands of lucid
dreams) that if have any doubt that 'this' is not reality, then I'm
dreaming! Works every time!
Hey guys..I just had another ludic...TODAY!!!

I was staying up late playing my games while my dad was watching that dinosaur movie(Jurrasic Park). Anyway after an hour went by he said he was gonna hit the sack (go to bed). And I said ok. So he when to bed and I decided to do the same thing. I went to the couch because I was lazy and didn't wanna walk to my bed, and fell asleep. The first time I woke up I didn't have a dream. The second time I woke up I still didn't have a dream...but It was strange I couldn't speak...I was confused but kept my cool. But this freaked me out...when My lips moved by themselves to say: Im going back in...????. I was confused at what that mean't so I closed my eye's so I could sleep this thing of. The moment I closed my eyes..I dreamed...but had complete control over myself. I dream't I was in my apartment with my brothers and sister....(But wait I DON"T LIVE WITH MY BRO"S AND SIS") The moment I realized this...a man that my brothers in my dreams called mr.dangerman broke into my apartment. All my bro's and sis ran but I was so scare and ran to the balcony. (I just wanna tell you guys that this man or creature named mr.dangerzone only appears in dreams where my family is involved. So anyway this man chases me only in my dreams, but one time that creature attacked my sis. That was A dream I had no control in. So me and this guy was on the balcony and he told me "YOU CAN"T READ MINDS" And the moment he told me that I woke up....but I awoke with a tear running down my face. Now I know i dream alot but I don't remember the last time i cried in my life.

but anyway thx guys for listening pls post feedback.

goodbye...until we meet again...
Re: janeelsa

Originally posted by Crunchy Cat
It's cool. One second it says 9:17 and another it says 'Space Invaders'.
Lol... I've had the hands disappear, but nothing that cool.
craziest lucid dream eh?
I was a mathematical construct in a universe that had more
than 3 physical dimensions. I experienced two (possibly
more that I dont remember) entirely new and distinct emotions
AND I also experienced visuals that blow SGI out of the water
and very unique environmental perceptions/sensations.

Wicked! You've gotta tell me what :m: you were on!:D
Living my whole life over again in one situation , and realizing its been a waste. Even tho I had many good times I've missed all aspects of how I've lived. realized that all this time I havent lived the days to my fullest extent. realization of being stuck, thinking im going in circles. The dream? heh it was silent blackness just wat I see when I look back... no emotion.. no purpose... living for the moment tha situations that come with no control. The game that has infinite continues, replayed infinite times. Just look at everyone, every thought every emotion, wat you think of unique has all ready been taken. So who are we truly? WHHOOO AARE YOOOUU embedded in the silence, feeling searching like a blind mind with my hands in silence to find those words.
What! Are you saying!!!

It sad that you think your life is a waste, every human on this planet has a purpose including you. You lived the way you lived because you had to nothing more, what could you do. You alway live everyday you have to the extent because you are living and thats a given gift in it's self. Im sure everyone has felt that kind of emotional stress of begin lost, Angry, and fooled...I too have felt that way, but I have gotten to the point where I say I do have a purpose...the purpose is to live and DIE! must people think to themselves, "well, why be born in the first place" I don't know what religion you are but I think god has a plan for everyone...To die is to reach him in rather to be born to meet him. YEs I do agree that, there are many situation that we cannot escape nor control, but you must look at the situations that we can control and find joy in it that we may escape it. I can assure you that there is no infinite continues nor replays in life. I may not be able to prove it but with my current beliefs it rules the fact that we are reborn into this world. I agree also with the fact of unique thoughts being thought of before you ever thought of it, Its only right if that happens because someone was living before you and thought of much before you. My friend you are blind if you haven't truly seen it yet....we =) we are human...we are just plain ordinary imperfect humans made to live and die. The mind is never blind for it is always thinking about something.

I say in the future try and sit down with yourself and meditate please speak to yourself...for you only have the answer to yourself.

goodbye...until we meet again...
Re: What! Are you saying!!!

Originally posted by Kinetic Spirit
the purpose is to live and DIE! must people think to themselves, "well, why be born in the first place"
Just because you are going to die eventually doesn't mean anything. You might as well have fun in the meantime.