Whats the most crazy lucid dream you have ever had?


Registered Senior Member
Mine was a like a dragon ball theme i felt all this energy running through my body and when i focused i felt the whole earth shaking then and me and this guy started fighting while the earth shaked.. what a dream
I had a dream once that I was in this desolate rolling valley. The only thing that I could see was a tiny shack and a fence. I walked for a long time until I reached the shack. I knew that the aliens had set up a few humans in this farm/zoo-like place. I stayed in the shack overnight. And when I woke up, there was a guy sleeping on the floor next to me. We went outside and began walking. The sky was a shade of grey, the grass was dull green, and we had scraps of dull brown clothing on. We came to a tree which bore the most sparkling green pears, they looked so amazing. So I picked one, and I ate it. And then suddenly we were running from the aliens.

I woke up then. It was just so scary.
I dreamed that i finally worked up the courage to kiss this girl i simply adore and admire for her amazing personality (meaning i am crazy about her) and after that she didn't have me arrested for kissing her but rather she told me she also liked me. Man it was cool, unfortunetly reality kicked in and i realized it was a dream;)
I had this freaky experience once.

It was not exactly a dream, as I was kind of awake (kind of asleep, too).

It felt sort of like an out of body experience.

I was meditating.
It was enhanced, however.
Sometimes I can't get into the right state for meditating, and I require some subtle assistance ( :m: ).


I was "dreaming" that I was in the water.
(If I remember correctly, It was the bath tub at first, then a lake)
I was thinking about adaptation, and remembering a documentary about this liquid that researchers were training mice to breathe.
The idea was to fill the animal's (eventually human's) lungs with a thick hyper-oxygenated liquid that they can breathe, so they can dive to great depths without having to breathe air (so the lungs won't collapse).
I also thought about theories that we came from the water billions of years ago.

So, I decided that, since water contains oxygen, I could train myself and adapt my body to breathe water.

I started by taking a little bit of water in my lungs with the air, and I choked a little bit (it felt incredibly real).

Over about an hor or two (real time) of doing this and gradually increasing the amount of water that I took in, I eventually was breathing water.
It was very difficult to breathe for a while (I thought I was going to pass out in real life due to lack of oxygen because I was breathing so slowly and it was such a labored breathing).

After a while of breathing only water, it eventually got easier, and felt normal.

Then I slowly came back out (almost as slowly as I went in) a little more air, a little more air...
Then I was breathing air again.

After that, I could switch pretty easily between air and water, and I went to go do it in salt water (That was pretty hard).

Anyway, after most of the night doing this and acclimating myself to the different conditions I was swimming at the bottom of the ocean breathing sea water with the fish.

It was all pretty fucking outrageous.

I didn't sleep much that night, but it was well worth it.

EDIT: Damned typos!
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My craziest lucid dream i had was a false awakening. A couple of seconds later i did a reality check and noticed i was dreamin. My mind was racing on what to do next (im suprised that i didnt wake up). I tried to get up and do somthing but my upper body was in paralysis. Then, my mom came in and told me that she was leavin and left. I wasnt thinkin about astral projection at the moment (i wish i was) so i snapped out of paralysis and the dream.

This was my second lucid dream in a week:D. My first one i woke up from excitement as soon as i knew i was dreamin.
The Crazies dream I ever had was...

The crazies dream I ever had was when I was living at my old house, I was about 10-12, I use to be afraid of the dark. So anyway, It would be time to go to bed, Then I would go downstairs, which by the way happen to be dark. I would want something from the kitchen, I would always have this felling that there was a person in my kitchen and with a surprise it was. It suddenly ran out of the kitchen and try to get me. I quickly turned to run up the stairs but I was running to slow, it was as if the stairs were moving away from me very slowly.

I guess you guys were wondering, "WHY DIDN"T YOU TURN ON THE LIGHTS IDIOT!!!!" Well everytime I thought about turning the lights on the person would come out of the kitchen. Plus the light switch was right in the dinning room next to the kitchen.

thx for hearing me out guys.

goodbye...until we meet again...

I dreamt that I was going into my bathroom. I don't know why I was going in there, but I went in there and there in the bathtub a Grey was standing. Suddenly it pulled off its mask and it was my aunt. I think this really happened, but the Greys didn't want me to be afraid so they made me remember it as a dream.

EDIT: I hate my spelling...
I had this wierd dream a few days ago, or probably a week by now...anyways, all I remember is I was driving down the road ( I was the passenger) and there was a car accident. A SUV-type thing it a horse and peeled off it's skin and the horses skin was ground up and scattered all over the road. The horse was still alive and standing on the side of the road. The SUV also took off it's front leg, left I think, and the 3-legged skinless horse was trying to cope with the pain. It was awful! That was the worst dream I ever had. It was wierd though because the flesh was a pale peach color, there was no blood. It was wierd.
I don't know that it was the most crazy, but last night I dreamt that I went to some hotel in Paris, and there were white 'rats' or something on the bed, but they had bushy tails like squirrels, and when I tried to push them off the bed they Attacked Me!!! It was horrible! They were biting my leg and my neck and I kept saying "this is a dream! this is just a dream!" I guess I woke up then, but not until they had "savaged" me for a good while! Uggghhh!!! Maybe I shouldn't have had those nachos? :)
Re: Dreams...

Originally posted by Shadow_Wizard
I think this really happened, but the Greys didn't want me to be afraid so they made me remember it as a dream.

You think your Aunt is really an alien?
Or you think your Aunt really stands in people's bathtubs with alien masks on?

Either way, I think maybe you should get her some help.

By the way.

To clarify for everyone:
A Lucid Dream is a dream in which you are LUCID or consciously aware that you ARE dreaming, therefore have at least some measure of control over it (generally a good deal of control, ideally, total control).
well, i used to have a lot of nightmares, i was usually being chased by somehting, shot at, or falling somehow to imminent death, and somehow a split second before I died in the dream, i could force myself to wake up by in a way just FOrcing my eyes to open, it was totally a concious effort as well =) ...thats kinda crazy...anyone else experience that sort of thing?

a cool dream i had recently that was kind weird was when i was at my old house, which is on the side of a long hill, and i remember in previous dreams i could glide down that hill, flying like 15 feet above it...but in this recent dream, i was telling people about how i used to dream that i glided down it... That was a weird dream....Anyone experience that as well?
craziest lucid dream eh?

I was a mathematical construct in a universe that had more
than 3 physical dimensions. I experienced two (possibly
more that I dont remember) entirely new and distinct emotions
AND I also experienced visuals that blow SGI out of the water
and very unique environmental perceptions/sensations.
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Okay dont laugh at me...
It was the last day of school and the bus driver was droping of people at wierd stops. She dropped me off 2 miles away from my house. I just started to run home, and then...i forgot. THan i saw my mom. But their were 2 of her....and the nasty thing part was that one of her had a dick. I was like WTF!!!!!My real mom said that she had her self cloned and shit...and she left the house. I was the only one thier. Well after that, some black people came to my church. After mass, this annyoing kid named robert said that he hated blacks he started cussing them out. I told him to shut up. All of a sudden, he started fighting me.....bUt it was like tha matrix. It was slow mo and fast sometimes. Finally i beat him and he ran to the bench. And thats it.
I find it funny that 90% of the people posting in this thread don't even know what a lucid dream is.
Then it was vivid. That doesn't make it lucid. Just the fact that you thought it was real points out it wasn't a lucid dream.
Early one morning my husband and I were sitting in the front room of our house. He was watching TV and I was looking at cookbooks (yeah, really.) I fell asleep on the couch and he got up to take a shower. I dreamt that I woke up and walked to the bathroom to say something to him while he was showering; but I couldn't get the words out. It was like my lips were stuck together and it was a struggle just to mumble. All of a sudden I thought, "Oh, I must be dreaming." And then I woke up on the couch. Actually, I THought I woke up. I "sat up" and looked out the window and there was broken glass in our driveway and a bunch of furniture was out there. I was puzzled by that and I turned to look out the sliding glass doors at our patio. The vine that normally grows on one side of the patio was growing in a different location. I thought, "Well, that's not right. I must be dreaming." And then I REALLY woke up. (I think!) I've come to recognize that when I can't speak in my dreams it means I'm dreaming. If something is really way out (like white parisian rats, see above) my brain usually recognizes it for an impossibility and says "Hey, you're dreaming.Wake up." I either wake up then or I just start a new dream. That's it.
Hey Crunchy Cat! I had a 'dream' once where I went through a 'doorway' and when I was on the other side I realized I was in a different dimension. Everything was really colorful and the buildings "sparkled." In my mind I knew it wasn't a dream, and it wasn't like I was on some other planet. I KNew I was actually in a different dimension. That's all I can remember. I've never experienced anything else like it. I can't say I knew I was dreaming, on the contrary I knew I wasn't dreaming. Does that still make it lucid? :)
i dont remember having ANY lucid dreams. In all my dreams iam not aware iam dreaming.....is something wrong with me?