What's the Deal With the Hooded Aliens???

Rambler, you have a point. Let's assume that there are "aliens" and we'll just call them "Grays" for now, and that these "Grays" haven't gotten a clue as to who Jesus was. Instead, let's say that the "Grays" believe that the only "truth" as far as they're concerned is the proliferation of their species throughout the universe regardless of other species; a "manifest destiny" on a galactic scale. Now, wouldn't this be considered demonic to you if not in religious terms, but just as evil in the same sense? Personally, I don't know what the "alien agenda" is, but the fact that everything seems to be clandestine in regard to "aliens" in general, leads one to assume that if the "Grays" do indeed exist, they're probably not galactic traders coming here to hawk goods.
So I guess the "Grays" would come here to take over our world and make it there own (As you have said not traders etc). This would make us see them as evil beings etc. Well do you consider humans as evil?, 'cause we do the same thing everyday to other species even to other humans. Theres a certain kind of irony in there somewhere.

And lets face it its a LONG way to come just to pick a fight. If they wanted other worlds they have millions of uninhabitaed worlds to choose from.
work to LIVE...don't live to WORK.

[This message has been edited by Rambler (edited February 29, 2000).]

Okay, okay that is one weird sense of humour. I admit in hindsight I may have assumed you were some 'I've seen the light' preach from the street corner christian. I am not a judgemmental chrisitan. Being an Irish Catholic I tend to be less 'zealous' about my faith, it is none-the-less there. I believe mine is a very humble faith. Sorry about getting on your case!! :) We're good sparring partners. By the way I am certainly not anti-christian as I am a Christian. :)

Getting to the alien agenda... if they are here, and I'm not totally convinced either way but statistically, as well as reading some 'new' forms of literature, it would seem that they are *sorry for being so convoluted, but deal with it*, then their clandestine presence would seem to be suspect. If they are manipulating us in someway then I can see this as demonic. Yet as Rambler states humans are just as demonic. I'm not quite sure, as I have no proof *looking to Lori*, about the whole evil demonic-shebang-get-your-holy-water-and-rosary-beads-out thing. Enlighten me.

Anyone read Courtney Brown's 'Cosmic Voyage'. He believes that the Greys are helping to transport a Martian population from the dying red planet to Earth. Anyone got anything on Santa Fe Baldy?????? The little village in South America (I'm suspecting Columbia)???
Rambler, In answer to your question about humans being evil; yes I do believe we are to some extent, however this is just one of our qualities, we do have some admirable traits as well. As far as the irony that you mention on humans getting the short end of the stick; yes it is ironic, which is why I stuck "manifest destiny" in my former reply. The original "manifest destiny" had to do with the Whites pushing as far Westward as they could go regardless of the aboriginal Indians living here in the "New World." Again, I repeat my former reply in that IF "Grays" are here, they certainly are working in a clandestine way. Viewing it from a human perspective, since I can't view it any other way, any time someone works in a clandestine fashion, they're usually up to little good. You'll always have people who will want to believe that "Grays" and any other "aliens" are here to enlighten us, etc., but I just can't come to those same conclusions unfortunately. As for the distance traveled by the "Grays" to get here, who knows what laws of physics they are working by. Maybe Einstein was right about length contraction and time dilation in relation to space travel. It it's true then the distance from there to here almost becomes irrelevant. Sort of how the Atlantic no longer became such a formidable barrior once the technology provided the first Whites with the means to competently sail across it. There may have even been some American Indians saying, "boy they came a long way just to pick a fight, and with so many other lands the Whites could have landed on."

Oooooooooooh, I see. And here I thought you were "Christian slamming". And you are a Christian! Though I get the feeling you're one that just "calls" himself one cause you were raised that way or whatever. Got Holy Spirit?

Start with this one...it's pretty good to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. Read the three little purple links at the bottom of the page... http://www.crossfields.com/~watcher/

Also, do a search on ce4, and go to their website and check it out. I talked to one of the MUFON investigators on the phone one night. He was nice enough to call regarding some concerns I had for my friend and how to help her (not that she gives a shit). But anyway, this guy was NOT a Christian AT ALL before he joined MUFON and found out what Jesus did for abductees. Very compelling. Give it a read, and let me know what you think. :)


Honey, the whole point is that they are NOT ET's like we "think" they are. They actually ARE demons. See what I'm saying? They don't actually have to "travel" like you think they do.

You may think I'm a nut, but I'm fastened to the strongest bolt in the universe.
Damn server keeps getting reset!!


Have you read 'Cosmic Voyage', it depicts circumstances very different to those at ce4 and that strange watcher site. The Greys are agents of God, doing things which will ultimately bring them closer to him/her/u know what I mean. They understand a lot of the science of God, yet do wish to be a part of him. THESE ARE NOT MY OPINIONS just what I have read from his book.

BUT in your research, have you any evidence of 'good' ET's? Like Federation ETs? Those who are there to protect. Why is it reasonable to believe in demons and not the real angels? Who or what are the good angels? Aliens? Jean-Luc Picard coming to kick demon alien ass?

By the way the reading was interesting... a little extreme... but an interesting, new slant.

By the by, I'm 18 so therefore it is natural for me to sometimes seem anti-christian, it's all part of being a teenager. Are you getting a better picture of me now? I am just a person who leads a moral life, perhaps not the definition of a christian in your textbook, but in mine it is. Let's not dilly-dally over semantics in future, hummh?

See I'm nice... really.... just a little explosive at times. Get over it and I'll 'lighten up on your ass'. 'Humour-ectomy'... v.funny. Humour dislocation maybe!!
:D Bye for now.

Shit maths homework.... vertical motion... millions of questions.... jaysus mary and joseph... where has the time gone to? No dilation theories Peter, please! :)

The theory you're referring to, "the good aliens", or beings of light as I've heard them called, IS the end times deception of the antichrist. It's all about a false saviour type scenario. This is how it usually goes....

The bad aliens come and abduct you with their probes and nasty scary tests and hybridization and screen memories. Then when you think you're about to "lose it", the good aliens show up (aliens of light, beings of light, whatever), and they "save" you from them so to speak, or at least tell you not to be afraid, that they have a purpose, and they will protect you. Then, IRONICALLY, the good aliens just happen to have ALL of the answers to our most deep and spiritual questions of the universe. How convenient. To the point where my friend (who is Flash) is actually entering a gated room (guess what's on the gates? Dragons, yea, dragons), sitting down at a board room table, and getting spoon fed all of this anti-Jesus crapola hook line and sinker. They don't even realize they should question what is happening because the smoke screen is so thick. Demons' whole purpose are to be deceptive. They seem very loving and peaceful and spiritual. Usually they do not Jesus-bash like Flash's have done. Usually they will say something along the lines of what you were saying, that they created us, they are our Gods, or God is within us, and all religions are basically correct, and that Christianity is to a point, aside from it's exclusivity and the fact that Jesus is the Son of God. They say He was just a teacher, prophet that got outta hand with His ego. The only reason that Flash's aliens got so bent on Him was because I pushed it to that point, feeding her a bunch of questions to ask them and contentions, poking holes all over their theory. They don't like me very much. :) Anyway, after this "spiritual enlightenment" comes channeled messages about an upcoming spiritual evolution that will rock this planet. This is, excuse me but duh, the tribulation and wrath of God depicted in Revelations. They say that it is just a natural function of this spiritual evolution from a 3rd dimension planet to a 4th, and that if we agree to be changed genetically by them, then we can survive. Hence the hybrids I guess. Also, they tell of a group of people who will have to be transported to another 3rd dimensional planet before this happens cause they are too spiritually close-minded to progress with the rest (that's me, and all the other people saved in Christ.). That's the rapture. Their whole purpose is to cover up the end times events in the bible with another story. A story that will keep people away from God and salvation. It's pretty damn scary cause it's so believable. I mean, he's had how long to work this deception out? It will work on many people who do not really know Jesus. Even people in the church that don't really know Him will be deceived. It's really scary, but I tell you what, it all fits together like a puzzle. I think that the genetic manipulation may be the mark of the beast, and that is also what lead me to the notion that the fall of man in the garden was a genetic alteration as well, which is the only thing that really makes sense scientifically, if you think about it. Hmmmmmmm.............

Oh, and dido, I remember what it's like to be 18 (wow I'm so f'ing old!), but the Holy Spirit is not semantics, it's a real thing that can really blow your mind. All you have to do is really believe in Jesus, that He's there and listening, and that He is who He is, and just say "Jesus, gimme somma dat Holy Spirit, would ya please?" And boom, talk about a change in perspective. It's pretty trippy. Try it, you'll like it. :)

You may think I'm a nut, but I'm fastened to the strongest bolt in the universe.

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited March 01, 2000).]
Peter, (side note -- ignore if it bores you)
Time dilation is very true and very real and very much scientifically proven. If anyone wants to know what it is read the theory of special relativity, its not that hard to get a good idea of how it works. You were probably refering to wormholes which are as yet only mathematicaly feasable.

Aliens being interstellar travelers:
If they did infact originate from a different planet and traveled here, even if they reside just outside our own solar system they would still be much more technologicaly advanced then we are, and therefore deserve the benefit of the doubt. There is no real proof that they are evil, theres a hundred reasons for them to stay hidden, maybe they are aware that sharing their knowledge with us will lead to either our own demise or we turn it against them. What I do know is that the one holding the bigger gun is the one you want to be diplomatic with rather then treating them as a foe before they are even given a chance to show their real intentions -- that only makes them use that big gun. I think that treating an alien civilisation as hostile without any evidence to do so is realy just judging those aliens on the actions of HUMANs in the past and present.

Aliens -- demons in disguise:
Lori, how did you come to the conclusion that ET is realy a demon? as I have said before its the first time I've heard of this concept.

Lets for one second imagine the ET's are resposible for geneticaly manipulating us into what we are now (popular belief, missing link etc).....that would make them our creators, our gods infact, God would realy be UP there literally, christianity would be the result of a story of creationism as explained by those who had no concept of the universe as we know it now, and calling them demons would be calling YOUR god a demon, a false prophet, evil......now thats got be a bad thing, again this makes me tend to give them the benefit of the doubt, I don't know who, what they are and until I do I'm gonna treat them as neutral. Fear of the unknown, its interesting that if a human is confronted by something they don't inderstand the first and NATURAL reaction is to be afraid of it, and if you feel powerless against it we just call it evil.

work to LIVE...don't live to WORK.

Based upon their "traits" and their perceived intent; their message. The times we are living in, and Bible prophecy. Personal experience, going through the whole scenario vicariously via a friend. It's no bull. It all adds up.

You may think I'm a nut, but I'm fastened to the strongest bolt in the universe.
Guys Guys!!!!! This isn't the spot to ramble on about something!!!! Not to badger anyone. Comon! Sometimes I think we're aliens ourselves from all this badgering. We're much better than that.
I would like to add that the second
natural reaction when confronted with the unknown is either call it a demon or refuse to believe it's possible wouldn't you agree? Unless of course it happens to be Jesus or God right Lori?
Uh, speak for yourself alien, that's not MY natural inclination at all. I know that they are what they are because I AM familiar with them, not because I'm NOT familiar with them. If I were not familiar with them or the phenomenon, then I would find it most futile and even dangerous to try to have an opinion about it at all. Right? *confused look*

And for God's sake, would you people PLEASE JUST STOP assuming things about me. Believe me, based upon your stereotypes of christians, you are not doing me or anyone else any favors. I DO NOT FIT IN YOUR BOX, SO PLEASE OH PLEASE STOP TRYING TO FORCE THE FIT. I am NOT one of those people who allows themselves to be spoon fed, or is close-minded, or believes everything some preacher says ok? I'm just not....sorry, I know you're all really disappointed, but I just don't work that way.

You may think I'm a nut, but I'm fastened to the strongest bolt in the universe.

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited March 15, 2000).]
Fair enough. I'm just posting what I observed from various people over the years. I'm not making fun of you or anything. I just do not believe the way you do. After picking one religion out of hundreds and then knowing it is fact then maybe I'll see things the way you do. For now however I will focus on UFO's trace evidence,videos, and testimony to get an idea if some are extraterrestrial piloted by intelligent beings.
Long ago (5000 years) there was a city called Enoch that was inhabited by the children Cain. I contend that the people who lived in that city left this Earth on a quest toward the stars seeking a new home. The Earth turned its face away from Cain and his children according to the curse put upon Cain, so they left. I know how they left too, but this world is probably not ready for such high science, so I will keep this knowledge to myself. Nevertheless, the city of Enoch which is mentioned in Genesis vanished into the stars. We are not alone...

Perfect love casts out fear.
I think some aliens(Homosapiens) were left behind while the rest returned home.
It's a far out theory I know but what if it were true?

" You cannot teach a man anything: You can only help him find it within himself." - Galileo
Theo- That's a wee bit arrogant now, isn't it? Is it really high science, or are you afraid that it can't stand up to scrutiny? To paraphrase a legendary and anonymous fellow that beat on Lot's door, "Bring it out that we might know it!"
Yea, I'd love to hear the science too! Actually, I agree in that I do believe the Book of Enoch to hold many keys to unleashing this prophecy regarding aliens and the end times. Are these people of Cain the same as the "watchers" that are spoken of in Enoch? They are called "children of the stars" in the book. I'm studying right now, but haven't gotten into it real deep yet.

You may think I'm a nut, but I'm fastened to the strongest bolt in the universe.
Please don't say its magic or MAGIK as it was presented to me. I've heard that one before, and I still think its BS.

work to LIVE...don't live to WORK.