What's the Deal With the Hooded Aliens???


Registered Senior Member
I'm hearing like more and more reports on these hooded alien beings. I'm thinking that I experienced one of these beings being in my room on August 8th 1999 on the early morn hours. I remember it vividly. There were two hooded aliens, one was tall and one was short. The only thing I don't remember was what exactly they did to me. I'm hearing that they leave materials behind in the room as evidence that they were there. I'm still searching my room to see if anything was left behind. On that morning, I found a big blotch of 'sand' on my stomach. No, it wasn't lint, this material stuck to my stomach and was hard to rinse away. I kept some samples and had it analyzed, it was sand allright. So what's the deal with these? Anyone else experience this?
And you've been waiting since August 8 to tell about this? Anyway...

Forgive my skepticism, but it increasingy pisses me off that all these people are having abduction experiences, and nothing happens to me. Dammit! I feel left out.

Here's a formal challenge to any demons or aliens reading the exosci postings: ABDUCT ME!!!

I am; therefore I think.
Hello Boris!
Good to see you back in the ufo area of ExoSci ! This isn't quite the subject matter for this thread but:
What do you make of the NASA footage in that Smoking Gun preview? More ice crystals or something a little more?....
Also, my mothers friend attended the dinner bash here in Adelaide( I think Americans call it an Honoury Dinner or sumfink?? )for our very own Andy Thomas after he'd completed his shuttle flight and returned home. During the evening, they asked Andy, "You've been up there Andy, what did you see in the way of UFO's or extra-terrestrials?". His response with a real stupid grin was, "NASA's official stand on any anomalies is due to ice crystals".

I honestly don't think the planet will EVER run out of water with the amount of water floating around up there, that's for sure!

Maybe it was aliens spitting.

Okay, okay. I'll go home now. been playing "Rollercoaster Tycoon" too much...

And now, a chorus line:

Thanks for welcome back, but I've never really left. It's just that I seldom have anything to contribute here; I mostly sporadically consume what you guys post.

One thing I'll say: it's not strange to see all those ice crystals on shuttle videos. Ice forms on shuttle surfaces during ascent. Ice also forms on engine nozzles when they are shut off (it's bascally frozen exhaust). So that whenever a shuttle fires its engines or vibrates its surfaces for some reason, ice is bound to come off. Also, ice of any type is a dielectric, and can thus become statically charged. This would enable it to suddenly accelerate as Earth's magnetic field fluctuates or something charged passes by. Ice particles would also dance if they get hit by an exhaust stream from one of the Shuttle's many maneuvering thrusters.

I've seen the video preview, and must say that I'm a bit disappointed. I've actually seen every one of the snippets presented there before (a long time before!) They are curious, and I wouldn't endeavor to offer any kind of expert explanation here ('cause I'm not an expert.) But to me, at least, they do not provide sufficient evidence to show that the objects are some kind of technological craft. Sure, they look abnormal enough, but what in space ever looked normal? What is strange to us from our Earthly perspective may well be mundane in space; it's just that we are not used enough to that evironment to be able to judge the usual from the unusual. So in my typical skeptic tradition, I'll say this "evidence" is not enough. I want to see an actual rotating silver disk with windows in it captured on shuttle camera, taking up a huge angle in the field of view. Little dots dancing in the distance and lights (ball lightning? reflection? sprite? lens artifact?) moving atop clouds don't impress me nearly enough to arrive at extraordinary conclusions.

I am; therefore I think.
Hmmm... In view of <A HREF="http://www.cnn.com/2000/NATURE/02/04/science.lightning.reut/">this article</A>, I must retract the "ball lightning" candidate from the possible explanations of the glowing orb video. It seems ball lightning is mostly confined to low altitude, and is both too small and too dull to be seen from orbit. I'm still a skeptic, though ;)

I am; therefore I think.
You really think the things you saw on the
sts-80 video are ice?Im not an expert on
space,but those things did look like the
ice ive seen in other video footage.But i didnt know that the ice has a static charge
to it which may make it move in a "controlled
manner".What do you think of that "fire ball"
shooting out from earth doing mach 65?
p.s. Dave please send me the sts-80 video. :)

[This message has been edited by m-cyber (edited February 15, 2000).]

Well, as I said I wasn't there so don't take my word for it. But...how is this mach 65 figure determined, if I may ask? There is no way to gauge the distance to this 'particle', and therefore no way to measure its real speed. For all we know, this particle passed 2 feet in front of the camera, which would make its velocity rather slower.

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited February 24, 2000).]
mabe the gov't isnt telling us everything they know... like ice crystal things???? or the lunar landings??? hey, the world may never know

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Hi Guys,
I've got footage of sts48 "ice crystals" being fired on by what appears to be SDI weopoenry and the "ice crystal" evading the intercept with acceleration of 14000 g's. These acceleration figures I believe were the conclusions of a physicist....I have a legit explanation somewhere when I get home I'll dig it up and post it tommorrow. As far as I'm concerned I'm not saying its aliens but it certainly looks "out of this world". Also if the anomolies are "ice crystals" being accelerated in a jet stream from one of the shuttles thrusters ( I believe this was the official NASA explanation) why isn't there a shift in the position of that huge reference we call home? If the shuttle moves then surley we would see the realtive movement of the earth in that footage.

I have the sts48 footage if anyone wants it e-mail me on gregl@hometax.com.au, and is sts48 the same footage as sts80???

work to LIVE...don't live to WORK.
Rambler, In answer to your last question as to whether STS-48 and STS-80 are the same; no they are two completely different shuttle missions i.e. the 48th and the 80th shuttle missions respectively. STS-48 dates from Sept. '91 and involved the shuttle Discovery filming those famous "ice particles" being "fired" upon. STS-80 dates from Dec. '96 and involved the shuttle Columbia filming an ambiguous circular object appearing seemingly out of the upper atmosphere of the Earth, moving across Columbia's field of view from right to left before disappearing again. I believe it was classified as "atmospheric phenomenon" by NASA. There was another shuttle mission(I can't remember the number)which had an unidentified object pass by it during its launch; this object was captured on film as well. STS-73 was another shuttle mission that had an incident. STS-73 dates from Nov. '95 and involved the shuttle Columbia's mission specialist Catherine Coleman declaring over open channels that she spotted a "UFO up here." I believe NASA classified that one as "space debris."

Be careful what you wish for. Do you know why it is that you haven't been? Because you are NOT a searcher. You do not search for spiritual guidance because you don't believe in spirits. You are a "done deal" to them. You're an atheist, so why would they abduct you? They got to you already through other means apparently, so it would be pointless.


Aliens are demonic. They are proponents of and serve as evidence of the end times one world religion of the coming antichrist. If you see them again, which you will, rebuke them in the name of Jesus Christ. He will help you. Check out the ce4 website. Don't be afraid of them, they are powerless against you, but ONLY if you know who they are. Don't let yourself be a victim. Call on Jesus, He will help you.

"Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick.

But why should they be happy with me, if I keep arguing against their existence? Wouldn't it be more convenient if I had a little story of my own to tell, instead of being a perpetual pain-in-the-butt skeptic?

You're right, I don't believe in spirits. Which actually means I don't believe in the antichrist either. So I'm not going to worship it should it come. But if they showed me sufficient evidence to believe in spirits, then I would be game, wouldn't I?

Anyway, that was all just a sarcastic aside. I don't really expect to be abducted. So lighten up, will ya? :D

I am; therefore I think.

Are you saying the Grays are only abducting "believers" ?

Maybe someone who is more learned on the subject of the Grays can answear this, fairly I hope, but I don't think this is true. At least I don't think all the stuff I've read comes only from "believers" or "born again", or whatever you choose to call it.

In fact I heard harly anthing about the "demond" theory until I came into this forum.
By that I mean I only read that theory once or twice in a lot of reading on the subject. But I still don't consider myself an expert and have read very little these last few years.

Searchers, not necessarily believers. I guess you could say that there are varying degrees of "belief" in regards to Jesus. Some people say they believe but then they really don't seek Him in their lives and hearts. When your "saved" then He totally talks to you and you really don't have much of a choice in changing your heart and mind and hence life when you really believe. A searcher could be someone who would have a tendency to believe any religion or spirituality or is looking for something to believe. Someone who doesn't know Jesus like I do in the Christian faith would do as well. There are many Christians out there who it wouldn't take much to convince them that the Bible was written by aliens and that we've just misunderstood, or that all religions are actually true, but we all relate to different presentations.


So answer me this....when I disappear along with a lot of other walk the walk Christians, and the aliens come down saying that they "beamed us up to another planet" cause the earth is about to go through a spiritual evolution and we were too close-minded to participate, and then tell you that you're going to have to volunteer for some genetic manipulation to survive the coming cataclysmic earth changes, THEN YOU WILL KNOW. You will KNOW that I wasn't as crazy as you thought I was all this time. You will KNOW that I'm not an octypus, but rather with Jesus. And guess what home-boy? You're gonna fall right down on your knees and be a martyr for Christ. And I'm just gonna be laughin', laughin', laughin' (looking down from above with the utmost joy). And then when you get there with me I'm gonna say "See? I told ya so." LMAO!

"Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick.

I ain't falling down on my knees for no stinky spirit. Christ, antichrist, pah! I'll be my own antichrist, the Third Devil. That's right, I ai'nt worshipping neither of them thar mythical figures. Cuz I don't believe things are that primitive.

But I'll tell you one thing right now -- you're going to die here on Earth like all humans died before you; no rapture, sorry. Just hope you aren't too disappointed when you are lying on your deathbed (if you die on a deathbed, that is...)

I am; therefore I think.
Lori... I just can't stand by, I have to comment on the ha-ha-ha in my cosy chair of eternal bliss I'll be laughing at you being geneticalyy F**ked around with. Christian? Walk the walk? It really doesn't sound like it. What about the compassion of Jesus? Did he go "Pah, I'm gonna laugh at those sad piss-ants when they die and are ejected because they doubted me... ummmmhhh maybe I'll send them to Zeta Reticula (whatever the SP) for the Greys to play with his double helix..... *all laughing sounds in the background*". No. I don't think so.

Okay I'm going to be more civilised this time. As I have said before your message, tone and attitude are rather paradoxical. Demons? Prove it. Can you. Or do we have to wake until we're on our knees being pseudo-martyrs?

I really don't think so.
:( Meant to be a huffy little angry face.....I try.

[This message has been edited by Dido (edited February 29, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Dido (edited February 29, 2000).]

Lighten up on my ass would you? What's wrong, did you have a sense-of-humor-ectomy? What I said is true, about the martyr thing, and as well, I will be laughing joyously, but not in self-righteousness as I implied, but actually out of sheer joy that one more soul is not lost to Christ. And BTW, for being so "anti-christian", you sure do act like one. You know, one of those that you can't stand cause they're soooooo judgemental because they don't pay attention to Jesus or the Word, cause they are on too big of an ego trip thinking that cause they said a prayer, they are "fixed"? Yea, those kind. You should go to church, you'd fit right in. And silly, a martyr is someone who will die FOR CHRIST. Sooooo, yea, I'd be one happy mf'er if Boris was amongst that group. You gotta problem widat?

I can not "prove it" unless I was to "lasso" one of them and bring it over to your place, and then say "Be gone from here in the name of Jesus Christ", and then let you watch it disappear. It's just not gonna work that way. I do KNOW though that they are demonic. I've done a TON of research, and I've also been best buddies with an abductee (who ironically hates Jesus, imagine that?) for over a year. I'm going to write a book, so you can read it, and see what you think. You can also scan some of the posts I've made, all 700 and something, and that should at least give you some background as to why I think what I do. If you don't understand the Bible though, you won't understand what I'm saying. So, prove me wrong, home-bug. I dare ya. Come on, let's see what cha got. I dare ya to try to understand the Bible. I double dare ya. :D Sorry, I have a weird sense o' humor. So get used to it would ya? You're gettin on my nerves thinking that I'm all mean and shit.

"Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick.
Hi All,
WOW this is the first I have heard of a "unholy alien Theory". I just want to ask something about the unholy aliens. On earth there are hundreds of religions, beliefs, deities etc.....We live in this world and take subscribe to a religion or belief that fits our own needs as individuals. I find it hard to believe that a life form that has traveled billions upon billions of miles to reach the earth would have any concept or idea of Jesus. WE here on Earth don't all agree that he was anything more then a mortal man. It just too "far out" to believe.

Please don't take this next bit the wrong way, I'm sincerley interested in the answer: Can't you see this grey demon stuff as nothing else but FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN? I mean look at history, christains (and others) attributed all sorts of demonic evil notions to comets.......Also not so long ago many (ignorant wankers) christains were saying the same things about black's, asians, anyone they saw as being different to themselves.....its a case of evolved bigotry.
work to LIVE...don't live to WORK.

[This message has been edited by Rambler (edited February 29, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Rambler (edited February 29, 2000).]