What's the big deal anyway?

If it is true that if God exists, has created me and my true happiness is only with him, then this means God has the upper hand in everything, and so it ultimately does not matter what I do.
If doesn't matter what I do, then everything I do is for naught, and I am doomed.


what if god couldn't be truly happy without you too? i'm asking because that is why the bible says that god created us...for communion with him and each other. not to have the upper hand necessarily. it's just inherent in being the creator. give him a break right? and if he made you to live in a paradise and he always acts in your best interest, does that really sound so awful? and it only limits you with the knowledge of law, and balance, and perfection. what if you always had free will and choose what is best? i believe that's what our lives are for here and now...to learn the difference. and i honestly personally would not want to live my entire life alone. i would see absolutely no point in existing if entirely alone. it's been my personal experience that loneliness and isolation are the most painful things in life. there's a reason it's considered to be a torture you know. if you were god, would you want to exist in isolation?
Maybe it's a catch 22 situation in which you don't experience anything unless you believe at the very least there is a higher power. This belief in itself allows the mind to open up to 'potentiality' and 'possibility', without this mindset one cannot see the bigger picture or experience anything that would bring them closer to their higher purpose or truth.

It is a big deal if God exists because if so then they would have given us the gift of life and consciousness, in which case we should give them bucket loads of respect, not necessarily in the form of worship but rather furthering oneself and achieving at the very least internal harmony so that when it comes to entering the kingdom of God you will be ready and prepared to receive the awesome wonder of unhindered potentiality. A weak or unprepared mind such as that of an non-believer would simply go mad if it tried to take it all in.

well, i suppose i believed in the possibility of there being a god enough to ask him to show me he was real, if in fact he was. so i let go of all my paradigms and assumptions and fears regarding the consequences of what it meant and basically threw my ego out the window. i learned something when i did that, and it was about why i hadn't ever asked for that knowledge before. and the answer was that i hadn't ever really wanted it before. i was afraid of what it would mean. i was afraid it would mess up my life...be a burden...enslave me and make my life boring and painful. see, that's what i learned at church. it makes me laugh now to think how wrong i was. and it also makes me spitting mad to think how those people misrepresent him, and the consequences of it.

and you're right about how he's changed me. he's absolutely blown my mind, and it hasn't been easy. i'm glad though. i'm very thankful because i'm not a big fan of this world, and i long for the next. and while i'm still here, it's good to feel invincible. and i do. he commands respect, it's inherent in interacting with him. i want to say it's a shame that the knowledge of him would change your intentions in this life. from the perspective of being policed by him. but it's not that way. it's like, the knowledge and the love that you receive from him changes you. it makes you fearless, and that empowers you. it exposes lies that keep you from loving yourself, and in turn from loving others as well.
That was really interesting to read and I agree with where your coming from so to speak. I think the thing to realise here is that there are few with your kind of mindset. My guess as you rightly talked about, is the ego. I think this gets in the way of not gaining so much of the knowledge (and it's not a normal explainable kind of knowledge it seems more holographic in nature) that actually out there.

As for the church well I think they are going about things in the wrong way. Think of what a united religion could actually realistically do? A lot more than they do now.