What's so bad about religion?

I believe that there almost definitely are no gods, but I don't see why everyone can't just leave religious people alone

If they leave me alone, I'll leave them alone...after all I am one, just not the typical religion...
It's just that the dominant one where I live wants to make me live by their religious codes and has no respect for my practice.

That s#!t ain't cool, man...
People kill for many reasons, blaming religion is like blaming gender.
Rubbish. nobody is blaming religion, we are merely positing it up as one of the main culprits.

Abrahamic religions, put a god up as the ultimate, i.e., the highest good. Abrahamic prophets insist that we should worship god, while Asian religious yogis and sages invite us to meditate, and contemplate. It is oddly ironic that people who worshipped the highest good would tend to commit more violence and be more intolerant than those who do not have such a moral focus. Jews, Christians, and Moslem's all claim to have received a linguistic revelation, ie, direct words of God. Moses claimed to have talked to God "as a friend," and the angel Gabriel's first command to Mohammed was Read!
Abrahamic religions are primarily religions of obedience, they are concerned with maintaining the purity of their divine revelations. Even though they have been altered, and the integrity of each has been compromised. Their followers find it very difficult to believe that their faith, is wrong or another is right.

Violence also, may be due to the way in which religions view evil. A recent study of the world-view of Muslim terrorists found that they divided the world into the forces of light(good) and the forces of darkness(evil).
Whereas the Asians view evil as a matter of imbalance. Yin is dark, female, and negative and Yang is light, male, and positive, but rarely ever is Yin called evil. literally it equals balance and harmony.

"I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth." The initial words give prominence of divine power in Christian theology. Placing omnipotence first, even before divine goodness and wisdom, is the preference not only of Christianity but also Judaism and Islam. Power becomes a paraphrase of the divine names, a kind of euphemism for God.

In these Abrahamic religions, divine power has been conceived in terms of political power. In Islam, Judaism, and Christianity God is seen as a cosmic king, exerting absolute and uncontested rule over the universe and everything in it.

In the Abrahamic religions God's power is externally applied, When the Abrahamic man stands opposed to self, giving god absolute power. violence can proceed. If man is seen as self, non-violence can prevail. for man to move from violence, he must detach himself from elitism (my god is better than your god) to compassion and non-violence. A case in point is when Jerry Falwell's made his outrageous claim that God does not answer the prayers of Jews. he did two things here, he incites the Jew to retaliate, and he endows his brethren with there elitist attitude.
The religious person seeks certain goals for himself and his god, such is his faith. Even if those goals are detrimental to somebody else.
Yes man can be elitist, in other things, but most don't empower him with righteousness. most he may be elitist to his own skills. But with the my god is better than your god mentality it brings with it violence.
They seemingly do not appear belong to any religion of the world.

A religion looks bad only when someone starts creating it's definition to suit his own fancies. People to gain vested interest use religion and things related with it to feed their personal interests. Like keeping unlimited numbers of ladies of all ages, killing other religion and sect people for in their eyes they have by mistake have fallen on earth instead over some alien planet. Since on earth there should be one religion gathering in their views.

In fact religion is all about helping suffering humanity and bringing peace and joy in everyones life. Religion never ask for killing each other and things like that we people see today.
murdoch, religion is created by mankind, so it cannot do anything but suit our own fancies. However, every individual does not get to create their own religion, people are trapped by religions that already exist, religions that tell them to do bad things. Religion denies our humanity by denying individualism. We cannot be free until we are free from it's influence.
You are right o some aspects. Above all I am lucky to grow in a better religious environment that is based upon the values of humanity and provide liberty to choose your own path.
Religion denies our humanity by denying individualism. We cannot be free until we are free from it's influence.

What kind of freedom do you want ? As long there are 2 persons in the same location some will influence the other on the other .
During WW II, the US navy used the island in Southern Pacific to build a military base and when the islanders met the American soldiers it was a tremendous cultural shock.
The islanders have believed that the Americans were demi-gods. During this period, John Frum, an American pilot landed on Tanna. No one knows him except the islanders.
They believe that John Frum is their prophet and they still wait for his return. Their customs have been shaped by this belief.

“…they (cargo cults) do provide a fascinating contemporary model for the way religions spring up from almost nothing. In particular, they suggest four lessons about the origin of religions generally” – as Richard Dawkins stated in The God Delusion, the documentary shows us the evolution of a religion.


Totally fascinating. Presents in the starkest terms exactly what's wrong with religion
During WW II, the US navy used the island in Southern Pacific to build a military base and when the islanders met the American soldiers it was a tremendous cultural shock.
The islanders have believed that the Americans were demi-gods. During this period, John Frum, an American pilot landed on Tanna. No one knows him except the islanders.
They believe that John Frum is their prophet and they still wait for his return. Their customs have been shaped by this belief.

“…they (cargo cults) do provide a fascinating contemporary model for the way religions spring up from almost nothing. In particular, they suggest four lessons about the origin of religions generally” – as Richard Dawkins stated in The God Delusion, the documentary shows us the evolution of a religion.


Totally fascinating. Presents in the starkest terms exactly what's wrong with religion

So the cargo cult works with notions like:
1. Those who come from elsewhere and who can do things that we have no idea of and no means how to do them, are gods.
2. Those who bring us food easily are gods.
3. Those whom we don't understand much, but whom we are nonetheless amazed by, are gods.

If we follow such notions high up enough (ie. from the time-place of islanders to cosmic proprotions), we come to the the one being that religions usually describe as "God".

Just because theistic notions can be compared to the phenomenon of cults, does not mean that this is how theistic religion has come about.
It would be really bad science to take the existence of a comparison to be proof of its finality.
I actually thought about having a Jon Frum day party... as a fundraiser.

Then using the fundraiser to send the cargo cult some cargo...the last I read on them they needed a boat motor and some textbooks for the kids.


Sounds like a great excuse to break out south sea island and vintage military attire, then get roaring drunk in the middle of February.
I don't have much time right now, but what is everyone's problem with religion? I think it helps to make everyone more unique(considering all the different veiws) and thereby enhances my perspective when I meet some of those very different people. I believe that there almost definitely are no gods, but I don't see why everyone can't just leave religious people alone. Also, before it comes up, all the wars in history were fought over resources. That's a fact.

Please refer to the previous events:

Abortion clinic bombings
Modern day Church bombings (in Middle East)
September 11th, 2001
Albigensian Crusade, 1208-49
Algeria, 1992-
Baha'is, 1848-54
Bosnia, 1992-95
Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901
Christian Romans, 30-313 CE
Croatia, 1991-92
Early Christian doctrinal disputes
English Civil War, 1642-46
Holocaust, 1938-45
Huguenot Wars, 1562-1598
India, 1992-2002
India: Suttee & Thugs
Indo-Pakistani Partition, 1947
Iran, Islamic Republic, 1979-
Iraq, Shiites, 1991-92
Jews, 1348
Jonestown, 1978
Korea, 1700s
Martyrs, generally
Molucca Is., 1999-
Mongolia, 1937-39
Northern Ireland, 1974-98
Christian culpabiltiy
Russian pogroms:
St. Bartholemew Massacre, 1572
Shang China, ca. 1300-1050 BCE
Shimabara Revolt, Japan 1637-38
Sikh uprising, India, 1984-91
Spanish Inquisition, 1478-1834
Sudan 1881-98
Taiping Rebellion, 1850-64
Thirty Years War, 1618-48
Tudor England
Vietnam, 1800s
Witch Hunts, 1400-1800
Xhosa, 1857

In addition, here are a few noteworthy conflicts where dissimilar ethnic groups fought for primarily religious reasons:

Arab Outbreak, 7th Century CE
Arab-Israeli Wars, 1948-
Al Qaeda, 1993-
Crusades, 1095-1291
Dutch Revolt, 1566-1609
Muslim conquest of India, 11th-17th C
Nigeria, 1990s, 2000s