What's so bad about religion?


ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum?
Valued Senior Member
I don't have much time right now, but what is everyone's problem with religion? I think it helps to make everyone more unique(considering all the different veiws) and thereby enhances my perspective when I meet some of those very different people. I believe that there almost definitely are no gods, but I don't see why everyone can't just leave religious people alone. Also, before it comes up, all the wars in history were fought over resources. That's a fact.
I don't have much time right now, but what is everyone's problem with religion? I think it helps to make everyone more unique(considering all the different veiws) and thereby enhances my perspective when I meet some of those very different people. I believe that there almost definitely are no gods, but I don't see why everyone can't just leave religious people alone.

I think you need to more carefully consider what question you are actually asking.

"What's so bad about believing in God and peacefully practicing that faith?"


"What's so bad about religion?"
I think you need to more carefully consider what question you are actually asking.

"What's so bad about believing in God and peacefully practicing that faith?"


"What's so bad about religion?"

That's the first thing I though, too. here's nothing wrong with "religion", but the way many people use religion nowadays (and in the past) is terrible. Religion can be a great thing. But too often people use it to suppress logic, reason, creative thought in favor of power, fortune, and followers.
I don't have much time right now, but what is everyone's problem with religion? I think it helps to make everyone more unique(considering all the different veiws) and thereby enhances my perspective when I meet some of those very different people. I believe that there almost definitely are no gods, but I don't see why everyone can't just leave religious people alone. Also, before it comes up, all the wars in history were fought over resources. That's a fact.

So you think it's alright for people to base their whole life on something that isn't real. That's real big of you. Also, for the most part I do leave them alone, until they aren't leaving me alone. I have a long time friend who was born to Jewish parents and is a creationist. He likes to say “there's no way I evolved from an ape or a monkey”. But to me religion is religion no matter how tame or extreme it might be, it's still all about a false reality, and that's bad on so many levels.
So you think it's alright for people to base their whole life on something that isn't real. That's real big of you. Also, for the most part I do leave them alone, until they aren't leaving me alone. I have a long time friend who was born to Jewish parents and is a creationist. He likes to say “there's no way I evolved from an ape or a monkey”. But to me religion is religion no matter how tame or extreme it might be, it's still all about a false reality, and that's bad on so many levels.

Killjoy you just don't like to see anybody having any fun do ya. Lots of people base there lives off of things that are not real . Even Atheists have been known to do that . I wonder what kind of delusional state Killjoys live in ? . So what you been doing to that poor long time friend ? A little ass clowning ?
I think it helps to make everyone more unique(considering all the different veiws) and thereby enhances my perspective when I meet some of those very different people.
How does joining a society where everyone has the same beliefs make someone "more unique"?

Brian: Look, you've got it all wrong! You don't NEED to follow ME, You don't NEED to follow ANYBODY! You've got to think for your selves! You're ALL individuals!
The Crowd: Yes! We're all individuals!
Brian: You're all different!
The Crowd: Yes, we ARE all different!
Man in crowd: I'm not...

I believe that there almost definitely are no gods, but I don't see why everyone can't just leave religious people alone.
You think religious people are hounded, bullied, and unfairly treated? You feel religious people are the "victims" that can't stand up for themselves?
Care to cite examples?
oniw17 said:
I don't have much time right now, but what is everyone's problem with religion?
To the OP it gets people killed and it cause people to kill, more so than any other cause.
Killjoy you just don't like to see anybody having any fun do ya. Lots of people base there lives off of things that are not real . Even Atheists have been known to do that . I wonder what kind of delusional state Killjoys live in ? . So what you been doing to that poor long time friend ? A little ass clowning ?

Are you suggesting realist don't have any fun? To my point of view we all end up the same after death, so not having your daily dose of fun should be criminal. Also like most people my delusional states can vary greatly depending on a lot of things. My long time friend is not poor and I probably am as weird to his way of thinking as he is to mine. We've been good friends from age 7. I haven't met very many people that can say they are still in touch with any of their childhood friends.
The ability to conceptualise what cannot be perceived and derive a social order based on that assumption. It drives some people nuts
Ideally they should have used drones and bombed the whole village, that way they would have received the Nobel Peace Prize. Lol.

People kill for many reasons, blaming religion is like blaming gender.
I don't have much time right now, but what is everyone's problem with religion?

Everyone's? I don't have any real "problem" with religion. I think that religion is probably inevitable in human beings and I find it fascinating. I feel a sense of religiosity myself, to tell the truth, and I actually kind of like religion. It's my academic area of study.

Of course there are varieties of religion and religious behavior that I don't like. I'm not very friendly towards hard-core militant Islam for example. I have little fondness for Christian fundamentalism either. I'm totally unmoved (or perhaps moved in a hostile direction) when fanatics wave Bibles or Qurans at me.

I take it that you're asking why some of the militant atheists display such bitter and implacable hatred for religion. (Usually for Christianity specifically.) I've wondered that too.

In some cases, it might be because they are former Christians who have subsequently lost their faith. So they feel anger and bitterness at the faith that they feel has failed them. In other cases, they are people who were raised in extremely religious homes who experienced quite a bit of psychological pressure and hostility when their disbelief became known. Kids have occasionally even been been shunned by their families and thrown out onto the street. (That happens with gay kids too.)

One thing that's always struck me is how intellectually similar Christian fundamentalists and militant atheists can sometimes be. There's the same intolerance towards dissenting belief. There's the same sense of evangelical mission. There's the same eschatological belief in a coming day when their beliefs sweep all else aside. And there are even close simularities in how they relate to scripture, in their literalistic interpretations, their reliance on proof-texts, their insistence that Christians accept Biblical inerrancy, their condemnation of 'picking and choosing' which Bible verses to believe in, and so on.

(You haven't lived until you've been lectured by a discussion board full of atheists on what "true Christianity" is and must be.)

I can only guess that it's the result of upbringng, that many of the angry atheists come from - and are reacting against - strongly Christian homes.
The problem with religion, there are many, but the main one is that is teaches you to ignore the one thing that separates us from the animals, our ability to reason. It teaches you to accept things on faith for which there is no evidence. Mostly that faith involves authority, which leads the way to totalitarianism. God itself is an image of the perfect dictator who controls your actions and can punish you for thoughtcrime.
spidergoat;2755003but the main one is that is teaches you to ignore the one thing that separates us from the animals said:

When you can people to believe absurdities you can get them to commit atrocities. - Voltaire

When people stop using their critical thinking and accept things without reason and evidence they have no way of knowing if what they believe is true and if you are willing to accept incorrect things you're going to make incorrect choices and the outcomes will be overall worse than if you had correct information.