What's on your iPod?

[Chipz;2896812]I question how many people come here to hear others suggestions, and how many people come to give their own opinions. Of the latter category you seem to be the most prolific, which is why I targeted you.

We all have our likes and dislikes, if there's something that doesn't appeal to you just don't listen, it's as simple as that. I'm posting all sorts of stuff myself from classical, jazz, blues, heavy rock and classic rock to name a few. That's what I've enjoyed listening to and sharing it here with others. Perhaps you just don't enjoy groups like The Eagles, Beatles, Rolling stones, Dylan, The Who, Janis Joplin, Santana and on and on but millions of others bought millions of their albums through the years and are still doing the same today. Many "older" rockers are still doing concerts and making many people very happy that they are.
Bands like this, even if not in MY particular taste should be the focus of the thread. Not the Beatles Abbey Road.

The name of the thread is what's on MY Ipod not what I think I'd want on my Ipod. I enjoy listening to music that is pleasurable and interesting to me, not to others. If you or anyone else wants to post your various types of music then by all means do so but give me and others the ability to do the same with what we enjoy as well and not just what YOU want to hear

I have posted musical groups that I've heard that are newer and unknown as I did when Lady Ga Ga first appeared over a year ago, so I'm always listening to new stuff but don't hear that much that interests me today. I also give any other post an opportunity to let me listen to what others believe is a good musical group but am disappointed in many of them sorry to say. Again I do listen to every other post that others put here just to see if I would enjoy those other musical groups.
you all playing great songs . I got tears from this song I am going to post . They play it quite a bit around here and it touches my personal pain . So I cry


So this is so strange for it was Malissa that first showed Me how to be allusive in a new way . By body language .
I satisfied her hunger lust for attention and she did this thing with a piece of paper . The back side was white like a sheet . So as I lusted on her figure she would use it live a vial on an Islamic person . A teasing like a sheet flipping it around your body and such like a striptease kind of action . Covering the whole face and then looking like your peeking around the corner . So I incorporated it into my own body language . My wife had a dream with Kevin Spacey I think his name is . American Dreamer was the movie . Well in her dream he was holding up a blank piece of paper . You see I related that piece of paper to song " Change the Sheets . So after as I was doing laundry washing the sheets I dedicated the ritual of sheet washing to that song and my new way I wanted to be " More desirable to my wife . Well evidently it filtered into my wife's dreams as I sexually tormented her mind while she sleeps. Very interesting to say the least and well I love this song cause I can Identify
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Last night playing with Andy and Mary was unbelievable . 3 part harmony with our voices . That Mary can really bring out the singing in another . Man was it good . Course my sense of musicality in finding harmonic series in musical tonality are extraordinary. Ah yeah wiggle your toes harmony that vibrate your stomach . You know , Like when 2 people hold a third together with out wavering off the pure sound of the single note interacting with someone holding a third above doing the same thing . I think I think that holding the notes longer gives the wave a chance to develop. It feels good and sounds good so what the fuck . Must be good
My mood for the day and it was the song was made for this day in thought .
I do Identify

Wow . Like that version of mack the Knife very well .
I try to get the band to think more like that when covering a song . Make it owners and all that . Rough go with the band .

My mood is 2 songs today .
Except the second song and the line that says " I wish I was a slave to an age old trade . It is not what it is cracked up to be . Fuck Me running

I like the whiskey river . My relative Jim Whiskey Greathouse comes to mind . Oh and the Oklahoma and Down in the Valley make me think of my grandmother Valley Oklahoma Fiddler ( Maiden name Crickert ) That is were you will find Me hiding .

