What's in your pockets?

Hmmm... Lets see.....

Well, For all that its worth, I have nothing in my pockets but a billfold with a lot of pictures stuck to plastic, a debit card with nothing in its account, and last, but not least "NO MONEY!"

Its disheartening to think of the days of toil reaping nothing!

In some aspects, like writing my opinions on Arts and other things, its emotionally rewarding, but as to the day, I've not received one cent for any of it. Have no plans to receive one cent of it!

This is either stupidity or the guy must really enjoy doing it?

Now let me see...

some drawings
The Sword Excalibur
A bunch of numbers ordered in a Magical triangle
here I'll show you

And a book so thick it could stun an ox (not written by Laurie Anderson)
No money, alas
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