What's in your pockets?

Red Skelton got thrown off the air for his answer.

Go far enough and you'll find nuts.

What does that say about me?
Maybe that I change clothes so often that it´s more practical to carry around all my stuff in a bag instead, call me the bag-lady! :D

Ah Bebelina, what is in your pockets is up to you to describe.

Reading the post brought that out of memory. Incase you are not familar with Red Skelton, he was a "skit player" with his own tv show in the 50's, during the days of black and white tv. A comic if you will. He had several characters that he used in the show and would dress the part of his character to provide the audience with a clue as to who he was portraying.

Censors were ever vigulant and when he gave this off the cuff answer they pulled him off the air for a short period of time.


Well then I , as suspected, have butterflies, candy, some planets and then some more candy.:D Oh, and a handfull of illumination dust to throw in peoples faces. :p
My Pockets

Let me see here....some pocket fluff.....and...oh my god whats this?!!...a microscopic space fleet!
Oh, that's where my microscopic space fleet went! I've been searching for eons...... you keep 'em safe now, ya hear?
Actually, it's just occurred to me that I can't leave home without tissues in my pockets.
Go figure.
Like anyone's surprised?

Well ...,

1/2 pack American Spirit cigarettes (full flavor, blue label)
2 Bic "childproof" lighters (1 white, 1 blue)
1 set house keys
1 wallet ($63.00 inside)
1 pair cheap sunglasses
1 bus pass
2 card keys from work
1 glass pipe
1.5 grams marijuana (Canadian)

Like anyone's really surpised at those last couple ...?

In fact, since I'm listening to Peter Gabriel's Down the Dolce Vita at this very moment, I think I'm going to kick back with some of that dolce vita right now and reflect on the contents of my pockets ....

from the haze,
Tiassa :cool:
uhh i dont know let me see.....

.... ive got ma phone,
ma car keys,
ma house keys,
ma mums house keys,
ma work place keys,
ma locker key,
a key which ive been carrying around for the past 2 years and i still dont know what it opens,
ma wallet, (dont ask wots i there)
ma old house keys,
wait i got some loose change here some where,
a photo of me,
some more loose change
some face cream
and bits of weed.

You wanna know wots in ma other pocket???
Keys and more keys, coins and more coins, some paper oops no it's a 20, and some fluff that could make a blanket for a ladybird.
Hello all
eh, hmmm....let's take a lookie and see

-car key, house key, and classroom key

-credit card (damnit, I need to make myself put it in my purse...one of these days it'll fall out!)

-a yellow customer copy of a credit card sales slip


-tiny Chilean coin purse with American coins and one huge Mexican peso worth $2 American dollars)

-2 empty bubble-gum wrappers (had a craving)

-and a "secret" compartment where lint can find refuge

Gee, I don't think McGyver (or however you spell it) could do much with what I've got in my pockets, but then again, I'm not McGyver. :confused:
So many keys...

...everybody seem to be carrying around...that leads to so many locked doors...what a world of closed-ness...:(

Lets see now:

4 tonnes of shrapnel.... otherwise formally known as the contents of a change kiosk

A bunch of keys some for locking mechanisms I use and some for those that I no longer have.

An empty wallet (Never keep your notes in a wallet)
A bottle opener from the days of wondering around looking for a bottle opener.

A comb to try and tame my hair when I have to face the general population.

Sometimes a trusty penknife, for unscrewing screws when doing complex operations of my very dead Pentium III 500 or when I get caught out in the world and need something that can be used as a screwdriver, or wirecutter etc.

Last but not least my hands on cold nights when I'm walking in the open.

Anything else that might get mentioned, doesn't actually sit within the pockets :p