What's a God?

I tire of your insults. It seems that all you do is go to threads specifically to insult me and do nothing else. This clearly demonstrates my superiority over you, I think.

I'm contributing to the thread. You're spouting nonsense based on nothing. So if anyone is tired of anyone here, it's US who are tired of YOU.

No, it doesn't. A god has nothing to do with being supernatural; it could simply be technological sophistication that might enable this "god" to create a universe, in which case this being is still a god

Why stop there? Why couldn't the god be a really big bottle of soda, and we are but the condensation running down its neck? I mean, you can say whatever you like about it, but we have documentation here, homie, and all of it speaks of supernatural beings, not technological ones.

Also, you're assuming that gods are capable of existing. We do not know that this is anything more than an invention of man.
Ah....good argument, I'm glad you can contribute to the discussion instead of just poking fun at those expressing their views. Good one.:D

but but but buttttt i got a big buttttt

you're right!

i should show a little more compassion buttttttttttttt my butttttttttttttt gets in the way..........

imagine that
No, because you aren't more intelligent than me, although I neglected to mention something else:

Superior in intelligence and ability

We are the same on both counts.

That wasn't actually directed at you. It was to make you see a point, which is that if your definition is true every human has countless other human gods.
all this time arguing with me and you say 'MAN'

are you suggesting mankind created existence?

Something like a 'collective conscious' creating itself?

It that a yin-n-yang'n kind of system?

Please, teach us what you know! (so us mortals can comprehend even the word 'man')

No, I'm suggesting man created the gods.
I'm contributing to the thread. You're spouting nonsense based on nothing. So if anyone is tired of anyone here, it's US who are tired of YOU.
Speak for yourself and not for others. And I'm contributing too. I'm simply superior to you for various reasons.

Why stop there? Why couldn't the god be a really big bottle of soda, and we are but the condensation running down its neck?
This idea has no basis; what basis do you have for this idea?

As you noticed I did not say anything about this god except that this god is both
a) intelligent
b) has the ability to alter things

Which we base on our own human ability to do these things; this is where the entire idea of god comes from

Also, you're assuming that gods are capable of existing. We do not know that this is anything more than an invention of man.
Is superior intelligence capable of existing?
No, I'm suggesting man created the gods.

i guess the same way, 'mankind created all words'.................?

so by just writing "gonapsyphilherpalaids" (desease i may have).... i created?

am i a god now too?

(where's that chainsaw)
It's a good question: what's a god?

Unless you mean because it's gotten completely off topic.

me and another enjoying our communication

middle... you fixing your (less than articulate) 3 letter comment (first post on thread)


as you post man created god, i point out mankind created all words (perhaps too deep for you)

i shared an example and then asked you a question

which in your typical flare, do not answer questions, nor even comprehend when being made a fool of

This is barely intelligible and, in fact, nonsensical.
You mean to say that you don't see that my post means the exact same thing as shichimenshyo's

Actually, god is the product of logical thought. To clarify, when you think of god you think of the religious God, a being given an identity and ability and story...all without evidence and thus irrational and purely the product of imagination. However the premise behind the idea of "god" is precisely based on logical thought.
No, this is imaginative speculation. Logic is based on deduction and truths. I.e. it is necessary to show evidence for a god to enable valid premises that can form a logical argument. There is no evidence for gods so no appropriate premises can be formed. The logic for a god stops at that point.

We observe that we humans are able to alter our surroundings; we observe, then, that intelligence has an influence. We observe that intelligence can lead to complex systems.
There is no case where human intelligence has caused the creation of anything complex outside of an evolutionary process. Human intelligence is simply a component of evolutionary activity. EVERYTHING that you can name that has been perceived to have been created by human intelligence was the result of an adaptation of something simpler. I.e. complexity ALWAYS results from something simpler. We see this in biology and everything round us. This is overwhelming evidence that there is NO need for a creator god.

We ponder over the beginning of the universe and come to only two possibilities if it indeed had a beginning: that the universe began without intelligent cause or intervention, or that it began with or because of these things
A fundamentally flawed argument. We have zero precedence that intelligence can create anything outside of an evolutionary process. We have zero reason to suspect that a beginning, if there was one, needed an intelligence to be present.
I mean in my threads. To be honest I have no idea what this business between you and Bishadi and Oli in this thread is.

Well, I'm sorry you see it that way. But your reasoning in those threads is a bit inane. And your claim that the thread was meant to point out that humans are illogical makes no sense either, everyone knows that humans are illogical.
Simply because I was correcting your errors.
only one

a mispelled word!

Wrong again.
You can't even say why the second law is wrong (according to you), other than comments like the above.
the energy that enables an object (mass) life, will consume to continue

Life: abuses entropy

proof: the evolution of living species! (if the 2nd was true, then evolution could not occur as the life of the 'tree' of any species, that is still alive; has NEVER equilibriated)

the second law was incorporated into the physics of planck (h.. is plancks constant) a macro anology of hot going to cold, imposing a direction to equilibriate by law)

that is what has ruined physics through-out the sciences and why biological renditions of living structures (the exchange of energy between mass) cannot be defined without removing the entropy or 's' as being of a single direction.

I do not want to read your stupidity about the 2Lot unless you open a thread and try and prove me wrong (i challenge you and/or/plus/including the god of this whole website to that one)

Er, didn't you say earlier that you refuse to present the maths?
of simple systems?

all that math already exists

the transition of energy to mass in time; the ToE............. NO

does life procreate? If yes, then that life just passed up its generation to equilibriate and continue based on what it does by instinct.

or perfecty put; do you randomly eat shit when you consume food or are you purposed when you eat by choice?

if you were randomly eating or following the law of 2Lot you could not choose as the law makes it law, that you will go cold, by law, randomly, with all the uncertainties of the uncertainty principles of physics (heisenberg)

Oh, please, show me some.

i do all day long

just look above, examples, logic and the place to find the law incorporated into physics (planck)

along with any challenge on any thread you could ever post up

why not just come after me with both barrels versus making a fool of yourself on threads you really do not comprehend anyway

ie.... 'man' is a 3 letter word!
only one
a mispelled word!
A dear, you misspell most of your words, or subscribe to the theory that coherency isn't a requirement in a post.

Life: abuses entropy
No it doesn't.

proof: the evolution of living species! (if the 2nd was true, then evolution could not occur as the life of the 'tree' of any species, that is still alive; has NEVER equilibriated)
You continue to ascribe an incorrect meaning to the law. It applies to closed systems, which the Earth is not.
You are operating under a false assumption and fail to correct yourself.

or perfecty put; do you randomly eat shit when you consume food or are you purposed when you eat by choice?
Life is NOT purposed.

if you were randomly eating or following the law of 2Lot you could not choose as the law makes it law, that you will go cold, by law, randomly, with all the uncertainties of the uncertainty principles of physics (heisenberg)
Thermodynamics has nothing to do with choice.

why not just come after me with both barrels versus making a fool of yourself on threads you really do not comprehend anyway
Keep making false assumptions, it's amusing.

ie.... 'man' is a 3 letter word!
Wow, you got one right!