What's a God?


Ever read on Zeus?

How about Allah?

Was Jesus a God? What makes a God a God?

Old Testament shares this in Genesis 3:22

And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' --

now does that mean; God observed another to be 'as one of Us' (A god)?

SO now is a God, making a God (created man, then said 'as one of Us' to his own creations)?

Who was HE talkin too?

Any help?

all this time arguing with me and you say 'MAN'

are you suggesting mankind created existence?

Something like a 'collective conscious' creating itself?

It that a yin-n-yang'n kind of system?

Please, teach us what you know! (so us mortals can comprehend even the word 'man')
A god is a being of superior intelligence in respect to another being

is that why knowledge is sold?

held proprietary?

even so deep in 'laws' that most of the most brilliant could not see it, when it is right in front of them (objectively speaking, of course)

that could mean some of the highest on the literary scales could be complete morons, to a single person (a 'god' to the enmos opinion)!

No, because you aren't more intelligent than me, although I neglected to mention something else:

Superior in intelligence and ability

We are the same on both counts.

No, you are clearly nowhere near him in intelligence.

As for what makes a god, I would say the standard model is a supernatural being that is not subject to the laws of this universe nor dwelling entirely within it. And in most cases one particular god (or two) are credited as creators of the universe.

It's a lot more than being more intelligent, as our silly little friend Norse has said over and over again.
No, you are clearly nowhere near him in intelligence.
I tire of your insults. It seems that all you do is go to threads specifically to insult me and do nothing else. This clearly demonstrates my superiority over you, I think.

It's a lot more than being more intelligent, as our silly little friend Norse has said over and over again.

No, it doesn't. A god has nothing to do with being supernatural; it could simply be technological sophistication that might enable this "god" to create a universe, in which case this being is still a god
A god is a fantasy concept created by human imagination.

These concepts arise in attempts to explain complexities in the universe that we have been unable to explain through rational means.
A god is a fantasy concept created by human imagination.

These concepts arise in attempts to explain complexities in the universe that we have been unable to explain through rational means.

Actually, god is the product of logical thought. To clarify, when you think of god you think of the religious God, a being given an identity and ability and story...all without evidence and thus irrational and purely the product of imagination. However the premise behind the idea of "god" is precisely based on logical thought

We observe that we humans are able to alter our surroundings; we observe, then, that intelligence has an influence. We observe that intelligence can lead to complex systems.

We ponder over the beginning of the universe and come to only two possibilities if it indeed had a beginning: that the universe began without intelligent cause or intervention, or that it began with or because of these things
God is the abandonment of logicla thought...its because at some point you got tired of looking for an answer that made sense, so you just make one up to cover all your bases.
No, god is based on logical conclusions.

The problem is that after we initially speculate about the concept of "god", we accept it as fact and truth......which is a poor move as it remains unproven

However the concept that intelligent beings exist "out there" that are superior in ability and intelligence.......is not in itself illogical. Now we can suppose that these beings have had an effect on human development......and they are gods.

Think of it this way: if human beings are ever able to create a universe, doesn't it make us gods? Don't we have "supernatural" abilities within this creation of ours?
Hey, this is a forum of BS, please be biased and use NO common sense!

can you do the "Tabbitha" ?

(dinkle dinkle - wiggle the nose)

Ah....good argument, I'm glad you can contribute to the discussion instead of just poking fun at those expressing their views. Good one.:D