Whatever became of the concept of "sin"?

4 more would be ridiculous to enforce. "Honor thy father and mother." Right. Every teen would be in prison. "Don't bear false witness." Seems abit harsh and narrow to convict everyone who pretends to have witnessed something. Adultery? Really? In this day and age? And do not covet? Our consumerist society relies on coveting and getting people to covet more. It's good for the economy.

That's just leaves do not kill and do not steal. That's it. The only 2 laws you'd have to govern the human race. Unless you're suggesting all those weird Levitical laws about women on their periods, not eating shrimp and lobster, and not wearing clothes of different fabrics. We can and have done better.
Well those laws are a standard point of reference for our daily life . Based on them we can judge how far are we from been an ideal society.
Well those laws are a standard point of reference for our daily life . Based on them we can judge how far are we from been an ideal society.

I hardly think a theocratic band of desert nomads in tents in 1500BC has any business deciding what the morality of the human race is to be. That's a very specific situation based on superstitious beliefs about uncleanliness, misogyny, animal cruelty, land grabbing, and top down style of totalitarian control enforced thru stoning. They AREN'T the ideal society by a long shot.
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I hardly think a theocratic band of desert nomads in tents in 1500BC has any business deciding what the morality of the human race is to be. That's a very specific situation based on superstitious beliefs about uncleanliness, misogyny, animal cruelty, land grabbing, and top down style of totalitarian control enforced thru stoning. They AREN'T the ideal society by a long shot.
I think rules are made by the society to protect its members . It does not matter if they are theocratic or whatever I believe specific rules are made because the society had some problem and those rules are to protect the weaker from the predator. On the punishment by stoning , I would believe it is a punishment by the masses which is different from decapitating which is one individual taking order from the ruler.
I agree with timojin, the Bible is just an antiquated book of laws, and has little relevance in modern life.
Couples across the world now live together without marrying. Lovers think nothing of banging each other before marriage. Sins that less than 60 years ago would have had your mother, grandmother, and aunts doing conniption fits. Gays can get married now. Marijuana is now legal. And Sin City is a major tourist attraction. What's happened to the concept of sin? Where did we lose our way? Are we all goin to hell? Or has sin simply been exposed as the myth it always was?


Sin = debt.
And there is no shortage of debt.
It could be stated that the fact we are here is to repay debt.
