What Would You Do If You Were God?

It's a hypothetical cosmic! It's not much different from asking someone what they would wish for if one could be granted, or where/when someone would go if they had a time machine.

Well then I'd make everyone well fed, in perfect health and we all would live in peace with each other.
I know what I'm talking about, and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Haha this is funny.

Whatever little "Lori is a Bible expert" fan club you're referring to is making me tremble in my boots.

Show me where it teaches that Hell isn't a place of torturous punishment but is instead simply a place where God spends time with you until you are rehabilitated?

And let's not forget the part where we wouldn't still be here if I was in charge.

Somewhat different I would say.
Whatever little "Lori is a Bible expert" fan club you're referring to is making me tremble in my boots.

Show me where it teaches that Hell isn't a place of torturous punishment but is instead simply a place where God spends time with you until you are rehabilitated?

And let's not forget the part where we wouldn't still be here if I was in charge.

Somewhat different I would say.

Dude you're freaking out. And it's funny.
The first thing that occurred to me of course was to put an end to all suffering. But you can't really get too far with a plan like that without turning the entire world into a nanny state, and even then you can't control what's going on in people's heads without, well, controlling what is going on in people's heads. So what I'd do, then, is to simply close out the chapter. I'd basically just elevate everyone to a new unphysical plane of existence where they couldn't harm themselves or each other. If there happened to be anyone who was so fucked in the head that they couldn't bring themselves to embrace this new and better existence, I'd just segregate them for a while until they came to their senses. Being God I'm pretty sure that I could get them to come to their senses eventually without completely remodeling them from scratch. I'm the ultimate psychological therapist you see, and I can sell ice to Eskimos.

Is that a racist statement . Sell ice to Eskimos . You ain't going to be selling Ice to Eskimos Bro . Eskimos will sell ice to you . If you go fishing in Alaska this will be true . Eskimos are smarter than you think Bro
Well then I'd make everyone well fed, in perfect health and we all would live in peace with each other.

How bout the 4 essentials for human existence. Right there that would help bring about a more peaceful existence. That is what will have to happen before hell is erased from earth. To fee people from the daily stress of just surviving is big . Americans take it for granted . Not that there is not the struggle of obtaining the 4 ( There are poor people in America too ) but that survival can be easier in some countries than others . The Monetary system keeps the worlds wings clipped . I dream of a day when goods go to were goods are needed and not held hostage to financial markets of self interest . The flaw in capitalism is that it does deny people basic 4 survival needs . That is a crime against humanity no matter how you slice it
Is that a racist statement . Sell ice to Eskimos . You ain't going to be selling Ice to Eskimos Bro . Eskimos will sell ice to you . If you go fishing in Alaska this will be true . Eskimos are smarter than you think Bro

The phrase "He could sell ice to Eskimos" is meant to describe someone of such extraordinary persuasive power that they could convince someone to accept even the most preposterous idea.

Google it.
The phrase "He could sell ice to Eskimos" is meant to describe someone of such extraordinary persuasive power that they could convince someone to accept even the most preposterous idea.

Google it.

I know what it means . I was born in Alaska . It ain't the first time I had a bar-ba-que . I still think it is racist. How bout sell stink to white girl? Oh yeah perfume made out of camel piss , We do that with ease . O.K. O.K. sell meditation to a Buddhist. Now that sounds a lot better . Does this imply Buddhist are stupid enough to buy meditation or that the salesman skills are so good at deception that anybody would buy meditation if the salesman was selling it. Sell sex to a hooker , That is still discrimination !

O.K. O.K. I know . Easy Rav
I can think of a lot worse things the Biblical God did than what NMSquirrel is wanting to do. :p

what ? The flood was for your good . I know them raping killing Sodomites are running around town now , but you are better equipped to handle the bastards now a days . Whad He /she do that was so bad ? Name Me a few
what ? The flood was for your good . I know them raping killing Sodomites are running around town now , but you are better equipped to handle the bastards now a days . Whad He /she do that was so bad ? Name Me a few

You mean what had the Biblical God done that was so bad? lol Surely you jest! :D
Thank you God. Go enjoy yourself and I’ll be in charge here at the White House, lol.

First of all, there will be an equal amount of suffering and joy. Anyone whining about the suffering will be entered into the bureaucratic tread mill. Anyone getting too happy will be diagnosed manic and if that makes them unhappy they will be diagnosed manic depressive.

There will be redistribution of wealth until all the wealth is gone and then there will be rioting in the streets until the mobs take over all remaining wealth and use it to oppress the mobs that don’t have guns.

There will be beer, wine and drugs and there will be laws that no one will pay any attention to until they are caught and then there will be justice to the extent that the lawyers can milk as much money from the system as can be milked.

If attorneys object to being characterized that way they will be made judges.

I’ll be dealing with individual cases of suffering and joy between 10 and 12.
I'd immediately cause manna to fall from the skies in africa. I'd do a bit of terraforming and replant a few rainforests. I'd make alcohol so hallucinogenic that nobody could fight or drive.
I'd send home all captives, animals in zoos, labs and houses that shouldn't be there.
I'd eradicate naziism for good and turn them into jews. I'd make Israel a new home in the arctic ocean, and send them all there where they can only kill each other.
Then I'd have Gabrial make me a cup of tea, impregnate a few virgins and have a nap. That should make it lunchtime on day 1
I'll have to think about what to do after lunch...