What Would You Do If You Were God?

The first thing that occurred to me of course was to put an end to all suffering. But you can't really get too far with a plan like that without turning the entire world into a nanny state, and even then you can't control what's going on in people's heads without, well, controlling what is going on in people's heads. So what I'd do, then, is to simply close out the chapter. I'd basically just elevate everyone to a new unphysical plane of existence where they couldn't harm themselves or each other. If there happened to be anyone who was so fucked in the head that they couldn't bring themselves to embrace this new and better existence, I'd just segregate them for a while until they came to their senses. Being God I'm pretty sure that I could get them to come to their senses eventually without completely remodeling them from scratch. I'm the ultimate psychological therapist you see, and I can sell ice to Eskimos.
I would build myself my own planet and populate it with the people I like. Or maybe I would enlarge Earth and fix all it's problems.
i seriously thought you were dead or never returning again, how did you remember your password?
Suppose there's a god & it decides to go on a 3 trillion year vacation & leave you in charge.
What do you do?

What sort of God am I , what powers do I have?

I assume omnipresence isn’t in the equation, because where would god have been able to go on vacation ?
As with most other issues, I would leave things as they were and fine-tuned them until God returned. I would not interfere- I would leave man alone to figure out his own fate.
if i were god, i would get rid of all religious nut-jobs that's ruining human civilization. which would be ironic, cuz they do it the name of god. and i would take the pope, kim-jong il, fidel castro and all the others people like them, and make me a human centipede. HAHAHA:D
The first thing that occurred to me of course was to put an end to all suffering. But you can't really get too far with a plan like that without turning the entire world into a nanny state, and even then you can't control what's going on in people's heads without, well, controlling what is going on in people's heads. So what I'd do, then, is to simply close out the chapter. I'd basically just elevate everyone to a new unphysical plane of existence where they couldn't harm themselves or each other. If there happened to be anyone who was so fucked in the head that they couldn't bring themselves to embrace this new and better existence, I'd just segregate them for a while until they came to their senses. Being God I'm pretty sure that I could get them to come to their senses eventually without completely remodeling them from scratch. I'm the ultimate psychological therapist you see, and I can sell ice to Eskimos.
Were you intentionally paraphrasing the bible or was that an accident?
I would refuse the job and ask for a mid-management position--maybe an angle or something.
Suppose there's a god & it decides to go on a 3 trillion year vacation & leave you in charge.
What do you do?
I would experiment so much. I would take all of the most recognised people in every scientific discipline, all of the best people at every sport, all of the greatest artists and musicians from every little sub-division of every discipline, everyone with a personality trait that I like, all my favorite actors/actresses and comedians, and of course all of my favorite authors, and remove them from the planet. Then, I would begin a new era on Earth, and I would start a society with only progress in all areas as the goal. Entire childhoods would be spent developing all sorts of skills; learning enough to have a general scope of how the world works; developing socially, psychologically(that is, to my own particular ideal), intellectually, morally,technologically, and physically, both as individuals and as individual societies. With the people who I took, I would encourage idleness and make luxury easy to attain. I would give them all slaves and an abundance of any imaginable resource, and the ear of an all-powerful being. Give it 4 generations, and test the groups on everything. See what happens. Then there would be much more to follow.
Were you intentionally paraphrasing the bible or was that an accident?
Heh. I noticed that too.
Were you intentionally paraphrasing the bible or was that an accident?

The fact that you've said that shows you know a lot less about the Bible and Christian theology than I do, which is no surprise really.
Suppose there's a god & it decides to go on a 3 trillion year vacation & leave you in charge.
What do you do?

nothing and be a non-concept or idea to any life form in the Universe

why ? so any life form can just be about themselves , therefore build confidence towards themselves and evolve their abilities , with no psychological inferiority complex
Since there is no god or gods then how can anyone believe that they could do anything more than what they themselves can do without any supernatural powers? :shrug:
Since there is no god or gods then how can anyone believe that they could do anything more than what they themselves can do without any supernatural powers? :shrug:

It's a hypothetical cosmic! It's not much different from asking someone what they would wish for if one could be granted, or where/when someone would go if they had a time machine.
The fact that you've said that shows you know a lot less about the Bible and Christian theology than I do, which is no surprise really.

I know what I'm talking about, and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Haha this is funny.