what would you consider a miracle?

samcdkey said:
(Q) said:
Yes but would one recognise God as God even if he did present himself?

That should be simplier to deduce than what you'll have for lunch.

You commit yourself to a religion founded by a single man who claimed to have spoken to an angel, who was a messenger from god, yet you question whether all mankind combined wouldn't recognise god if he revealed himself?

Of course it could; that was the conclusion of a lot of people who saw it too.

Yes, and they were such a fortunate group of people, out there alone in the desert with Muhammand, considering the rest of the world in the line of site of the moon had completely missed the event!

One would've expected the entire planet to have converted to Islam the very next day.
(Q) said:
samcdkey said:
That should be simplier to deduce than what you'll have for lunch.

You commit yourself to a religion founded by a single man who claimed to have spoken to an angel, who was a messenger from god, yet you question whether all mankind combined wouldn't recognise god if he revealed himself?

Ultimately it still comes down to belief; either you believe or you don't.

Yes, and they were such a fortunate group of people, out there alone in the desert with Muhammand, considering the rest of the world in the line of site of the moon had completely missed the event!
One would've expected the entire planet to have converted to Islam the very next day.

:) You mean they would not consider it an illusion or a trick, considering it happened for only a short instant? After all, many of the people who did witness it, when the Prophet indicated it to them, did not believe it.
samcdkey said:
Ultimately it still comes down to belief; either you believe or you don't.

Belief in one mans story of a planetary event in which only he and those with him witnessed. The rest of the planet would have a difficult time believing in something they didn't witness.

You mean they would not consider it an illusion or a trick, considering it happened for only a short instant? After all, many of the people who did witness it, when the Prophet indicated it to them, did not believe it.

With absolutely no mention of the event whatsoever from anyone else on the planet? Uh-huh. Turnip truck trash talk.
(Q) said:
Belief in one mans story of a planetary event in which only he and those with him witnessed. The rest of the planet would have a difficult time believing in something they didn't witness.

Which is what I said.

With absolutely no mention of the event whatsoever from anyone else on the planet? Uh-huh.

Did you miss the bit about the Indian king?

But of course, you don't believe it do you?

Turnip truck trash talk

Alliterations! what next!
I have a friend who when she was in college developed a tumorous growth in the middle of her forehead which the doctors said had to be immediately removed so she was put in the hospital for surgery. The nuns at her college decided to hold an all night prayer vigil the night before the surgery for her recovery. When the nurse went in to prep her for surgery the next morning the growth was gone.
candy said:
I have a friend who when she was in college developed a tumorous growth in the middle of her forehead which the doctors said had to be immediately removed so she was put in the hospital for surgery. The nuns at her college decided to hold an all night prayer vigil the night before the surgery for her recovery. When the nurse went in to prep her for surgery the next morning the growth was gone.

M*W: That's called a "zit."