What would this be

You want to call me a fool, bucko, you come here and say it to my face.

Okay, I will. You’re a fool. :cool: If you weren’t so desperate to be considered as some sort of forum science guru you might be taken seriously by myself and other members.

You’re the quintessential “Google scientist”. You’re so frantic to appear as having expert knowledge on every subject in this forum that you jump at the chance to copy and paste whatever info you can find. The reality is that you know so little about most subjects that you hardly ever realise that your material is frequently out-of-context and irrelevant to the question at hand.

Then, as though you are deliberately trying to be even more annoying, you dig your hole even deeper by questioning everyone else’s knowledge and regurgiposting even more out-of-context Google search results in a fruitless effort to support your position. :mad:


This is a ridiculously simplified answer that ignores well over a hundred regulatory mutation factors that can alter the process along the way.

What the hell is a “regulatory mutation factor”? It’s a nonsense phrase that means nothing. But you don’t even realise it. Such phrases are indicative and typical of your mish-mash of partially digested factoids that you spout as though you are an authority. This sort of behaviour easily makes you one of the most annoying people on SciForums.

I'm not going to waste my time answering a muddled up unclear question …. If the thread starter wants to clarify the question, then I'll answer it. You got problem with that?

It wasn’t a muddled question, you complete fool! The original post contained quite a simple and clear question. It is fairly obvious that English is not the first language of the poster, so certain allowances need to be made for that. It is also quite clear that the poster’s knowledge is basic. Only an accomplished smartass who is trying to appear clever would start bringing polymerase subunits and gene regulation into the answer. These concepts are clearly above the level that is appropriate or required for the original poster.

Did I say only a smartass? Enter Valich who deliberately complicates the issue with unnecessary detail which we can tell he doesn’t even fully comprehend himself.

I know perfectly well that polymerase is comprised of subunits encoded by separate genes. And don’t try (and I emphasise “try”) to lecture me about gene regulation. I am a geneticist. I know more about gene regulation than you ever will from your Wikipedia searches.

These details are not necessary for the purposes of answering the original simple question. The fact that you do not understand this speaks clearly to your own misunderstanding of the simple subject matter.

Clearly, by ignoring regulation outright, your's was the foolish answer.

Well, me and everyone else disagrees with you, so what does that say to you?

Think about it.