What would it take?

pretending not to know which God we are talking about, and other silly
things. :)


Here's your problem Jan, we really don't know what you're talking about.

Seems you assume we are in denial, but we aren't. We just don't find your God plausible, and I don't assume that the 'God' that each individual believes in is actually the same single entity, because theists can never give us a straight description of what it is they actually believe in.

You yourself are always shifty and evasive when asked. So if you can't compare notes, how can you know your God is the same as another theists? Being vague and hiding behind scripture doesn't make it so.
Here's your problem Jan, we really don't know what you're talking about.

Seems you assume we are in denial, but we aren't. We just don't find your God plausible, and I don't assume that the 'God' that each individual believes in is actually the same single entity, because theists can never give us a straight description of what it is they actually believe in.

You yourself are always shifty and evasive when asked. So if you can't compare notes, how can you know your God is the same as another theists? Being vague and hiding behind scripture doesn't make it so.

I think the problem is that you cannot prove evolution happened and you never will. This is frustrating for you and i pointed this out to you on a number of occasions. You dont have to be religious but dont tell me you are not indoctrinated because no one here has ever beaten me in this particular debate and the record shows this. Because i will tell you right now, i can stop the debate dead in its tracks.

So sharpen up your little pencil and give it your best shot or admit it. Because NOW is the time to put this to rest...Once and for all.

Here's your problem Jan, we really don't know what you're talking about.

Stop lieing, you know full well what i'm talking about.
"Atheism", your chosen world view, is about not believing what
i'm talking about.

Seems you assume we are in denial, but we aren't. We just don't find your God plausible,

I don't believe you.
I think you know it's plausible, but choose to deny it for whatever reason.

...and I don't assume that the 'God' that each individual believes in is actually the same single entity, because theists can never give us a straight description of what it is they actually believe in.

Another lie.
I have given universal definitions over and over again, you just pretend
that I haven't so you can carry on with your belief.
The disagreement lies not with God, but with religious tradition, doctrine, and dogma. But they all believe the universal definition of God, which I have given .

Stop lieing, you know full well what i'm talking about.
"Atheism", your chosen world view, is about not believing what
i'm talking about.

But I don't know what you are talking about! In fact, every single time I ask you to explain your beliefs, you become shifty and evasive and do not answer my request for you _personally_ to describe your God!

I don't believe you.
I think you know it's plausible, but choose to deny it for whatever reason.

What is plausible?

Another lie.
I have given universal definitions over and over again, you just pretend
that I haven't so you can carry on with your belief.
The disagreement lies not with God, but with religious tradition, doctrine, and dogma. But they all believe the universal definition of God, which I have given .


Then please post a link to where you have done this and I'll go read it again.
well, see the way you think totally confuses me. you might as well be babbling in alien language. um, you can believe water (just water now) turned into wine but you have a hard time believing that two fish and some bread was used to feed thousands. i don't understand your logic because both are outrageous. k?

"make me" does not intone force to me (because you are taking it out of context?!) or that is not what i was inferring. i don't care what your idea of proof or miracle is or crazy losing control of life or whatever you were saying which makes no sense to me and after reading your post, it's like mental arbitrary banging on piano keys with a blindfold on to boot. your post makes no sense to me at all. it's like a fragmented, pieced together, schizo, possibly psycho, illogical mess.

theists need to learn to stop vomiting on people. they are the rudest people who don't have the courtesy to make themselves understood and expect others to take their mental molestation.

Umm, looks who's talking. "Vomiting on people" - "mental molestation"... You are hardly rising above the words you yourself are applying to others. I believe the word for that is hypocrisy?
Jan, Phlog... let's all try to tone down the hyperbole and keep this conversation on track. First of all, by definition the "Theory of Evolution" has not in fact been proven. (If it had, it would not be called a theory.) With that said, natural selection is INCREDIBLY well established and is something we see occurring on a regular basis. Flu vaccines are different every single year because of natural selection. Third, the phrase "we change into other species" is a misnomer. Natural selection is about the development of new species, and the eradication of old. Again, even this is obvious. Look at any building over 500 years old. Doorways get smaller and smaller because people have gotten taller and taller. That is natural selection, and to dismiss it because it doesn't fit into your worldview is as silly as refusing to accept that the Earth is round or that the universe DOESN'T revolve around our planet. Phlog, there is no need to be a dick in explaining these things. Jan, do you NOT accept these statements to be true?
For any religious person here to become an atheist?

Is there any evidence that could be presented to change your minds?

I have seen proof for God but there can't be any fasifiable proof for God because He isn't falsifiable. Believing in God is another matter one can always not believe in God regardless of proof.
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that explains why whenever i see a door at Mesa Verde they are too small..(couldn't find pic of someone standing next to a door)
(Slightly off topic) Mesa Verde, one of the few places where I feel a real "spiritual" connection. Very deep, much history there. (You may now continue with your regular programming) ;)
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