What would it take for you to kill without guilt?

I wonder if people would still say they feel guilt if they had to kill the person to be able to survive themselves.
I wonder if people would still say they feel guilt if they had to kill the person to be able to survive themselves.

If someone would break into my house they wouldn't get out. I'd protect myself and family(if I had one) with deadly force.
If someone would break into my house they wouldn't get out. I'd protect myself and family(if I had one) with deadly force.

Saying that makes you feel all good right? the emotions... What if the person just wants to steal stuff, and doesn't want to hurt anyone? Protect your family lol. Playing a hero mostly isn't the good thing to do if you want to protect your family, or yourself (well besides your ego that is).
Saying that makes you feel all good right? the emotions... What if the person just wants to steal stuff, and doesn't want to hurt anyone? Protect your family lol. Playing a hero mostly isn't the good thing to do if you want to protect your family, or yourself (well besides your ego that is).

Then the stupid fuck should have broken in when they were certain no one was home. Any thief stupid enough to break into an occupied home deserves whatever fate awaits them.
Saying that makes you feel all good right?

Not at all. I make that statement not to feel good but to feel safe.

What if the person just wants to steal stuff, and doesn't want to hurt anyone?

I really don't have the time to ask if the robber is there not to hurt me or my family because he is trying to rob from me and perhaps injure me or my family so he will die.

Protect your family lol.

I guess you don't have a wife or small children then do you? Why do you think it is so funny?

Playing a hero mostly isn't the good thing to do if you want to protect your family

I'm not being a hero, I'm being protective and smart to kill anyone that breaks into my house before they harm me or my family. If you want to let the robbers alone that is your decission. Good luck.
OK here's is my take on all this...

Someone breaks into your house and your children are sleeping. You don't know if the person(s) breaking in are criminals or family/friends playing a prank or whatever the case might be. Would you shoot first before finding out who and why they are there? Come on an get real. Yes there is a risk to you and your family if you shout out, hide or sneak down the hallway to see what's happening. There is an even greater risk if you shoot at the person(s) since they may be armed and fire back at you and your family in their self defense. Or maybe you kill some pre-teens and have to live with what you did for the rest of your life. Who knows. Would you really shoot before knowing the facts?

I have a 4 yr old daughter and a wife I would die for in a heartbeat. If we were leathally threatened, of course I would kill to protect them and yes I have plenty of firepower. I can't stand all the assholes that think "i have a right to kill because they COULD be a threat". The word "could" or simular doesn't cut it people. That's an excuse to kill, not a reason. It's self justification to do an evil act. Just because you are afraid of it, it doesn't mean you have a right to kill it. Think of going out in the bush and seeing a Grizzly Bear wandering around close to you, yet not threating you. If it becomes a threat, do what you have to do to it. If it's not intending harm or you don't know if it is, leave it the hell alone until you find out otherwise. Attacking it might get "you" or someone else killed as well.

Back in my teen years I used to break in to homes for food since I grew up in an extremely poor household... I think if someone killed me and found out "after the fact" the reasons and intent, and that I had no wepaons, they would feel guily as hell. At least any human with a heart would. Would you feel justified after the fact? Again, just because someone is in your home and it's dark out, it does NOT give you the right to take a life before finding out what the INTENT is. Grow up people.

This is not political or religious reasoning in any shape or form, it's common sence and we all should know better. If you jusity killing because of fearing the unknown, you need some help and should not own a firearm. Plain an simple.

As for the original question, there is no way I could kill without and ounce guilt. Even if I killed an attempted murderer that came in and started shooting at me, I would still wish I didn't have to do it, but would not hesitate in killing the person in defense. Remember, all people were children at one time and they all have or had mothers and fathers, and possibly siblings. It would still hurt knowing a human life was taken by my hands, even though I knew I had to do so. All humans with a conscience would feel it, no matter why and who they had to kill. It's called "being human". For those that say they would have no guilt what-so-ever, you are full of shit unless you are one cold blooded, blood thirsty asshole...
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What would it take for you to kill without fear of remorse,guilt or consequence and feel you were right in doing so...?

Seeing an act of extreme violence against an innocent. If I had a weapon in my hand, I would use it without remorse. Of course, I would have to be very very pissed.
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Seeing an act of extreme violence against an innocent. If I had a weapon in my hand, I would use it without remorse. Of course, I would have to be very very pissed.

^^^^ That basically.

And if someone harmed or killed my children. I would kill that individual without guilt.
bells, you have been involved in criminal investigations. How many LEGITIMATE cases of self defence or defence against family have the people had no guilt afterwards?

Look at returning solders, most of them suffer some level of PTSD and part of that is guilt either that they survived and there mates didnt but also for the people they killed. Now there killings were legitimate kill or be killed but they STILL suffer guilt. You can also look at cops involved in justifiable killings, the same is born out there. Its a natural responce. I would say that EVEN IF the killing was legitimate that anyone who DIDNT feel some level of guilt would be a sociopath
Saying that makes you feel all good right? the emotions...

NO, it doesn't make me feel good at all. It is very... scary?... not the right word ...sad?... maybe...

You, my friend, I would be willing to bet, have never been at gun point, with, or without your wife / children with you. Have you?

Nothing funny about it, almost indescribable, but you have to do something...

What would you do [expletive deleted]?

Have you even ever held a gun in your hand? Or any deadly weapon? Felt the sense of responsibility and awe?

Again... Nothing funny about it...
The question was " What would it take for you to kill without guilt?"

And none of you know until you actually kill someone. You just don't know if you'd "feel" guilty. I don't care who you killed or what circumstance - until it happens you don't know.

Some people know themselves well enough, and/or have been in similar enough situations, to know how they would react.
If someone would break into my house they wouldn't get out. I'd protect myself and family(if I had one) with deadly force.

So you would do your best to escalate a potentially non violent encounter into a violent one, pretty smart.

I suppose you are trained in close combat? Nasty stuff that. Very unpredictable. Its particularly bad in our paper mache houses where anything stiffer then birdshot is going through walls like they aren't there.

Hang guns in the hands of your average person are a great way to kill yourself or some one you love. It requires constant training and even with that cops shoot themselves, partners, and by-standers with amazing regularity. And if you go with a macho caliber round there is that penetration problem again.

If you have time to go get your gun, you have time to get the hell out of the house. Do that.
To claim that you wouldn't feel any guilt under this or that circumstance is complete bullshit.

It's only a situation you would know after you lived it.

There could be very rare circumstances you need to do. No matter you feel completely justified, anybody generally valuing life of any kind, would perfectly feel guilty and disgusted. If you think about it in reality for one moment, it's an organic, messy thing. Ending a human life by your hands. It has nothing to do with religion or personal morality.
To claim that you wouldn't feel any guilt under this or that circumstance is complete bullshit.

It's only a situation you would know after you lived it.

There could be very rare circumstances you need to do. No matter you feel completely justified, anybody generally valuing life of any kind, would perfectly feel guilty and disgusted. If you think about it in reality for one moment, it's an organic, messy thing. Ending a human life by your hands. It has nothing to do with religion or personal morality.

So by this I have to assume you think every person places a high value on human life?
What would it take for you to kill without fear of remorse,guilt or consequence and feel you were right in doing so...?

1) Defending yourself against an attack intended to kill or physically harm you and if it was the only option at that moment.
2) Killing a person in the act of killing, or inflicting severe bodily harm on, another person and if it was the only option at that moment.
3) Killing 'evil' bastards.
What would it take for you to kill without fear of remorse,guilt or consequence and feel you were right in doing so...?

-One circumstance I can think of would be just a simple threat of violence from a stranger.

-Another, the threat or attempt of unjust imprisonment.

-Being ticketed or arrested for having a beer in public.

- Selling the custody of my biological child to me.

- many other things I don't have the time to mention.

- Enabling this kind of behaviour by saying you approve of it.

Of course, I can't act on my beliefs when I'm surrounded by idiots. It's a shame. I could go on a hell of a entertaining killfest. Unfortunately I have to use those ideas in a more practical way. I'll probably use them in a novel when I get older.