What would it take for you to kill without guilt?

If somebody intentionally hurt someone I love, I'm certain that I could kill them without remorse in the heat of the moment. I doubt that I could still do it after some time had passed.
What would it take for you to kill without fear of remorse,guilt or consequence and feel you were right in doing so...?

For me, after hurting friend's would be Money. Any remorseful blame (to me would lie on the contract employer).

but i am questioning the act, someone who catches someone killing his mother may be so outraged that he kill's with out guilt,fear of consequence he may feel guilty afterwards but the line was crossed and moral rationality was pushed aside. there must be a line in most people

So you're actually asking about the moment of killing, and the mental state of the person at the time they would kill someone.

Drugs, medications, toxins, durress, a severe disease can influence a person's judgment, and push them into doing things they normally would not do.
Killing is not a reasonable action. After all killing doesn't require reason.

I can't agree with this I feel, there is reason even in most unmotivated killings on random strangers generaly mental illness,combined with social problems can you explain how killing doesn't require reason.
-someone breaking into my house
-someone who tried to or harmed one of my dogs (something like that would receive the bonus of a slow and painful death to the perpetrator)
-someone who threatened or harmed my friends or relatives
-someone who tries to kill me*

*I'm the type of person that if someone raised a firearm at me and pointed it at me (and I knew you're serious), they better pull the trigger(and ensure I'm dead), because if they didn't, I'd kill them the next time I had the chance. No guilt.
I can't agree with this I feel, there is reason even in most unmotivated killings on random strangers generaly mental illness,combined with social problems can you explain how killing doesn't require reason.

Ah but this is where you "reason" as an outsider to the motives of a killer, not the understanding of a killer who's reasoning is usually impaired. Obviously impairment can be down to a number of things like you mentioned Mental Illness or Duress. However it's still not an excuse to kill.

You then have the arguments made in regards to militia's and their shoot or be shot policies. To be at the point of a Military outcome, all reasoning and politics has failed. (Yes, Politicians are actually meant to 'Discuss' things so there aren't wars, but for the most part they usually end up starting them. )

The problem is however if your life was at risk, you will most likely do what ever you have to to maintain your existence. rationalising about "disabling" or "Incapacitating" someone that's attacking you is not likely going to be going through your mind because defending yourself is imperative. Which could lead up to "manslaughter". Of course it's the irrational lunatic attacking you that pushes you beyond that point of rationality.

Btw, that's what I meant by "Reason".... "Rationality".
i agree with spider, even if i killed say my partner at her request to save her from dying in pain i would still feel guilty. Its the way we are, the only way i could kill without guilt is if i was a sociopath (ie had no empathy) but im not so i couldnt
-someone breaking into my house
-someone who tried to or harmed one of my dogs (something like that would receive the bonus of a slow and painful death to the perpetrator)
-someone who threatened or harmed my friends or relatives
-someone who tries to kill me*

*I'm the type of person that if someone raised a firearm at me and pointed it at me (and I knew you're serious), they better pull the trigger(and ensure I'm dead), because if they didn't, I'd kill them the next time I had the chance. No guilt.

No doubt that you were a marine! :D
I don't believe in God, so by righteous, I mean I was perfectly justified in my actions. However, I would feel guilty for killing, because whenever it happens, it's a tragedy. If you have to kill, something has already gone horribly wrong, and everyone should feel personally responsible for that. I cannot divorce the reasons for doing so with the act itself. I would find it hard to live with myself having killed, no matter what the reason was.

Great answer spider, it's what I was thinking verbatim.
The question was " What would it take for you to kill without guilt?"

And none of you know until you actually kill someone. You just don't know if you'd "feel" guilty. I don't care who you killed or what circumstance - until it happens you don't know.
nietzschefan i would dispute this point. I have been in two situations already where i felt guilt for someone that wasnt my fault. One where a person DID die and i couldnt help them, infact when i saw the exstent of his injurys i ran away. I justified this at the time that i was runing to call 000 but the truth was i was runing away and i feel VERY guilty for that. The second was a situation where someone MAY have died as a result of there own actions but i could have done more to prevent it. Again i didnt and i feel guilty for that. Did he die? i dont know, but if he did it would have been on my head. I also study psycology so i KNOW the emotions which come from even a mercy killing and they DO include guilt

So i feel that i can judge my own feelings correctly that i would feel guilty if i was ever in that situation
So you're actually asking about the moment of killing, and the mental state of the person at the time they would kill someone.

Drugs, medications, toxins, durress, a severe disease can influence a person's judgment, and push them into doing things they normally would not do.

I am asking what it would take for you to kill without guilt etc.
you can say i would not kill because i would feel guilty but generaly there is a line where your morals are sidetracked and instincts take over.
Ah but this is where you "reason" as an outsider to the motives of a killer, not the understanding of a killer who's reasoning is usually impaired. Obviously impairment can be down to a number of things like you mentioned Mental Illness or Duress. However it's still not an excuse to kill.
Btw, that's what I meant by "Reason".... "Rationality".

I would still think that when a killer who is mentaly impaired would percieve himself as being rational .
you are saying as an outsider that he is not being rational? yet he is being rational to himself, that he kills with out reason yet he does not need an excuse to kill and will infact create excuses, situations to give rationality to the killing thereby his actions of killing will be deemed justifiable to himself
The question was " What would it take for you to kill without guilt?"

And none of you know until you actually kill someone. You just don't know if you'd "feel" guilty. I don't care who you killed or what circumstance - until it happens you don't know.

I think it would depend on the individual ?
-someone breaking into my house
-someone who tried to or harmed one of my dogs (something like that would receive the bonus of a slow and painful death to the perpetrator)
-someone who threatened or harmed my friends or relatives
-someone who tries to kill me*

Your first condition infuriates me and imo is totally wrong and immoral.
Most people break into houses because they have either fallen on hard times (societys problem), are drug adicts, are kids with nothing to do, or have to feed themselves or their family. There are only a small percent that might have malintent and would warant being killed. I can't see how you would pick the later out from the other catagories of criminals. I which case your act of killing under your first statement would be total immoral.
i find the order quite interesting

Defending property is the weakest reason
Defending pets only slightly higher
Defending people is the second highest
Defending self is the highest
I could quite easily kill another person who has caused me duress.

The only thing that prevents me from doing so is a fear of persecution.

I don't think guilt would come into it for me as this is just an emotion that would normally preceed a killing, once a killing has taken place then guilt would only come into play if regret did.
define duress

I am going to have to deal with vilont, drug acidected, mental ill pts on a daily basis. I have NO right to kill them, im there to TREAT them