What would happen If Romans become Jews

If Romans become Jews then most people do not accept Christ as their savior, and things are only slightly worse in todays age. One improvement would be no Holy Roman Catholic Church to slander the word of God.

I believe then the Christians would be persecuted as Jesus was persecuted by the Sihandren ( like the Knesset ) and later were the Nazarene ( the Way )
Why is this even being seriously discussed? Just take a look at the religions in question. On the one hand we have christianity which, after some bloke named Paul, became a very proselytizing religion which was open to anyone. Judaism, on the other hand, isn't open to anyone, because while one could marry in the only way to "truly be a Jew" was to be born one.

So we have a religion which actively sought the spread of it's faith and one that didn't(and still really doesn't). Is it really any wonder why one spread farther and faster? I mean come on, this isn't exactly rocket science here.
Religions of old often became elitist clubs with restricted membership. This vanity was their inhernent weakness, since they could never organize on a large enough scale to take on Rome and threaten the empire. Rome let all of them practive freedom of religion, since it help passify the vain populous.

Christianity was vey different, because it was very inclusive without any secret handshake to become a member. It was not elitist or groupie but would accept anyone including the poor and the slaves. This made Rome nervous. The slaves and the poor were the drones that carried the weight of many cultures. Christ came for the poor and the sinners, all of which were disenfranchized.

This was part of the reason the Christians were so resistant to fear. The choice was a slave, or a freeman in paradise. The elite would not consider such a choice. The Jews forgot about their slavery and the determination it created within them to break those bonds. The Christians learned from history.

Eventually the prohibition lessened and Christians became part of the empire. The Christian soldiers, who would eventually fight for Rome (render onto Caesat) became the best soldiers of the empire, because of their lack of fear in stress and battle. Centuries of repression and faith made them tough yet driven. Christianity eventually gains favor and became the religion of Rome; Holy Roman Empire.
Why is this even being seriously discussed? Just take a look at the religions in question. On the one hand we have christianity which, after some bloke named Paul, became a very proselytizing religion which was open to anyone. Judaism, on the other hand, isn't open to anyone, because while one could marry in the only way to "truly be a Jew" was to be born one.

So we have a religion which actively sought the spread of it's faith and one that didn't(and still really doesn't). Is it really any wonder why one spread farther and faster? I mean come on, this isn't exactly rocket science here.

For your information : up to 16 century if your father was a Jew the you are a Jew . sense then your mother have to be a Jew then you can be a Jew

Saul = Paul was a son of Jews from Asia minor student of Gamaliel a member of their sinhandren ( high court )
It is interesting that you mention fun and why to embrace some complicated religion . but they embraced Christianity which dictate restraun.
Yeah, both of the reasons (why would they switch to a complicated religion AND if they converted they'd be guilty of treason) both would equally apply to Christianity as well...so you are right.

Christianity was eventually legalized, but it was a prominent "cult" by then already.
Why is this even being seriously discussed? Just take a look at the religions in question. On the one hand we have christianity which, after some bloke named Paul, became a very proselytizing religion which was open to anyone. Judaism, on the other hand, isn't open to anyone, because while one could marry in the only way to "truly be a Jew" was to be born one.

So we have a religion which actively sought the spread of it's faith and one that didn't(and still really doesn't). Is it really any wonder why one spread farther and faster? I mean come on, this isn't exactly rocket science here.

Judaism runs in my blood, I was raised a Catholic, and I think they are both equally slandering to God.
While Jews believed there God was the only God they where not called upon by God to share their beliefs to the World.
That's not true. In Abrahamic mythology, the Covenant with Moses was an agreement that God would lead the Jews out of Egypt, and in gratitude the Jews would spread his word throughout the world. They failed to keep the bargain and he has been punishing them ever since.

God had to send several more prophets to make sure the job got done: Jesus, Mohammed, Joseph Smith, Ras Tafari...
That's not true. In Abrahamic mythology, the Covenant with Moses was an agreement that God would lead the Jews out of Egypt, and in gratitude the Jews would spread his word throughout the world. They failed to keep the bargain and he has been punishing them ever since.

You've said this before, and I showed you that the covenent with Moses had nothing to do with proselytizing. The whole spreading gods word thing is a christian belief.
You've said this before, and I showed you that the covenent with Moses had nothing to do with proselytizing. The whole spreading gods word thing is a christian belief.

Have you heard about the Nazarene Jews , They work with in the Jewish community, for Jashua .
Christian are nothing more then a branch of Judaism.
That's not true. In Abrahamic mythology, the Covenant with Moses was an agreement that God would lead the Jews out of Egypt, and in gratitude the Jews would spread his word throughout the world. They failed to keep the bargain and he has been punishing them ever since.

God had to send several more prophets to make sure the job got done: Jesus, Mohammed, Joseph Smith, Ras Tafari...

The agreement was Moses would lead them from temptation, then to the promise land. He led them to freedom, but he did not give them salvation. Now, Moses will rise again and he will be given a second chance. Was it the people who damned themselves, or did Moses fail. This is why Michael and Lucifer disputed over his body. All I can tell you is Moses didn't hold up his end of the bargain, and God did. Moses and the Jewish people held no bargain, they were one.
Nope. Not even close.

Well, actually, I think it was Family guy. "They are two sides of the same coin." Jews don't believe their messiah has come yet, Christians believe they are saved. They are both wrong, and they are both right with faith.
You've said this before, and I showed you that the covenent with Moses had nothing to do with proselytizing. The whole spreading gods word thing is a christian belief.

The church does little to spread the word of God. What they do is merrily spread awareness of God.
Nope. Not even close.

How much do you know about Judaism . There is nothing mysterious ,

I would not be surprised if in the last 10 years you have been 10 times in the temple . I would be not surprise if in the last 10 years you have nod read the Tenach , I would not be surprised if you don't celebrate the Yom Kippur and you will not celebrate Sukkot.