What We Should Do:

vslayer said:
look at the mormons if you want to see pushing your own views, do they ever stop trying to convert us?

I'm a Catholic that doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. and I don't care if any one else agrees with, me it's just how i feel, and I hate it when people force thier religion on others! DOES IT REALLY MATTER! My dad's methodist and I didn't learn that until i was 12!
Nivao said:
Take all the really religious people in the world, put them in one place, and then jettison that place into space.

I'm sorry, and I really do not mean to offend anyone*, but once people think that their god is telling them to kill people, I stop listening to them.

I mean, even our 'fearless leader' claims that god gave him a mission to 'help' Iraq... WHAT?! This is America! Church and State, buddy!

*if I have offended you: i am truly, sincerely, sorry.

There isn't a place big enough (except earth) and that's already in space.
Why not just colonize another planet with the non-believers?
Deal. As long I am properly equipped, I am ready to leave this rock in a heartbeat.
It probably wouldn't be too terribly difficult to terraform Mars. Once we
had enough numbers (after several generations) we could invade Earth
and take it by force with our superior technology. Once in power we could
redefine belief as indentured servitude and get lots of free labor!
Umm well maybe not - Mars has no magnetic field so any atomosphere we try to create would be stripped away by the solar winds.

Nah - the solution to the eradication of religion is education.
Cris said:
Umm well maybe not - Mars has no magnetic field so any atomosphere we try to create would be stripped away by the solar winds.

Nah - the solution to the eradication of religion is education.

Mars has a magnetic field, but it's not so easy to detect.

There's a lot of knowledge in religions.