What We Should Do:


Ghost of Mirkwood
Registered Senior Member
Take all the really religious people in the world, put them in one place, and then jettison that place into space.

I'm sorry, and I really do not mean to offend anyone*, but once people think that their god is telling them to kill people, I stop listening to them.

I mean, even our 'fearless leader' claims that god gave him a mission to 'help' Iraq... WHAT?! This is America! Church and State, buddy!

*if I have offended you: i am truly, sincerely, sorry.
Sentiment-wise, I agree with you ... but then we'd just have Trekkies butchering Star Wars geeks.
Ah, I totally and utterly agree. Really relgious people are starting to piss me off. Escpcially little kids at camp who tell there conslers [moi] that they are going to burn in eternal hell for not being catholic.
I agree with you StarOfEight, there would only be new groups around wo would claim power and start butchering one another.
As long as all the humans do not change their behaviour and belief drastically there will be no peace. Religions are not the cause, but a result of the human way of thinking.
some religious people are ok. most people in the world have some sort of religion. my brother is so very catholic but he's the best person in the world (ok, my world, but still). my parents are religious. a lot of people i know and love are. i'm sure a lot of people you know and love are.
-mumbles under breathe- Yes I do. My ex-boyfriend just so happens to be very religious. Hmph. Lets just say it was one of the faluts I didn't like. But if you try to 'Debate' with him on the matter of their being a god or not, he will not let you win. Which may be one of the reasons hes now my EX boyfriend.
My exgirl friend was really religous and i tried to hold her hand and she was like i can't hold your hand because its against the bible, i was i like what the hell. I hate all religous people they just piss be off, it is impossible to find what relgon is right, so why do all these religons keep aguing on stupid things?
Ah. I kinda feel bad for you then. Heehee atleast I got to hold his hand [at the leas XD] Not going to say how far we went, so you won't have future reference. Ha.
It's the "new" religions that keep popping up in the Middle East: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Monotheism is the problem. One's pantheon is supposed to be a model of one's spirit. The Sumerians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Egyptians, Native Americans, etc. all had a number of gods. (Usually 23, there is actually some consistency here that maps with the synapses in our brain.)

Having only one god makes you look at the world in one dimension. Everything is either good or evil. It's like something binary that a geeky computer programmer invented. It stifles introspection, makes people feel ashamed of feelings that are perfectly normal, and limits discussions among people about how they feel about things and about how their societies should grow and adapt.

So just take the members of the Abrahamic religions. The rest of the people can stay. ^_^
Lately I've witnessed a lot of opinionated anti-religious sentiments online and in my daily life. It scares me when people jump on these opinion band-wagons whether they be pro or con on the issues.
Sure, it makes us feel better to point fingers and agree with the denunciations but I can't see how it helps resolve the conflict.
Of course, every instance is different and needs to be examined in it's own light.
I guess I'm saying:

Don't be to quick to judge, lest you become that which you hate, only this time in a different skin.

I agree that there are harmful aspects of organized religion but I have found that the helpful aspects have far outwayed the harmful in my person experience. Don't let emotion blow the issue out of proportion.
Be also careful to look for the very hypocrisy that you fight in other areas of your life, perhaps in places where you are less secure in your stance.
Isn't that sort of one sided to say? The Abrhamic religons should go? I'm not big on religion. Actually I downright despise it at times. But I know some of the basic knowledge. I agree with S.S on this one. And some religions to actually contridict themselves...I forget the name but its totally whacked out religion. Its just kinda scary to think that people are willining to die and kill innosent people just on something you can't really prove...
Proof is subjective, relative.
How ever hard we try, we can never fully understand the human mind, ours or that of another.
It scares me to imagine a situation in which I would choose a course of action that would severely harm or murder another human being although I believe that situation could exist and that no amount of deep thinking, morality, or humanity would be able to stop it.
So on one hand, I say "Who are we to judge?"

On the other, I imagine that psychotic fanatic you speak of coming at ME. I'm not anywhere near a hundred percent sure I wouldn't pull the trigger.
Nivao said:
*if I have offended you: i am truly, sincerely, sorry.

Off tangent

Don't be sorry. Soldiers did not die and defy their mother country so you could say sorry about stating your opinions. Your thoughts are yours and need no apology.

Take all the really religious people in the world, put them in one place, and then jettison that place into space.

Do not let few bad apples ruin the whole basket. While I find religion to be a crutch of humanity, hatred by association is just as foolish. I understand why you feel this way because sometimes the actions of few can be so baffling that the whole institution looks ridiculious. Rest assured most have more commen sense than this even though most rely way too much on and listen too closely to the word of god.
Most religious people I know, know enough to not impose their beliefs on others. Most also don't use religion as the 'answer all' for everything.

The problem is those who do, and are unwilling to consider opposing views. Even if you assume that your religious book of choice was written by god.. that doesn't mean you interpreted it right.
The problem is those who do, and are unwilling to consider opposing views.
When we take a stance on a viewpoint of such cosmic magnitude, we tend to attach ourselves to it quite tightly. If our viewpoint comes under attack, we feel threatened. This could explain a lot of fanatical and unwilling attitudes found in religious conflicts.
But how do you deal with this... besides shooting them into space?
If it's not one person who agrovates it will be another just live and let live and just hope they do the same
That's the problem though... they don't. Notice that nobody bugs the amish, because they don't bug us.
Exscatly Persol!

Mustafhakofi [Nice name...]
If they don't aggrivate it at all, then they won't have anything else to follow.