What was this?


Registered Senior Member
My room is being painted, so I had to sleep out in the family room in the pull-out bed couch. There are like four steps that lead into this room and then another door that leads outside. Anyway, I wake up at what I estimate to be about 4-4:30 in the morning and hear movement over by the stairs. It wasn't trivial, I just knew that someone was there. What's more, I heard whispering, as if they were praying, just a bunch of fast, mumbled whispers. I wasn't scared at all and did not really even worry about it, just turned back over and went to sleep.

My Mom is the only other person in the house and I know that it wasn't her, she doesen't get up in the middle of the night, plus the family room is sort of far from her room.

Anyway, does anyone have any explanations about what it could have been?
The easiest explanation would be that your mom got up in the middle of the night.
You weren't worried because your subconscious mind knew it was your mom.

;) Peace.
Dude, my Mom is not going to get up in the middle of the night and walk out to where I sleep and start whispering, it just doesen't make sense. Besides, her poodle would have followed her out and I would have heard his little footpats on the floor.
My dogs usually follow me around if I get up in the middle of the night, but sometimes they don't. Maybe your mom was sleep walking. Maybe she thought she heard something and got up to check on you. Maybe you weren't fully awake and interpreted sounds incorrectly. Maybe you were not awake at all and dreamed the sequence of events.

:m: Peace.
Yeah I've imagined people in my room talking while I was half asleep and it didn't feel like a dream at all and I really thought people were in my room talking to eachother at the time, but now I know nobody was in my room.
My conclusion is that my brain fucked up a little bit while I was half asleep.
Dreams are a type of hallucination, some people when half-asleep still hallucinate, the technical term is a hypnagogic hallucination...schizophrenics are people that are hallucinating hypnagogically all the time.
Dude, my Mom is not going to get up in the middle of the night and walk out to where I sleep and start whispering,

But you said you were sleeping there temporarily. Technically she could do this every night and she wouldn't be walking out to where you sleep, only where she always goes and prays in the middle of the night. Plus it was probably just a dream, I used to see things move at night in my room but it was only a stationary INANIMATE object playing trick on my mind.
I have lizards that come into my room and climb into bed with me, it is rather disturbing when one wakes up and finds a lizard on them.
I've woken up with a giant spider on my face, legs spanning cheek to cheek. It was fucking horrible but a funny memory.
I've also been waken up by a smaller spider's bite.
It was only shameful because I enjoyed it.
As my mother explained, I should not be ashamed of the fact that a spider tagged me in my sleep, it was not my doing, I was the victim.
But yeah, the shame I feel for deriving pleasure from being nailed by a spider is pretty heavy.
I remember hearing voices under my bed when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I don't remember what they said though, but it always stayed in my mind.
maybe your mum was sleepwalking, when sleepwalking people will go through common routines, it is unusual that you could make out wat she was saying tho as sleepwalkers tend to grunt when they think they are talking, be glad you didnt try to wake her as sleepwalkers will act out very violently to anyone who trys to stop them doing their thing
just thought id ad, it is a common misconception that people dream what they are doing while sleepwalking, they are just acting out a common sequence of events in their muscle memory. they are past the REM stage where dreaming occurs

anyway, enough random info for now
Perhaps when you thought you awoke to hear voices you were actually still fast asleep but perhaps could hear the sounds from a television either from another room or the room you were in, and drempt a spacial reasoning to where the noises were coming from.
go,call 911.some freak is trying Vodooo in your family...May be a Serial Killer was on loose... :D...(if off,couse it wasnt your mother...) ;)

lol, wtf? if i heard "voices" and i knew my mom was asleep, i would be like wtf?? sure wouldnt roll back over and sleep.

oya, i too remember voices when i was a kid, behind bushes, under the bed. back then, waking up with a choke hold or someone grabbing my feet and ankles was a normal experience for me.
I think you are a long-term less intensity schizophrenic...Consult a Psychiatrist pleas for further help.
It might've been your mom talking in her sleep in her room. And you might've heard it through the vents.
Or maybe you heard people talking outside. I know it was early but the number of times I've wandered around at 2 or 4 am I'm not surprised if my neighbors didn't think they were hearing voices.

Otherwise, the only solution is you were abducted by Aliens who then stole all the powdered mustard from your kitchen and half a banana. Then read the declaration of independence backwards after they dropped you off :D

I don't sleep walk but I talk in my sleep. And not just mumbling either. Full out clear words and sentances. A few months ago my friend slept over and in the middle of the night is started slugging her and mumbling stuff about "Trotsky leading a revolution against the capitalist bastards that stole his horse." *shrugs* One time when I was young we were camping and my dad said I started singing in my sleep.