What us atheists objective

Your belief in fantasies and disbelief in reality is well known here. You're batting a thousand.

Fantasies are healing to the mind. They also help us come up with solutions to problems in the real world.

I don't know what you mean by "disbelief in reality"?
Anybody can type roflmao. I don't believe that you really feel it.

Anybody can type : "Anybody can type roflmao. I don't believe that you really feel it."

BTW - most everyone rofltao when they read what you type as your "real beliefs", Mazulu - but not everyone acknowledges it in their Posts.
What is rofltau? Is that the tau of rofl?

Again, Mazulu, you show your lack of ability to read what is actually written! I never Posted "...rofltau..."!!!

BTW - most everyone rofltao when they read what you type as your "real beliefs", Mazulu - but not everyone acknowledges it in their Posts.

Mazulu, I Posted : rofltao, (laughing their instead of laughing my !).

Again, Mazulu, you obviously have a fear of and disbelief in reality!!
Again, Mazulu, you show your lack of ability to read what is actually written! I never Posted "...rofltau..."!!!

Mazulu, I Posted : rofltao, (laughing their instead of laughing my !).

Again, Mazulu, you obviously have a fear of and disbelief in reality!!

Silly me. <laugh politely> OK, what is rofltao? <ha ha>
Atheists would not even be anywhere close to what they are without mind control techs that can send out microwaves to prohibit humans brains.
I love this forum. The heights of intellectual greatness reside here.

Unfortunately, andy is one of our lesser lights...
Atheists would not even be anywhere close to what they are without mind control techs that can send out microwaves to prohibit humans brains.

That's why tinfoil hats are so very, very important for religious types who want to avoid the atheist mind control rays.
Fantasies are healing to the mind. They also help us come up with solutions to problems in the real world.

You're killing me here, dude. :roflmao:

I don't know what you mean by "disbelief in reality"?

It's pretty clear you live in a fantasy world you've created for yourself, so you must not believe in reality, or reject it, or deny it, or just plain can't stand it.
Atheists would not even be anywhere close to what they are without mind control techs that can send out microwaves to prohibit humans brains.

Turning of brain receptors in all people in nato is cheating, and does not prove atheists right. It just proves that religions are right.

Atheists really are morons.

I'd still love to know what constitutes a "militant atheist." The one thing (well, one of the things) you have in common with theists is your irrational fear of atheism. You brand them as militants why? You can't seem to explain it.

But then, as I recall, you also had difficulty understanding the correlation between atheism and communism and even more in comprehending how the negative fallout of this attempt to impart atheism on a societal level deeply marred reception to atheistic ideology for around the next century (which also explains why the latest flavor of militant atheists - namely the new atheists - while heading in the same direction try to advocate something else).

So in short, modern usage of "militant atheist" goes along the lines of ...

Secularism is not the same thing as militant atheism. It does not imply that religious believers and their leaders should be silenced, but it does imply that no particular belief should have a privileged position or privileged access to the institutions of government.
- Roy W. Brown, Europe Supports Secular


Atheism which is actively hostile to religion I would call militant. To be hostile in this sense requires more than just strong disagreement with religion - it requires something verging on hatred and is characterized by a desire to wipe out all forms of religious belief.
- Julian Baggini, Atheism: A Very Short Introduction

Regular atheists tend to find the activities of militant atheists slightly/greatly repulsive due to them mimicking the behaviour of fanatical theists.

Hence you can find criticism of militant atheists even by atheists along the lines of ....

Richard Dawkins has lost: meet the new new atheists

The events of 9/11 were the main trigger for the explosion of this latent irritation. There was a desire to see Islamic terrorism as the symbolic synecdoche of all of religion. On one level this makes some sense: does not all religion place faith above reason? Isn’t this intrinsically dangerous? Don’t all religions jeopardise secular freedom, whether through holy wars or faith schools? On another level it is absurd: is the local vicar, struggling to build community and help smelly drunks stay alive, really a force for evil — even if she has some illiberal opinions? When such questions arise, a big bright ‘Complicated’ sign ought to flash in one’s brain. Instead, in the wake of 9/11, many otherwise thoughtful people opted for simplicity over complexity. They managed to convince themselves that religion is basically bad, and that the brave intellectual should talk against it. (This preference for seeming tough and clear over admitting difficult complexity is really cowardice, and believers are prone to it too.)

Hope this clears a few things up.
Why the militancy?

Good question. Can you explain fundamentalist Christian militancy? Or Islamic militancy? Why that? Perhaps the reasons are similar. What do you think?

Tell me why atheists care?

Care about what? Other people? Why do Christians care what other people believe? Perhaps the reasons are similar. What do you think?

If they are atheist so what? Why do need vindication from others to support there rubbish theory on the world and universe.

Why do you think they need the approval of others? Do Christians need the approval of others, too?

Anti-faith is really negative might not be the truth and shouldn't be advertised.

I think you'll find that lots of things are advertised that might not be the truth.

Should Christianity be advertised? What do you think?

Atheists would not even be anywhere close to what they are without mind control techs that can send out microwaves to prohibit humans brains.

Want to buy a tin foil hat? I sell them at reasonable prices. Guaranteed to protect against prohibiting microwaves!

Turning of brain receptors in all people in nato is cheating, and does not prove atheists right. It just proves that religions are right.

Atheists really are morons.

Clearly you are correct. Thanks for pointing this out for us. Are you an atheist yourself?

Have you seen the advertisement there were 8 of them.

Ooh! 8 advertisements from atheists!

What about those signs on the all the churches you drive past? Are they ok, or do you want them removed as well?

What's wrong with social taboos? Or do you like bestiality, incest, ... other taboos too horrible to name?

Can't you think of any reason why incest might be undesirable, other than that your favorite God is supposed to have said it is?
Best only post ever.

This is true. I'm just wondering if the username is correct....does the entire country of Britain enjoy performing fellatio? If so...It's going to be my #1 tourist stop.

"Greetings sir...welcome to the London Hotel..you'll be in room 4A...let me get your bag, and may I s*ck your d*ck for you, Sir?"

"Please! Thank you!"

"Very good, sir."
I checked the link and have to ask a question:

If you do not have an answer then how can you say something is wrong? They can't say "I am right" because they don't know. Based on that, i dont know that I would call it militancy, it's more like fundamentalism.
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