What the heck is with Mormons?

what Mormons do is baptize each other in the name of the dead person... they think by doing so, they save that person... its based on a literal interpretation of (1 Cor 15:29 NKJV) Otherwise, what will they do who are baptized for the dead, if the dead do not rise at all? Why then are they baptized for the dead?

Mormons say they believe in the virgin birth, but what they mean by this is that they believe Mary was a virgin when Adam, the Adam from the Garden of Eden, the god assigned to this world, went in to have sex with her. Jesus was the result of that sexual union.

They believe Satan and Jesus are spirit brothers.

They also believe that the Mormon husband who attains godhood has the right to choose whether or to ressurect his wife, if she was a good enough wife, he will, if not, he will leave her to her grave forever. At any rate, the Mormon who attains godhead is then given a planet and will eventually have numerous wives to populate the universe with spirit babies throughout all eternity.... there is a high level of depression among Mormon women, who have to be concerned to please their husbands enough so that he will ressurect her.... :(
It's interesting to see how many rumors pop up about Mormons. Well, it's interesting to me anyway because I happen to be one....so to speak. I stopped going about a year ago, but I'm still on the member list. If anyone has any questions, I'll gladly answer them......so long as no one tries to start arguing with me. I have had my share of arguing when I left the Mormons and have no desire for more. So, if your a hater jsut wanting to vent, go elsewhere. If your curious, ask away......

Could you tell us how mormonisum was founded?

Did you see the South Park take on mormons? Was it some what accurate???
Mormonism is a polytheistic religion that teaches that God was once a living being from another planet and that good, faithful Mormons can themselves become gods through the process of Eternal Progression.

There is also something about a planet called Kolob; God was/is living there, or some such story.

Being a god would be kind of cool, but I don't think I could give up caffeine or raise 39 children without going insane.
It's weird because it's different from what most other religions teach.

Sure, it was probably just a story invented by Joseph Smith, but the idea of God being an alien from another planet really isn't any weirder than the Christian/Jewish/Muslim's invisible friend in the sky.
Are you sure your not confusing scientology with LDS? Or are they both as cooky?

I personally find J.Ws. funny as well.
...the idea of God being an alien from another planet...
Is this really what the mormon religion is based on??

:eek: No wonder they see polygamy as acceptable!
Why should polygamy be unacceptable? Granted, the results of 'institutionalized' polygamy has resulted in psychological problems with the women... but polygamy is not the problem, subjugation of women is.
Ya let the women have multiple husbands… more loving to go around more satisfaction for her. :D
Originally posted by Persol
Are you sure your not confusing scientology with LDS? Or are they both as cooky?

I have read about the "God was once a mortal man" thing from various internet sources, all of which provided references for this statement. Granted, being on the internet doesn't make something automatically true and I suppose one could just invent a fake reference, but I haven't had much luck finding any source refuting these claims (although I've never put a ton of time into finding more information on the subject since I have no interest in joining a church).

As far as kookiness goes; I believe that it only seems extraordinarily kooky because it is an idea the average person has never really considered.

Originally posted by Persol
I personally find J.Ws. funny as well.

Then you can have the ones who knock on my door. LOL.
It's entertaining. I used to work with one. I made it a point to bless him everytime he sneezed. I also debated with him every chance I got. It's amazing how little somebody can know about WHY they do things, and the origins/history of their religion.

But no worries. I equally descriminate against all religions:) Some just make it so damn easy.
Originally posted by Mucker
Because a man can only pregnate one woman at a time.
Well obviously not 'at the same time', but give a guy 15-20 mintes and he's good to go:)

My point: a man CAN be the father of 2 fetuses at a time. What you seem to mean is that he "shouldn't"... in which case you need to explain why. Saying "because my religion says so" leaves no difference between you and the mormon with 12 wives.
That would be one long year

Is there a medical limitation to one a day... or is it just the lack of caffiene? :)
I don't know if a man could survive more 2 or more times a day for 365 days. I think one a day is the educated guess limit. If you want you could have use artificial insemination and father millions of children from one load of goo.
No fun in that.

How about we stick with 365, but we try with 2 at a time anyway?
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
A man can potentially have 365 children in one year, a women 1.5.
M*W: I think you are short changing the power of men. Give them a break! They could impregnant at least a minimum of 730 woman per day at the very least! Of course, depending on their age, it could be as many as 1,095 per day (if they're younger).

A woman can give birth to 4 children in 3 years.