What the heck is with Mormons?


Sanity going, going, gone
Valued Senior Member
I just watch a episode on south park about them… it tells a story on how the Mormon religion was started, is that for real? Anyone here know how the Mormon religion was started?
Originally posted by Neuromancer
I just watch a episode on south park about them… it tells a story on how the Mormon religion was started, is that for real? Anyone here know how the Mormon religion was started?

As I recall the story, the South Park caricature was pretty accurate, as far as caricatures go. Have you ever read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's first Sherlock Holmes tale, "A Study in Scarlet"? The issue of the early Mormon practice of polygamy was given less than flattering treatment within its pages, but it was a fascinating read - from a non-Mormon perspective, that is.
Re: What the heck is with Mormons?

Nothing I guess, except the difference between a mormon and a muslim is that a mormon will just knock on the door, whereas a muslim will blow the whole fucking building up.

Don't look at me

Not I, said the Duck. I don't pretend to understand Mormons. I have a Book of Mormon on my shelf, but it makes less sense to me than the Bible.

The South Park caricature, I agree, was about as accurate as you could get based on social perception. People might think it cruel, but aside from the "dumb dumb dumb" chorus, it was a fair treatment.

If you really want to be tripped out ... : Google search: "Mormon underwear."

This I do not pretend to understand.

Even funnier is this anti-Mormon page available via the above Google search. Sadly, it accidentally makes Christians look worse than Mormons. I find that measure of self-defeat rather quite sad. But it's still ... quite the funny page. I think even some Mormons ought to get a chuckle or two from it.
Re: Don't look at me

Originally posted by tiassa
Even funnier is this anti-Mormon page available via the above Google search. Sadly, it accidentally makes Christians look worse than Mormons. I find that measure of self-defeat rather quite sad. But it's still ... quite the funny page. I think even some Mormons ought to get a chuckle or two from it.

Thanks for posting that link, Tiassa. I agree that the Christian who wrote this is pointing four fingers back at his own religion with many of his statements. Here are some of my personal favorites from that page:

Christ Jesus started the only true church in A.D. 33., it was and is the Pentecostal denomination. :D

God said, "A man must have only one wife until death."

Christ Jesus with signs, wonders, miracles, and healings, by past and present holy men, show the true Bible of today.

Christ Jesus took no teachings from any heathen religion his "doctrine of truth" came from God.

It is easy to get sinners together and start a false religion, but to serve Christ Jesus in the Pentecostal way, not many will say yes.

(Note: Compare the membership numbers on this page for LDS and Pentecostal churches.)

The scary thing is that this person fancies himself as an "Endtime Prophet". But there is much more at that site from this "Endtime Prophet" that isn't quite so funny - take a look at this one, for example:

G-A-Y means: "Got Aids Yet?". :bugeye:

I thought Mormons were all about preaching love and peace for EVERYONE, what this? :confused: :D
Originally posted by Neuromancer

I thought Mormons were all about preaching love and peace for EVERYONE, what this? :confused: :D

That was actually another page from the Pentecostal link Tiassa provided - sorry for the confusion.
Oh, I meet Mormons before, my parent’s neighbors are Mormon, they have 9 kids! And possible more then one women of the house! And every couple of minutes during the day we can hear them blowing a whistle like their training their children to be religious fighters of Armageddon. :eek:
Isn't Orson Scott Card a practicing Morman? He doesn't seem that kooky...

That anti-mormon page is actually pretty entertaining. Tiassa, and anyone else who likes this kind of stuff, ever go to Chick.com? It's home to all those illustrated tracts that tell you why Buddhists or Catholics or Jews or basically anyone who isn't Baptist are going straight to the eternal fires of HELL. Pretty entertaining.

I’m afraid you don't get what so wrong with that page, the author accuses Mormons of being satanic and that his religion is the truth, without proof!

Watch I could do the same thing:
"Walker your religion is a lie and a shame, you follow Satan! My religion is the one true faith and all most obey or else you’re going to hell! Atheism is the only true religion you all are fools!!!"

If you can’t see how incredibly stupid that is then I will have a new caliber to measure idiocy with.
Neuromancer: Yeah, I know! It's completely ridiculous, presumptuous, biased and bigoted. But I think that level of ignorance is funny. Yes, I know that ignorant people who write this stuff are potentially dangerous and undoubtedly hurtful, which is not funny. But their stupidity itself amuses me.

The link I posted is to a pretty similar website, but with lots of self-incriminating illustrations.
I just watch a episode on south park about them… it tells a story on how the Mormon religion was started, is that for real? Anyone here know how the Mormon religion was started?
Two persons that were Mormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) visited school and talked about their religion, they believe that God is a man of flesh and bone.

The religion was started by a man who met a angel while he was wondering what church was the right one. The angel said to him that all churches has gone away from the original church that Jesus started, and the angel appearently gave him directions on how to rebuild the church.

Asside from God as a man of flesh and bone, the religion seems pretty much like christianity except that instead of heaven and hell there are a prison and a paradise, according to them you get in the prison when you take the wrong way through life, but then there is prophets and holy men that can help the ones in prison by giving advice how to get to paradise.

It sounded like their meaning of prison is chaos where all meanings are mixed up and the soul is lost (but can be saved by the ones in paradise that can lead it right).

Mormons official website
Originally posted by Cyperium
Two persons that were Mormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) visited school and talked about their religion, they believe that God is a man of flesh and bone.

The religion was started by a man who met a angel while he was wondering what church was the right one. The angel said to him that all churches has gone away from the original church that Jesus started, and the angel appearently gave him directions on how to rebuild the church.

Asside from God as a man of flesh and bone, the religion seems pretty much like christianity except that instead of heaven and hell there are a prison and a paradise, according to them you get in the prison when you take the wrong way through life, but then there is prophets and holy men that can help the ones in prison by giving advice how to get to paradise.

It sounded like their meaning of prison is chaos where all meanings are mixed up and the soul is lost (but can be saved by the ones in paradise that can lead it right).

Mormons official website
M*W: I have visited Salt Lake City four times to utilize their genealogy library which is amazing for searching family trees. One thing I thought was interesting as I was walking along Temple Square, there were many ex-LDS members who were passing out tracts of the evils of Mormonism. I've never seen this being done at any other religious site! The tracts they were handing to the people whom they stopped on the street to convert were decidedly Christian! Is there no escape?
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman,

Do you know why the Mormons have such thorough geneological records? They go back through old documents - death certificates, etc. - and convert dead non-mormons to their religion without their consent (obviously, they're dead). They believe that doing so will save their souls from hell or get them out of prison or whatever. They write down the names of everyone they convert and the resulting documentation is considered the best way to trace your family tree.

They also believe Adam and Eve were form West Virginia. Nuts huh? It's a totally America-centric bastardization of Christianity. The founder of this religion was a known alcoholic. But he was able to trick enough people while he was alive to start a religion. He was eventually thrown in prison, and then an angry mob broke into the prison to kill him! But martyring him only helped to strengthen his followers. And that's how it all got started.

That South Park episode was hilarious. And pathetically accurate. I think there is a lesson to be learned here about false prophets.
Originally posted by pool boy
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman,

Do you know why the Mormons have such thorough geneological records? They go back through old documents - death certificates, etc. - and convert dead non-mormons to their religion without their consent (obviously, they're dead). They believe that doing so will save their souls from hell or get them out of prison or whatever. They write down the names of everyone they convert and the resulting documentation is considered the best way to trace your family tree.

They also believe Adam and Eve were form West Virginia. Nuts huh? It's a totally America-centric bastardization of Christianity. The founder of this religion was a known alcoholic. But he was able to trick enough people while he was alive to start a religion. He was eventually thrown in prison, and then an angry mob broke into the prison to kill him! But martyring him only helped to strengthen his followers. And that's how it all got started.

That South Park episode was hilarious. And pathetically accurate. I think there is a lesson to be learned here about false prophets.
M*W: Yes, I know it is a big part of their religion, and their library is "to die for!" Pardon the pun. They have better records than the National Archives. I don't know a whole lot about the LDS church, but now you've got me curious why they believe A&E were from WV! I was born there, too! I didn't see the South Park episode, but I can only imagine! I really don't care what they believe as long as I have access to their genealogy records!
mormonism is a front for radical patriarchy
since i like my bitches naked, in the kitchen, in the bedroom, on the couch and mowing the law.... i support this great movement