What should I do to my girlfriend (poll version)

What should I do to my girlfriend

  • dump her

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • break up with her

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • dump her now!!!!!

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • end relationship with her

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • find a new woman

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • find a new man

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Tyler
Um. There's a teensy bit of a difference between 4 hours and multiple states away.
Not really, man. There are some places, in the States, where you can drive for four hours & hit several states. Then there are the states that you cannot drive across, in four hours.

Not really a tough choice. You say "It is the uncertainty that kills." The quicker you end it, the quicker the uncertainty is gone, my friend. There is some advice I have heard my entire life...
Ther are plenty more fish, in the sea. Put your hook, out there, and see what nibbles on it. :D
Originally posted by Joeman

Thanks....actually this is not over until the skinny lady sings. I have no idea what is going on and what is going to happen. I have no idea why she doesn't just dump me and get it over with. Women are strange. It is affecting my productivity at work. The end result doesn't bother me because I have no problems finding a date. It is the uncertainty that bothers me.

My advice, and I think it's the best to do, is just get on with your life. Don't call her anymore, or talk to her, let her call you It's a way to find out things if she still cares. If she calls, then talk to her about things. Then make it friends or whatever if you don't feel it's going good. Don't listen to your emotions, mind your thoughts, they betray you, but pay attention to facts, what she does, does she tell you the truth, does it seem she's hiding something, she doesn't call you much anymore. With that you should make a good decision of what to do. Don't clinge.

So find another girl for now if she doesn't reply, she might have found someone else. I don't fully know your situation but that is what I would do... Like someone said already, there are many other fish, live your life.
if it was true love you wouldn't have been able to leave her in the first place. there's a love out there that is so much better than what you're familiar with... don't be afraid to take risks and LIVE LARGE!

dump her.
Hey, how about a "Airmail yourself to her and give her one heck of a surprise" option? hehehe

(Ahhh..too much.. :D )
I suggest that before you do any of this, talk to her about the problems , your feelings and thoughts, then maybe you can solve things out, or maybe not, but at least you have talked things through and know where both of you stand in your relationships. Misunderstandings are so easy...