What should I do to my girlfriend (poll version)

What should I do to my girlfriend

  • dump her

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • break up with her

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • dump her now!!!!!

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • end relationship with her

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • find a new woman

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • find a new man

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters


Eviiiiiiiil Clown
Registered Senior Member
Well, to make a long story short.

I moved from California back to my home town Minnesota because of my job around March this year. I left my girlfriend there. She has been acting strangely since I left. For example, she very rarely goes out but now she is never home. She doesn't talk to me over the phone for very long. She told me she went to places I know she never went. I really don't like Silicon Valley and I will not move back there again. She doesn't want to move to Minnesota with me.

what do you think I should do? Please vote.

I will state my opinion and leave it at that.

No amount of polling will resolve your responcibility in the matter. Do what is right, no matter what you believe that to be. In the long run it is yours to do and no one elses...

Good luck.
Thats a tuffy, but long distance relationships just dont work. Its sad, especially when you really thought that you found that special one....

Take care:)
Originally posted by wet1
No amount of polling will resolve your responcibility in the matter.

Thanks....actually this is not over until the skinny lady sings. I have no idea what is going on and what is going to happen. I have no idea why she doesn't just dump me and get it over with. Women are strange. It is affecting my productivity at work. The end result doesn't bother me because I have no problems finding a date. It is the uncertainty that bothers me.

As far as pollings go, call it the Joeman humor (TM) -- nobody finds it funny but himself.
I found it funny!

Seriously though man, just evaluate the situation and arrive at whatever ending will benefit you the most. Good luck.

Take everything I say with a huge grain of salt.

However, usually - USUALLY, not always - when a woman does that, she's either playing hard to get, sulking, or trying to gently end a relationship.

I'm sorry, it sounds to me like the latter. I could be wrong.

That's why I recommend you get one of those blow-up dolls.
Originally posted by Xev
That's why I recommend you get one of those blow-up dolls.

That is a low blow Xev, but I forgive you.

As I said, if she dumps me I am not going to be in a depression. I consider myself a mentally strong person. However, what really kills me is the uncertainty because I keep thinking about it. I am hardly doing anything at work. I have been posting messages a lot to distract myself. She is rarely home nowadays so I can't talk to her.

Xev, if you want to know how to ruin a man's life, that is one way to do it.
That is a low blow Xev, but I forgive you.


Really, I am. It's the only way I know of to interpret her actions, because I've seen so many other women do it. I really wish I could say something else.....but I owe you the truth so...

I hope I'm wrong. Maybe you should ask her point-blank via e-mail or something?

The truth is good, but I was only refering to your blow up doll comment. I guess I can laugh it off. No big deal. Thanks

Why is there no "Find her will and write yourself in, then kill her and steal all her money" option? :D

I think you should win her back. Personally drive to California, and sing under her window. Send her roses in the mail. Spam her inbox with naked pictures of yourself. lol! Ok, maybe the last one is a bit farfetched, but if you really want her back, like really REALLY, you should do something. But, if you've decided she isn't worth the trouble, dump her. If your heart's not into the relationship, have done with it and move on. But if you can see yourself with her in 5 years, stir yourself into action before she really thinks you've given up on her.

(Oh man, I'm good at this! Too good... :D )
Sorry Joeman. Didn't mean it that way.

*Smiles and tries to repair damage done by stupid attempt at joking with another stupid attempt at joking*

At least I did not suggest the Priesthood.
Originally posted by Joeman

I consider myself a mentally strong person.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHA......pant..pant...pant...*wipes tears*....

Oh, wait, you were serious...

Not to be mean (well maybe a little), but this is pathetic. What do you expect, being halfway across the country? Get on with your life! Geez....
Unnecessarily harsh, Northwind. C'mon, breakups hurt. Even long distance.

"I love him whose soul is deep even in the wounding, and may
succumb through a small matter: thus goeth he willingly over the
bridge." --Fredrich Nietzsche

As I said, it is the uncertainty that kills. I am not even depressed. I am still in good enough spirit to joke around, and even to put up with Xev. It is just that I have to keep thinking about it until this is over. If I want to stop thinking about it, after 5 minutes I start thinking about it again ....

Some people do get extremely depressed and sad. I am still in okay spirit.
Hi Joeman :) Hope it all turns out OK. My 2c, be strong and leave. If you LOVE each other then location shouldnt be a problem, ie/ where you live with her. Obviously you LOVE where you live more than her, so LEAVE here! ;) Still, all this means nothing - it's you and you alone who should decide.
Given the options in your poll, it looks like you've already decided. Which makes this thread a bit of a waste of space.
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Thats a tuffy, but long distance relationships just dont work. Its sad, especially when you really thought that you found that special one....

Take care:)

They don't work?? That's why I'm in one right now! 4 hours away :cool: It takes lots of trust, I can tell you that.

But anyway Joeman, looks like you did make up your mind, and yes, you should leave her if she is acting wierd or different. I've learned from my chump days, you just have to let some women go, if you try to stick with them it'll come off as clingy and needy.

Originally posted by Tyler
Um. There's a teensy bit of a difference between 4 hours and multiple states away.

She still made a generalization on LDR's :D

Still, I am in a LDR and it's working for me...and multiple states away....never that man...
Hey Joeman! Looks like the results are going well...a majority of us believe you should find a new man. Go get'im Tiger! We're rooting for you! :D Just kidding, lol!

And why is there no "Play Evil Pranks On Her" choice?

(I like to keep my options open :) )