What right aliens have to bitch about humans?

None. I was thinking about the premise of the movie remake of The day the Earth stood still, and if you think about it a little, it is pretty illogical.

It basicly is: If you don't stop destroying your planet, we will destroy you.

Well, first, we don't need help with destroying anything, we are doing it just fine, second, just what kind of universal right you base your bitching upon???

It is our planet, we destroy it if we feel like it or if we are too stupid. Social darwinism at its best...

What part about the words "fiction" don't you get?
In what sense is the planet "ours"? Let's even assume (which is not self-evident to me) that it is "more ours than it is theres' Suppose aliens came and decided that the prioblem was we were killing all the other indigenous species apart from ourselves?

If I have a right to use force in defence of another, then so do aliens. That we don't consider, say, tuna worthy of a defense doesn't mean won't be so regarded by aliens. If the earth is "ours" then it every bit as much a tuna's. :D
They're not bitching, its just good old pest control.

Who’s to say (it’s just an idea) that in the vast scheme of things that the planets are not in fact like cells in a person’s body, but on a much larger scale. Say all the planets including Earth comprise a super form of DNA or are in fact cells that actually make up “GOD” and that we humans are in fact a spreading cancer that needs to be eradicated. We as humans put to death other humans in both war and in the death penalty yet we are allowed to continue to destroy and pollute the universe, so what makes aliens think they have the right? Well I guess they might have just as much as right as we ourselves have when it comes to killing even other humans, it’s called justification.
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In the same sense like their planet is theirs. Or like if you live on an island and nobody claims it, then it is yours... Truely....

But what if the aliens claim to own the whole galaxy, and by extension Earth?

How could we humans hope to reason with them, what arguments would we put forward for our survival??? :confused:
But what if the aliens claim to own the whole galaxy, and by extension Earth?

I actually had this book idea about aliens founding Earth million years ago and they said they would come back for mineral resources later. When they actually came back well, those pesky humans developed a civilization and claimed Earth for themselves!